General Question

KatawaGrey's avatar

What is the proper way to dispose of prescription drugs?

Asked by KatawaGrey (21493points) August 26th, 2010

As some of you know, I have just had my wisdom teeth removed and because of this, I received a prescription for Percoset. I am not going to use all of it there are twenty pills and I’m averaging 1½ a day so I’m wondering if there is a safe, legal way to dispose of the rest.

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18 Answers

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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

If you don’t get a clear answer here, call your pharmacist/chemist and ask them.

muppetish's avatar

There is a list of methods for proper disposal of prescription drugs on the Food and Drug Adminstration’s website. I personally like the idea of community drug take-back programs (which you can read about on the link provided.) I hope that helps :)

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Ben_Dover's avatar

Save the unused tablets. You never know when you gonna really need pain relief.

Winters's avatar

This gives a short list of what you could do with them.

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lillycoyote's avatar

@No, don’t flush! Many municipal water systems have found detectable levels of prescription drugs in their water systems from people flushing. Not the proper disposal method.

perspicacious's avatar

I flush pills and pour liquid down the sink.

lillycoyote's avatar

Jeez folks, as a personal favor to the rest of us, please, stop flushing this shit down the toilet or down the sink.

Rarebear's avatar

Take it to any pharmacy for proper disposal. Lilly is absolutely right. Don’t flush it down the toilet.

Brenna_o's avatar

Tke them to your dr or your pharmacist

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I’d save then until the expiry date. Pain meds can be useful in an emergency. Absolutely don’t flush. Even the microbe balance in your septic system can be adversely affected by this. Don’t compost either. What I do with all expired meds is dump them in a paper sack and incinerate them in the boiler furnace. Least dangerous solution I can come up with.

zenvelo's avatar

In California, my pharmacist told me to take them to the police department. The pharmacist couldn’t do anything with them but the PD has a safe disposal process that keeps it out of the water supply.

3or4monsters's avatar

Also, make sure to destroy the label on the bottles. If the prescription has refills left to fulfill, someone who spies it in your trash could fish out the bottle, fill the script, and abuse the drugs even if you disposed of the drugs conscientiously.

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