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Are you a member of an "oppressed minority"?
I was at a party the other night and some guy was talking about oppressed minorities. I got curious and did a Google search using the word oppressed minorities. Here are the first few that came up, but the truth is there were hundreds of different links to all sorts of “groups” that regard themselves as oppressed minorities.
It seems to me that if you put yourself in any group, then divide the group further by increasingly more specific distinguishing characteristics, anybody will eventually become a minority. Then if you figure in that lots of people these days consider themselves to be victims of something, even if it is nothing more than fast food or hot coffee, then anybody could begin to feel oppressed. Sometimes I feel oppressed as a taxpayer, but only 47% of Americans pay no Federal Income Tax, so I am not a minority-yet.
Anyway, has it finally gotten to the point where anybody who wants to be can be regarded as an oppressed minority? And if so, why do people seem to be so proud of it. I would hate the label myself, since I do not want to be anybody’s “victim” and would do anything legal to avoid being regarded as such.
Do you regard yourself as an oppressed minority?
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