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filmfann's avatar

Did John Mills go full-retard?

Asked by filmfann (52597points) August 23rd, 2010

In the movie Tropic Thunder, Ben Stiller’s character complained that a character he played in a film was ignored. Robert Downey Jr. then told him his mistake: You never go Full Retard
This weekend my wife stayed up late watching Ryan’s Daughter, and there is John Mills, who got an Academy Award for his performance . Did John Mills work here disprove the Tropic Thunder theory?

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12 Answers

lillycoyote's avatar

That was 1970. It’s in the small print: rule does not apply to village idiots from small Irish villages as portrayed 1970s Hollywood movies.

Mamradpivo's avatar

I haven’t seen the movie, but you absolutely get a Great Question from me. This question made me spit up my ice water.

gypsywench's avatar

No, the Tropic Thunder theory still stands. Check this out! That’s my good buddy in the bath tub with Robert Downing Jr. drawing on his back. For real.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@filmfann : I loved Ryan’s Daughter!

ucme's avatar

See that was back when actors acted on pure instinct & a little commodity called talent. Unlike the method acting dolts of recent years.That said, Mills did play that a touch camp.

marinelife's avatar

I object to the use of the term “retard” in the question. Why are you perpetuating this politically incorrect usage?

ipso's avatar

I agree with @ucme. Mills did not go full retard.

Nicholas Hope went full retard in Bad Boy Bubby (1993), and all he got was an AFI Award (Australia Film Institute)

Billy Bob Thornton went full retard in Sling Blade (1996), but he only got the nod.

John Malkovich didn’t win anything for his full retard effort in Of Mice and Men (1992)

Never go full retard.

Hilarious. GQ.

ucme's avatar

Every performance ever given by Keanu Reeves identifies him as the true master of this genre. The Pee Wee award must go to him, no contest. ;¬}

filmfann's avatar

@ipso I think BBT only went half way in Sling Blade. So did John Malkovich.
Look again at Sean Penn in I Am Sam, or John Mills in RD. They really went much further.

gypsywench's avatar

@filmfann Sean Penn was amazing in I am Sam, and no Oscar? He went all the way.

ipso's avatar

That’s why I lead with Bad Boy Bubby (1993) :)

Mills went big though; I’ll grant you that.

Zaku's avatar

Ben Stiller’s character complained, or Ben Stiller’s ego complained?

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