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john65pennington's avatar

Will they ever make a cellphone that's hearing aid "compatible"?

Asked by john65pennington (29283points) August 25th, 2010

I am now using my 5th cellphone, in hopes i can hear better with my hearing aids. For some reason unknown, cellphones and hearing aids do not mix. i have made every effort to make different cellphones work with my hearing aids, but to no avail. I still have to answer and talk on a cellphone, without my hearing aids. This is a big safety hassle, especially when driving and answering my cellphone at the same time. The speaker feature is also of no help, especially in a car. I am open for any suggestions. Question: Are you aware of any cellphone that is hearing aid compatible?

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9 Answers

Seek's avatar

Well, step one: Don’t answer your cell phone in the car. There’s nothing in the world that can’t wait until you pull over safely. You of all people should know that. No one should answer their phone in the car.

Next, does it help to put the phone on speaker? I understand this isn’t the ideal solution, but perhaps it would work in the interim?

Third, AT&T has a rating system for hearing-aid compatible phones on their network (I remember you saying you’re on T-Mobile… I’ll look for one from them as well.)

Here‘s the T-Mobile list – about ⅔ of the way down the page.

kevbo's avatar

Aren’t there hearing aids with mini jacks for iPods? I’m sure you’ve considered that. Just a thought.

marinelife's avatar

Here are CNET reviews for hearing aid compatible cell phones.

janbb's avatar

I think they’re going to have to!

robmandu's avatar

There are Bluetooth + Hearing Aid devices available. They pair with your phone and perform normal hearing aid duty the rest of the time.

Pure conjecture on my part, but I’d think you’d ideally want something like an in-canal hearing aid that’s able to talk to your cellphone over Bluetooth. It’d act as your all-day hearing aid most of the time, but if you answer the phone it would handle the ear-piece function of the phone. You’d either use the phone’s builtin microphone, or even better, the device in your ear would have some spiffy tech to pick up your natural voice.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yes. One of the guys in my group is working on a low power transmitter that works directly with cochlear implants. It uses the body as the antenna/pickup.

keobooks's avatar

My mom just got a hearing aid that it bluetooth compatible. Then she got a cellphone with bluetooth.

Ha! What @robmandu said—somehow I missed that.

hearkat's avatar

What problems are you having with the hearing aids and your cell phones?
This is a complaint I almost never hear anymore, as most of my patients are able to home any phone up to their hearing aids with little-to-no feedback.

I am a Dispensing Audiologist and work with the three top manufacturers with Bluetooth hearing aids and accessories… but as I said, most of my patients don’t even need them. Contact me here or through PM with more details about your make and model of hearing aids and degree of hearing loss and I’ll gladly help you out.

As a police officer, you already know that it is dangerous to use a hand-held cell phone while driving regardless of whether you wear hearing aids. Please practice what you preach—not only to serve as a true role model, but also because there are people who care about you.

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