What website do you recommend for making a blog other than blogger.com?
What websites do you recommend for making a blog other than blogger.com. I’m having difficulties making a blog in blogger.com and I never had and issues in the past.
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12 Answers
Blogger frustrated the heck out of me and have since then migrated to Wordpress.
It’s very user-friendly, but may look somewhat intimidating at first glance if you have minimal experience using other blogs. What I enjoyed best was how easy it was to find other Wordpress blogs that publish similar material to mine (which makes networking with writers fun and exciting.)
Hope you get your new blog up and running soon :)
I’m betting there’s no way to do a straight import of content from Blogger.com to WordPress, right?
Ooops, never mind. I did a Google search and see there is a way.
@Austinlad I have imported from blogger to Wordpress. It is under tools I think.
Oh- just saw your edit. :)
WordPress, Blogspot, Tumblr.
Wordpress is the best blogging tool but if you like interacting with lots of people and communities through your blog I reccommend Livejournal
Tumblr, it’s easy to post pictures, videos, audio, links, and blogs(:
A dictionary and a thesaurus.
An efficient, effective editor. (See? One who ruthlessly chops redundancy, for one thing.)
Imagination, and something worth saying or showing.
Oh, software and a host? That’s the least of your worries, really.
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