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talljasperman's avatar

What is the difference between legitimate and non-legitimate government/Authority?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) August 25th, 2010

How do you decide what makes Authority Legitimate?

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5 Answers

bob_'s avatar

Basically, it is legitimate if its powers come from a set of laws enacted by the people’s representatives.

marinelife's avatar

If it was duly elected or otherwise put in place based on the laws of the country.

TexasDude's avatar

In my view, legitimate authority is legally elected/appointed by the will of the people. Government should only function by the consent of the governed, and the government should work for the people, not the other way around.

ETpro's avatar

Ultimately, in the US or any Constitutional Democratic Republic, legitimate governmental authority proceeds from the powers given the various branches of government by the Constitution, and laws enacted by the majority vote of our duly elected representatives acting within those constitutional limits of power—or enforced after enactment by the Executive branch and interpreted by the Judicial Branch.

Zyx's avatar

Legitimate government/authority has not been achieved yet. But basically it’s the difference between ruling for the people or over the people.

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