For those who wear make-up - why do you wear it?
What do you wear (concealer, eyeshadows, mascara…), and what (if anything) would you prefer to not be seen in public without…and why?
Some people just seem to wear too much for no apparent reason – it just ain’t pretty anymore. Do you feel it makes you more attractive?
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I wear under eye concealer, a nude eyeshadow, and mascara.
I wouldn’t be caught without it… I look like I’ve just crawled out of a grave.
I wear it because it makes me look better. I have nice, big eyes; unfortunately, I have light eyelashes that don’t quite frame them the way I’d like. So, I wear eyeliner and mascara to accentuate them. Eyeshadow and blush occasionally if I really want to look nice. I also wear a loose powder to keep my shine in check, and concealer as needed. I’d prefer not to be seen in public without eyeliner/mascara. Doesn’t mean I never go natural. Though I feel very washed out and ugly when I do
to try and look prettier than I do without any makeup .
Being rather pale, I look washed out and tired without makeup. People tend to ask me if I’m feeling well. :(
I don’t wear much makeup, though. Concealer where needed, powder for shine and to even out my skin tone, a little light blush, and dark brown mascara. I have nice, long eyelashes but they are almost invisible without mascara.
When I want to look a little nicer, I also wear eye shadow, sometimes eye liner, and lipstick. I gave up on liquid foundation about a year ago, and my skin is much happier. I do prefer natural shades, so you’ll never see me with blue or green eyeshadow. On some women it looks very nice, but on me…not so much.
I like the way it looks. Why do you wear that shirt?
@isuppose I ask because some people obviously have issues with how they look, and try to make themselves feel better by covering themselves with make up. And then others just use it to enhance some aspect of themselves. Some only wear it to cover up blemishes. There are many reasons.
@NaturallyMe ah you have a point! sorry if i came off as rude, that’s just why i wear it :)
My mother wears makeup because because she has vitiligo (she does not have much skin pigmentation loss in her face, but she burns very easily – the products she uses provide a boost in SPF and even her skin tone.) She also wears blush and lipstick because she feels pretty applying them.
Whether someone wears “heavy” or “light” makeup has never really bothered me. I used to jump to conclusions thinking thick eyeliner or vibrant colours was strange, but it’s really not. It can look beautiful – almost like one is creating a work of art using their face as a clean, daily canvas.
Growing up I had really bad acne and I’m now left with acne scars. I use foundation to even out the blotchiness of the scars. I also use a concealer for my bad dark circles. It doesn’t matter how much sleep I get, I still have them. Then I use a powder to make it look less oily.
I like to wear a little eye makeup from time to time, but nothing dramatic. I try to keep it very earth toned and neutral.
I just look better with it. Some people are blessed with looking amazing without it, but I’m not one of them.
@muppetish It doesn’t bother me either what make-up anybody chooses to put on. This was just a question out of curiosity for myself. :)
The only time makeup bothers me is when the foundation is not blended well and/or has an orange tint. You know, when you see someone who has a clear line along their jaw, so their neck is a natural color and their face, well, orangeish. That’s more of an application error than general commentary on makeup or foundation, but I always wonder why the woman doesn’t notice it when she looks in the mirror.
@MissAusten That kind of happened to me, i was wearing makeup that was a little too dark for me – when i applied it at home in the bathroom i didn’t notice it, but when i looked in other mirrors later on i noticed it. I felt kind of daft, hehe.
@MissAusten Oy, that bothers me so much! My roommate and I were headed to the library one day, and she stopped to talk to this girl before we went in… and I couldn’t stop staring at her terribly applied foundation! It was awful. Out in the natural light, it looked even worse. Someone’s gotta tell that chick what’s up. If she was my friend, I’d point it out in a second.
Yes I do. I mostly wear concealer and a tinted moisturizer, and I like to do the cat eye style with my eyes sometimes, or the smokey eye look. I’m not afraid of color in make-up either. I focus more on my eye’s than my lip’s, and I have nice size lips already. So, I’m a big fan of gloss. The brands I stick to are: Mac, Shiseido, Urban Decay, Benefit, Clinique. I don’t wear cheap make-up. It’s kind of a waste of money. If you think about it, your dollar can go alot further with the department store brands.
