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Hawkeye's avatar

If love makes the world go around, then does lust shake it up a bit?

Asked by Hawkeye (1250points) August 25th, 2010

And that’s why we have earthquakes and tsunamis?

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11 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

No,that’s where headaches come from ;)

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Lust makes it go around… behind the barn.

Blackberry's avatar

Lust is how debt, breakups, and divorce originate.

Jude's avatar

Yep, and you see it in those vans.. down by the river.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Lust and love go together, for some and they’re lucky.

Cruiser's avatar

Lust is the precursor to love and then feelings and emotions come along and where the real headaches come from. ;)

ucme's avatar

It’s best when they both come together. Which happily, also applies in the bedroom :¬)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

On a positive note, lust drives new exploration in love.

le_inferno's avatar

Lust “shakes it up” when it gets in the way of commitment.

Frenchfry's avatar

Lust turns to love then you are in trouble.

berknerhs's avatar

Love is beautiful and powerful. Lust can be dangerous and very powerful if yor are married and lusting over another man. It’s like Heaven or Hell. Its all about choices.

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