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robmandu's avatar

What's the oddest combination of items you've seen purchased together?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) August 26th, 2010

Was at the Wal-Mart and dude bought the following items:

1. bungee cords
2. batteries
3. Jello
4. Halls Metho-Lyptus drops
5. box of condoms
6. socks

How about you? What’s a weird combo you’ve witnessed, or better yet, purchased yourself?

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25 Answers

MacBean's avatar

Once I bought booze, chocolate syrup, and several disposable cameras. I rather enjoyed the look on the cashier’s face.

ucme's avatar

1. Dog biscuits
2. Blindfold
3. Jar of lubricant
4. Pack of beef flavoured condoms
5. Romantic love ballads CD

Not me I hasten to add :¬)

chyna's avatar

<—- Beer and tampons. That was a few years ago though.

Winters's avatar

I saw a guy in front of me in line purchase condoms, frying pan, grenade paperweight, gum, and nerf darts.

A little odd I suppose

Austinlad's avatar

The purchase at Wal-Mart makes perfect sense to me. Despite a sore throat, he doesn’t intend to pass up a long weekend in the mountains, which promises lots of sex involving bungee cords in the place of handcuffs and much smearing of jello. He and his date will be staying in a cabin and it’s going to be cold, so he plans to wear socks to bed. Oh, and just in case he can’t satisfy his lady friend, he’s bringing batteries for her, uh, bedroom aid. As for the bungee cord,

chyna's avatar

@ucme They make condoms in beef flavor? I didn’t know that. hmm…

wgallios's avatar

Cat food
2 way tape
and a hand mirror

(non were related, but it looked kind of odd when I went through the checkout)

ucme's avatar

@chyna I would imagine not, but hey who knows? No i’m afraid I was passing a whimsy that’s all. Just a little joke you see…..okay a very little joke then :¬)

chyna's avatar

Cute joke. I took it as one anyway.

CMaz's avatar

Back in the day. We had a package store that sold guns as well.

They had a sign outside that said:


KatawaGrey's avatar

1. Batteries.
2. Condoms.
3. Men’s shorts.

The cashier was an older man who took one look at the lot and shoved the condoms under the shorts. :)

Brenna_o's avatar

@KatawaGrey Haha that made me laugh!

Weirdest thing I have ever bought together….
A polka dot bra, and powered donuts. My mom looked at me weird when i got home lol

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Fishing worms and prime rib. Country store in Vermont, dinner one way or another.

john65pennington's avatar

Woman waiting in the checkout lane to purchase a jar of pickles and a box of sanitary napkins. my question was… she pregnant, going to be pregnant or just planning to use the sanitary napkins as a big band aid??

wilma's avatar

Beef Jerky
A black lace bra
Toilet plunger
I will not admit to buying these items

Blackberry's avatar

Condoms, V8 juice, and towel hooks for my bathroom.

chyna's avatar

Gotta love that One Stop shopping.

jonsblond's avatar

Canned chili

Allie's avatar

LOTS of booze (like at least a few hundred dollars worth)
Baby wet wipes
One of those plastic kiddie pools
Hair ties
A horn for a bike

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I recently saw a guy at the register with at least fifteen 2-liter bottles of soda, and a bag of organic salad mix.

I have to admit that I am guilty of buying novelty lubricant and canned cat food in the same trip.

Blackberry's avatar

I feel more wierd buying lube than condoms. Everyone uses condoms, but if someone sees you buy lube…...They know some freaky stuff is going down…..

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

a cucumber
kitty litter

LuckyGuy's avatar

I bought a brick of Remington .22 ammunition that had special Christmas shrink wrapping on it that said, “Seasons Greetings!” It was ammo for crying out loud!


Baby food for my children when they were infants. You know, those that come in small Heinz jars, along with a box of spermicidal lubricated condoms and a tin of Kiwi Shoe Polish for my black leather men’s dress shoes! The shoe polish seemed pretty innocuous to the young fellow at the cash register, but when he put the baby food and condoms in the bag, I noticed a slight grin on his gawky face. He must have been thinking “Gee, mister, had enough of the baby thing already??” The real funny thing is that my wife and I “inadvertently” had another child in less than a year after that! (Sigh.)


@ChazMaz What a mix——guns and booze! Lol!

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