I don’t always wear it, but, I prefer to wear it. I’m fair and have light eyelashes. I also have rather “stunning blue eyes” (so I have been told) and the mascara, and bit of eyeshadow makes my eyes pop.
I have a few freckles, so, foundation evens out my skin tone.
@NaturallyMe When I wore foundation, I was paranoid about it. I don’t know why, because I’m so fair skinned I have to buy the lightest or second-lightest shade of makeup. At least you noticed! I used to see a girl around campus all the time who wore makeup like that every day.
I have no problem going out in public with no make-up, but I get asked what’s wrong, and am I tired when I do. Haha. When I make-up I’m really made up, what colors I wear determine how dramatic or natural it looks. I wear:
- foundation
– powder on top of the foundation
– blush
– eyeliner top and bottom usually, sometimes two colors at once, at times just on top
– eye shadow, usually 3 colors
– mascara, for glam I actually layer two
– lip liner
– lipstick
– lip gloss about half the time over my lipstick
Makeup is like paint on a canvas, there is some artistry in it.
The vast majority of the time, I do not wear any makeup at all. But if I’m going for an interview, on a date or to some big social event, I have certain brown marks of hyper-pigmentation on my skin that I cover up. The colour and the shape of my eyes are enhanced with a bit of liner and mascara, and I wear a dab of lip gloss on my lips for colour, or else they’d just sort of recede into my face.
I don’t have a heavy hand with makeup unless I’m on stage or I will be professionally photographed.
@JLeslie Yes, there some art to it, hehe. I’m only now (at, um, 31) learning how to apply eye makeup – i never used to wear it! I only ever wore foundation because i still get spots, and sometimes mascara when i’m in the mood. But since my wedding a few months back where i had makeup professionally done, i thought i looked quite pretty (especially the eye makeup anyway), so now i’ve started figuring out how to apply the shadows. I haven’t advanced to eyeliner though, lol. :) Oh, and i love lipgloss.
@JLeslie I totally can go out in public with no make-up on.
@jjmah I have freckles Too. That’s why I use a tinted moisturizer. I like to show them off ;)
I wear mascara because my eyelashes are very light and I want them to stand out. Sometimes, I wear lip gloss or lipstick if I’m going to tango. Sometimes to cover up blackheads or pimples, I put on light powder.
I don’t wear make-up every day, but I do keep a lipgloss in my bag, just in case I feel like brightening myself up a bit during the day. Even when I am not putting on a full-face of makeup, I will often put on some undereye concealer because I am self-conscious about the dark circles under my eyes. Lately, I have been trying to be good about wearing sunscreen on my face everyday. So, if I am not wearing makeup, then I try to use a moisturizer with SPF. If I am wearing makeup, I use a powder foundation or a tinted moisturizer or a primer with SPF. I tend to wear more makeup for teaching classes, dates, job interviews, special occasions. Otherwise, it is very basic or none at all…. I actually kind of like it that I don’t wear makeup every day. This way, when I do wear it, people compliment me!
@JLeslie Yes…..i’ve been doing it like this for years! It was basically mostly just used as a coverup, not for “pretty making” purposes. :) The eye makeup that i’m using are browns (naturals – i like naturals as opposed to blues or other bright colours). I haven’t advanced to the blush either i suppose…hehe.
So as not to look like death warmed up just a bit. Being on the “porcelain” look side, if I did not add a tiny bit of color, I would be mistaken for a freshly passed corpse.
@naturallyme I only ask because foundation is for covering up as you state, but it is also thought of as a tool to even out your complexion and create a blank slate, or blank canvas. So, foundation generally takes the color out of your face. Covers up any rosie in your cheeks or on your forehead. Some peoples skin color it matters less than others.
@JLeslie Oh, yes. :) Well, i haven’t noticed that i look pale or odd or anything, and nobody had pointed out to me that i do (my mum would have told me AGES ago, haha). I guess i can get away with this one at least. :)
@NaturallyMe I totally get it, my mom would tell me also. :)
I used to wear a “full face” every day. I thought I was ugly if I didn’t. I even worked out in makeup. Now, I’m ok with the way I look for the most part, and I only wear powder, mascara, and lip gloss, which is a huge step down or up, whatever.
Some people could say I wear a lotbut what matters is that I like wearing it and changing my look everyday. I wear it so I look more awake because I don’t get a lot of sleep.
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