Social Question

Need Slogan and Designs for Leadership Tee shirts?
For leadership class we are making shirts. We want to be interesting and unique.
We need a design and a slogan.
Some ideas we came up with is like that picture with the world with people holding hands around it but instead of the world we would have a paw and students holding hands like the football players and the band geeks. Thats on the front and then on the back would be the symbols for peace love and a paw at the bottom.
We are totally brain dead on the slogans. Last years slogan was “lend a helping paw” if that helps you. The slogan has to be about helping or being a leader i guess.
So if you can please help me come up with ideas and/or tell me what you think of the ideas we came up with.
AND we dont want to do tie dye because another club is doing that and one the shirt has to say Leadership 2010–2011
our school colors are Purple and Gold and our mascot is the Wildcats.