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flutherother's avatar

Have you ever invented a word?

Asked by flutherother (35040points) August 24th, 2010

The English language is full of great words but sometimes to express yourself properly you have to make up a new one. Have you any examples?

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26 Answers

Seek's avatar

I have invented a word, but it isn’t in English. I was translating a famous Irish blessing into Tolkien’s Elvish, and didn’t have a translation for the word “until”. Had to create one.

Trillian's avatar

I put two together to describe how people unthinkingly are argumentative;

muppetish's avatar

Yes, but I’m not very creative when it comes to creating words. I took a typo I made (“gavae” – I was medicated at the time, and was trying to spell “give”) and use it as an exclamation. I asked a friend of mine to come up with a word that meant “seeing with new eyes” (he suggested “saradiation” – it’s lovely and I’ve considered having it tattooed my collarbone.) We also invented a punctuation system but have never extended its usage beyond letter exchange.

I’m more prone to invent phrases. My younger brother and I are notorious for making up syndromes (none of them come to mind at the moment, I’m afraid. I’ll probably think of tons later.) I blame this habit on TV Tropes.

My brother also coined a word the other day that ended in -ic (along the lines of “archaic”) and I pointed out that the suffix didn’t quite mean what he thought it did. He rolled his eyes.

Frenchfry's avatar

Shnuganug. Snuggle on the couch.

rebbel's avatar

Yes, i did, but surprisingly i didn’t make up new Dutch words well, one i did invent but it is for my own invented dance but Greek ones.
There are three, but i can only recollect two now.
One is mirmiga a combination of miga flies and mirmigi insects, for flying ants.
The other is skata shit with katalava i understand which makes skatalava to use when someone tells you some bad experience.
The Greeks i told them hadn’t heard them before, they were non-existent.

Austinlad's avatar

I invented a family of “phobias” for a series of print ads and TV/radio commercials I wrote in the ‘80s. The product was a new bank service called Huntington All-In-One Checking (a very common combined services product today, but not then), and the premise of the concept was that everyone has certain tiny apprehensions about banking called Fearphobias which can be “cured” with an All-In-One Account. I created seven or eight of these phobias but for now remember only Bankfeephobia—the fear of having to pay exorbitant late fees for writing a bad check or missing a payment.

cockswain's avatar

My daughter did. She used to think nervous meant mad, but pronounced the word “norus.” One day she told me I was making her norus, so I’ve been using that word to mean irritated for about 10 years now. Even told my wife she seemed a tad norus yesterday. One buddy of mine put it in the urban dictionary, but I think he spelled it “norris”

DominicX's avatar

I’ve invented some words that are pretty quirky (usually my brother and I collaborated on them); they have no basis in English and often have really specific, goofy meanings. :P

But I’ve also created English words based on Latin, following standard Latin-to-English patterns. One such word is pervention meaning “arrival” coming from the Latin word pervenire meaning “to arrive”. But it would be too easily confused with “prevention”.

Another one I created in that fashion was oppidual meaning “of, or relating to small towns” coming from the Latin word oppidum meaning “town”. There’s also “forficent” (resembling shears or scissors), etc.

zophu's avatar

I believed I had invented the word “fuck” when I was like 5-years-old while rhyming words with truck or something. It got people’s attention so I was very proud of it, my teacher was not.

HungryGuy's avatar


charliecompany34's avatar

in the 70s, i came up with “sobba-dupe” and “bobba-dupe.” yeah, i know. these terms are not used today by any stretch of the imagination, but between my sister and i the two meant whatever depending on the situation.

MeinTeil's avatar

1. Nadhesion: The act of ones testicles sticking to ones leg for any reason.

2. Ego of consience: Feeling guilt for the planet, animals or other resourses, Etc so succeptable others revere you.

See also: Conspicuous nonconsumption.

shego's avatar

My replacement for mother f$&ker

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Peepsouls, my word peeps and peoples got stolen so i use peepsouls.

Jabe73's avatar

When I was little I used to say to someone that wet to bed that they had peeinitus.

muppetish's avatar

@Jabe73 That made me genuinely laugh out loud. It reminds me of this distinct memory I have of my second-cousin announcing, very loudly, that “peeparrhea” was when one pisses out of their anus. The kid was strange.

Jabe73's avatar

@muppetish Glad I was able to make you laugh. That was just one word. I will stop here.

Austinlad's avatar

I called lettuce and tomatoes “lesses and tomesses” when I was little.

Jabe73's avatar

@muppetish The term I used was repeated by most of my friends once I started using it and it somewhat spread among a fairly large amount of people in my area. I have not ever heard it again however (in a while). Once in a while when I run into someone from my childhood they will still bring it up to me. In fact I completly forgot about the term after 20+ years until someone I recently ran into (after not seeing them since childhood) brought it up to me.

woodcutter's avatar

“froucher”; a pimple on a fat man’s ass. a fat gal would have a “fritzel”
“poo-go” what I call “All Bran”

Berserker's avatar

The Sardius. While it’s probbaly some monster in a fantasy book already, I made it up as an extra organ in the human body that had absolutely no purpose but to make people die of hemorrhages on random occasions.
Not that I needed that to express myself, I was just stoned as all hell.

jazmina88's avatar


when all is good, a certain feeling, a state of mind

actuallery's avatar

Actuallery, I have many “new” words that are not recognised by anyone, yet but eventuallery they will be accepted. Spelling dictionaries rely on constant usage to be added to their lists. This is why the word “ususally” (a typographical error made by millions of people) is seen in the online Spelling Dictionary as a real word, even though it’s a fake word.

AmWiser's avatar

Trickeration…that’s what my dad said one day while refering to politicians and their antics.

Nullo's avatar

“Circumcoetaneous” for a high school paper about Mark Twain. It is derived from Latin and means, “around the same age.” In retrospect, I should have gone with the plain English, since it has more words and we were aiming for a certain word count.

It may not actually be the proper form – my knowledge of Latin is about equal to my knowledge of French. But it looks good, and I don’t think that the dictionary has it, so there was no easy way for the prof to correct me.

@Seek_Kolinahr Could you post the translation? (The original, too, if you’d like.)

Seek's avatar

Sure. I have no idea if I translated it correctly – it’s just the rough attempt of a high-school student. It does sound nice, though. ^_^

Special characters have been changed to their closest English counterpart.

The poem goes
“May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand”

The Elvish (without special characters):
Aen men eriadha an govadle
Aen sul dan adel le
Aen Anor sila laug erin le nif
Aen ross dant ui le peli
Tolir aderthammen
Aen Valar garlle ui ngalad

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind blow behind you
May Anor shine warmly upon your face
May the rains fall softly upon your land
Until we reunite
May the Valar keep you in their light.

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