You're tired? Quit whining - the farmers who milk at 3 a.m., single mom's of five kids and two jobs, firemen, underwater demolition experts - they don't whine as much.
Asked by
zen_ (
August 25th, 2010
Which people have a carte blanche to whine?
Some people say they work hard, 9–5. Others work 12 hour shifts and never complain.
What do you do? Do you have bitching rights?
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25 Answers
Those who have to suck the waste out of the Port-o-johns(janes).
I was tutoring a student over the summer. We were at a park, sitting at a picnic table and a port-o-john was not all that far away. When the worker came in his big truck, pulled out the long, fat, white tube and starting sucking the crap out, well, the smell was enough to knock you over. We were about a good 30 feet away and we could smell it. Dirty job.
Bakers. I get to work at 6am to set up my store for the 7am opening, and bitch about that all the time. But when I get there, all the bread, cakes, cookies and everything is already there for the day- and they bake it fresh every day. Holy shit!
I am not a complainer.
Waste of energy, and, changes nothing.
Everyone gets tired, it’s not a competition.
Anything can be changed anytime one wants to, complaining is for those that like to whine, not take acton to change their situations.
I’m pretty sure those people get paid to do those jobs, and they can quit whenever they want, so I don’t really feel as though they take whining precedence over me. Besides, just because someone is tired-er, that doesn’t mean I’m not tired.
EOD specialists who have to remove the roadside goodies left by “freedom fighters”. Highly dangerous work, can’t resign and probably gets paid less than the porta-potty suckers.
You failed to mention car mechanics, a glaring omission. They do an exhausting job! Extremely tyring :¬)
I’m in advertising and marketing. We bitch about clients who don’t like our ideas. It’s grueling work.
Up until last month, I was working three jobs (about 70–80 hours/week). I did this for three years. Now, I’m down to two jobs (about 55 hours).
I never whine. It’s my choice and it’s not like I’m breaking rocks (I’m a graphic designer and a college instructor).
Now my day job happens to be at a farm. Those guys (the farmers), they got it all over me. They’re on the fields by 4AM in all kinds of weather, busting their ass, dirty as hell – until 5PM, six-days-a-week.
We also have the kitchen and bakery crew (in at 5AM), yard and store crew (6AM), plus mechanics, greenhouse folks and the produce buyers who are on the phone with Holland at 3AM and at the produce market by 6AM. And they all punch out at 5PM the earliest.
Me? I stroll in at 8AM. I got no room to complain.
I love farmers, they never whine.
that’s all I’ve got to say ;)
I like a little cheese with my whine~
I know…nothing to do with the question:D
We farmers don’t whine because, even though the work is hard, we love it.
I’m an artist and I don’t whine because I love it.
Do wine makers whine?
^ Only if it doesn’t fall in a forest with no-one around to hear it.
@zen-I’ll rather have a meltdown than whine.much more satisfying
I have no whining rights. This is true.
How about nurses and caregivers in general? What’s a tougher, less thankless job?
I am a decorator and it is exhausting work, but very rewarding when the final product comes together.
I average 12–14 hour days on staging, design jobs.
Endless trips to find just the right pieces, moving furniture around, hanging pictures, mirrors, curtains.
Countless trips to our storage facility/warehouse to search out that perfect piece.
Meeting deadlines for photographers, real estate open houses, owners returning from taking space and wanting to be wowed by our transformations.
Love it, but ranks right up there with some of the most mentally, creatively and physically challenging jobs.
I will add to the collection….......
I worked two and three jobs for 20 years. as a rookie cop, the money was unbelievbly bad. one job was not sufficent to support a wife and two children. many days i only had two hours of sleep between one job to another. i did not complain, since i knew i was the breadwinner in our house. its times like these that make a person appreciate the coming good times. my good times are now. was it worth it? you know it.
Here’s my kvetch – but it was a long time ago, in a place far, far away… worked morning shift – home for lunch and to watch the babies… went to school… starting night shift from 11–7a.m.. Home for a shower, off to work at 9… back home… back to school… night shift (it could be a day shift, I was getting confused… Slept in and missed day job… homework, babies, school… forgot the babies in the car and took them to class… home to drop them off… night shift again… slept like a baby through night shift and got my ass fired the next morning.. day job… babies… school… homework… free time so kiss babies good night and study… sleep… work… babies… eat some baby food (notice first meal in days)... school.. rehired… night shift… liked that song from the eighties, but I digress…
Custodians. They perform a very important jfunction. Without them, people would perish in their own filth at work or school, but it’s a thankless, poorly paid job. In spite of this, most custodians are very friendly and have an optimistic attitude towards life. I’ve met grumpy people in many white collar lines of work, but I have never met any grumpy custodians.
A good friend of mine owns an organic lettuce farm. They also grow a varity of herbs. Anyways, one day I asked if I could work on the farm because I thought it would be neat and educational, not to mention how beautiful the farm is. Well I spent the first half pulling weeds in the worst humidity. They pick to order, and I had to pick 3 pounds of basil. Doesn’t sounds like much, it is. It took me hours and hours and hours. The basil has to be picked a certain way and at certain parts. My fingers were in such pain afterwards. It was a good experience :) Fun but super hard.
function, not jfunction. D’oh!
Jdon’t worry about typos. We jdon’t mind.
@zen_ OK, jthanks!
I think we just invented a new language, like Snoop Dogg and his z-talk!
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