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How to alleviate severe body pain from working 2 jobs to make ends meet?
Hi.I am a 27 year old mother of a six and eight year old who I love very dearly and will do anything to provide for them. I am currently needing good advice on what to do. Because of my finances I have had to take on an additional job. My husband was working full time and going to school full time while I was just working full time and tending to the kids. He got laid off and has been lookn for a job while being a stay at home dad (it cut daycare expenses) I work ft as a bank teller making only$8.80 an hour. If i dont open at least 24 new bank accts my pay then drops to $8.11 an hr. Anywho obviously we cant live on that. We have no unnecessary expenses. We recently had to go on food stamps. I began looking for a job I could wrk overnite until my husband found 1. I just got hired at a fast food restaurant for minimum wage @ 7.25hr. I was hired for fulltime. I wrk bank during day now and there overnite frnm 10pm-6am. then back to the bank for 8:30am. I am only getting sleep 3 nights a week. (Because I got a 2nd job(extra income) they lowered our food benefits from 300 a month to $56 dollars a month for our family of 4. While kids are in school Hubby job seeks and does a training program. So I have to wrk all the hrs) I asked my 2nd boss if he could hire my hubby but he said no because experience. My body has been hurting. Feet arms lower back backside thighs and the pain in my hips are so bad it feels like they are going to fall off. Im starting to forget things and be dizzy a lot. My chest tightens up now a lot. I wear Dr Sholls shoes but boss says they have to be shoes for crews which isnt helping body pain. Im takn 1000mg of advil(i knw over 800 is bad)PLUS 2 lortab 10/500 every 6 hrs and BC powder packet every 8. I drink 1 5hr energy shot(to stay awake) a day and take vitamins. The pain is still bad and Im weak. I was walking to the rr at wrk after mopping and my legs just gave out and i fell down. Im so scared and dont know how to stop the severe pain. Does anyone have any good suggestions. I tried to describe the whole situation so ppl wouldnt say quit your job. We would lose everything. I am looking for a better paying job but have to make ends meet until then. PLEASE ANY IDEAS? Im wearing 2 shoe pads already. my feet pain with sharp tingles. Ill take as much advice as I can get. Thank you so much! Please respond soon

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