I feel I am part of a minority, but I don’t identify as an oppressed minority. However, like @Seek_Kolinahr I understand no tbeing able to reveal your beliefs in fear of judgement. I don’t tell people where I live, here in the bible belt, that I am an atheist, except for a few very close friends. When people talk about church and God, I generaly say I am not religious if it comes up, or stay rather silent during religious conversation. In the bible belt no one ever asks you directly if you believ in God, because they assume people do. I have had people say negative things about atheists right in front of me. They seem ok with Jews or now, so I do tell people I am Jewish if they ask what religion I am. Honestly, most Chirstians in the bible belt have no idea such a large protion of Jews are agnostic or atheist, it doesn’t occur to them. When I hear crap like the bible being taught in high school down the street from me, and people wanting prayer in school I HATE it. I find it offensive, ignorant, and a failure for people to be able to put themselves in the other persons shoes, not to mention unAmerican in my opinion.
I also have had slurs said about Mexicans to me and my husband (my husband is Mexican) when they don’t realize he is Mexican.
But, generally I feel my husband and I are not treated as minorities, because our friends get to know us as individuals, and so stereotypes melt away or do not exist. In terms of career, especially for my husband (because in terms of career I have never felt like being Jewish or an atheist had any impact at all) we both don’t feel that he being Hispanic has any impact, most likely helped him when interviewing for multinational companies. I think it is because he is educated and it this point so accomplished in his career. I think he is evaluated for his skill and experience, and everything else is irrelavant. I do think the companies probably love being able to have a minority in a VP position, if that company is low on having minorities in senior management, but I do not think he is promoted because he is a minority.
I am debating someone on facebook about how African Americans feel discriminated against, and this one gentlemen is extremely resistant to accepting that he needs to conform to what is expected to be accepted. He refuses to buy into the idea that some of it is as simple, as speaking English well, wearing appropriate clothing, and do whatever hard work it takes to get to the position one desires. He resents having to conform to the white world, and I say we all have to conform, no one is picking on black people. He told me his wife hates getting her hair permed. WTF? I have to spend money and time on my hair also, sometimes I perm it to, to give it body. I just permed my husbands hair so it is not so frizzy in the humidity. He wants to believe that these requirements are racist against black people, but they aren’t. I find this to be a victim mentality.
Now, on the same facebook thread someone said it is about the rich wanting to maintain power so they use racism and discrimination to keep the poor people working against each other. If the American blacks hate the Hispanics, and the Hispanics hate the Haitians, etc., it keeps the current powers in place. If all the minorites got together and voted as a block, they would have a very strong vote. I do think that in the upper middle and upper classes racism and prejudice melts away, that it is more apparent in the lower middle, and lower classes.