To quote a certain Aspy Stranger , Fluther is like a cozy little pub. Join me for drinks - it's my after-party - maybe it's still your evening - in the FLUB?
Asked by
zen_ (
August 27th, 2010
Drinks are on the house – whatcha havin’?
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83 Answers
Where everyone knows your name: Zen.
Miller Lite please.
A bourbon, please.
Go ahead and tend to @Vunessuh‘s request first. :)
^ Party pooper, party pooper.
Bailey’s and coffee, with plenty of whipped cream, please. Oh wait… * slurps *
I like hot drinks on a cold night and cold ones when it is hot.
As delicious as hot chocolate would be @Simone_De_Beauvoir, tonight is still too warm for a hot drink.
I’ll have a vodka with diet seven-up and ice, or a shot of fine tequila and a cold Canadian beer to follow.
I am not allowed to drink, so one more hot chocolate please :)
@zen_ : Not me! I can party with the best of them! Besides there’s not enough booze at your undersea bar to satisfy my thirst. (I’m a happily recoverd alcoholic. One is too many, and 1000 aren’t enough.)
Everybody say “Hi Hawai Jake.”
Arp: sorry buddy, you’ve been carded. 15!!!??? Where’s John the Cop?
Cherry juice, splash of seltzer, twist of lemon and lots of ice!
Okay, done with my coffee. It’ll be a Martini. Gin, vodka, dry vermouth and a lemon slice. James Bond style.
Shaken, not stirred?
Klingon lifts seek by her ears, holding martini, shakes her.
I missread the topic of this post as “Arpsy stranger”... Now I am sad it wasn’t about me :(
@Arp : It can still be all about you. It’s all in the attitude.
@Arp But it is. It’s about all of us. This is a place where we can all go, where everyone knows your name.
@chyna Oh really? WHAT IS MY NAME THEN, HMM? ;)
It’s my birthday in 22 minutes EST so I would like free shots! Pretty please?
Arp. I only know you by Arp.
i like champagne and red wine!
I’ll have a black & tan as well as a Maker’s Mark, on the rocks. And keep them coming.
@Randy I like wit, humour and clever retorts: keep ‘em coming!
Arp – you still here? Someone please call 911. And child services. ~
Are we having carne asada tacos?
because I’m really hungry
@cyndihugs : carne adovada tacos! It’s a Northern New Mexico recipe. Santa Fe has the best food.
I’ve noticed something – alcohol kills my wit. I’m being shaken by a Klingon… and I’ve got nothing.
…and my creativity. I’m trying to work on the challenge @muppetish set for me, and I just can’t be arsed right now. ^_^
lol, I missed @zen_ ‘s comment and I was reading “I’m being shaken by a Klingon” with what I imagine was a very puzzled look on my face.
I usually ask: “What’s on tap?” but I suppose that’s not really necessary under the circumstances. I’‘ll start with a Bass Ale just because that’s not at all a bad place to start and do they have cheese fries here? If they do, I’ll get an order of those, two if someone wants to share. Anyway, we can always order more. What time does the kitchen shut down? I probably doesn’t, does it?
@lillycoyote I’ll share the cheese fries. And if we are still hungry, can we get some baked potato skins?
@chyna We definitely should get some baked potato skins!
Thank you @Seaofclouds!
I am enjoying a Honey Moon – the Blue Moon summer ale.
Waiter!? Sorry, but can you add baked potato skins to that order? Of course you can? Great, thanks so much. It’s done girls. We will probably have to free-up the top button of our jeans on this one, but what the hell, you only live once.
What do they call a Greyhound made with pink grapefruit?
Johnny Walker Black Label.
This is not my usual beverage at all, but I’m just in the mood for it: make mine a gin and tonic.
It’s 11 pm on a Friday night, I’ve just knocked off work for the night (crash job, very nutty), been sipping herb tea, was thinking I might just chill with a glass of wine, and I stopped in here and found you tending bar. How very pleasant. I could use a real drink and a light-hearted chat with the folks you’ve gathered here.
I am hereby swearing an oath never to proofread another chemistry textbook again. Cheers.
Oh, and happy birthday to @tragiclikebowie. Are you over 21?
Give me a Point Special. I’ll be sitting in the corner by the fireplace chalking my cue tip.
@Jeruba “I am hereby swearing an oath never to proofread another chemistry textbook again.” I have made note of this Jeruba, and I’m holding you to it. Don’t think I won’t. But that being said, we forget some of the pain, and some of the bad just fades into the fog. Have you gotten your gin and tonic yet? If not, I can give them a nudge, the host is a friend of mine, but, he’s a friend of yours too, and there are light snacks on the menu if you’d like anything. It’s friday night, forget about proof reading chemistry textbooks and relax.
@lillycoyote, I’ve got the little bowl of Goldfish (where are the good snacks?), but nobody’s shown up with the G&T. I had to go pour myself a glass of whatever was in the fridge, which happened to be chardonnay.
In about 1980 I swore that I would not proofread another statistics textbook until I’d forgotten the pain, and that memory has protected me to this day. In fact, that might be the last time I proofed any kind of textbook; I graduated to editing them and then went on from there. This is a pretty unusual job for me these days, but they were willing to pay well for some ghastly drudgery at top speed.
You’re right. Forget it. I’m swilling my wine now, and if the lad ever arrives with my G&T, I’ll drink that too.
@Jeruba This is Zen’s party. He seems to maybe have wandered off; he may be napping; having coffee with his neighbor; he’s on Jerusalem or Tel Aviv time; I’m not sure. I’m considering giving him a big nudge, but, on the other hand, he’s such a sweetheart that, if he has been called away for some reason; or if he is napping and he wakes up only to find that he has failed to be a good host to you Jerubu, particularly to you, he will feel very, very bad, I think. So maybe, to spare his feelings, we should be polite and just pretend that everything is just fine. It’s your call.
Oh, shhh, I won’t say another word. Lovely party. One glass of wine is enough for me anyway. Thank you, @zen_. Good-night now.
Yes, a lovely, wonderful party, @zen_ Jeruba has gone to bed and I, regretfully, will have to take my leave too.
Oh, man. I’m so late! Is there anything left? Ah, I spy a lone Rolling Rock in a bucket of half melted ice over there. I’ll just tiptoe on over so as not to wake anyone… Ahhh. That hits the spot.
PS: I am totally being a bad mod. :)
I’m so with @bob_ – JW Black. Or Chivas. Neat.
@Arp you are way too young to know about absinthe…...
@tragiclikebowie Happy Birthday!! :):)
nice party ZEN!!
We had the after-party, and now it’s Brunch.
I’ll whip up my famous shakshuka, what’ll you have?
Eggs any way.
Steak and fries?
What’s your Saturday morning Brunch? Do you ever have alcohol in the morning?
P.s. we don’t have Sundays here, it’s a short Friday Saturday weekend. Saturday brunch is all we got, Sunday is the first day of hell work. L-)
I’ll bring the bagels, cream cheese and smoked salmon for those interested, and would be up for a Bloody Mary or Mimosa.
^ Oh boy, bagels lox and cream cheese – my fave. I’ve never had a bloody mary, wondering; do goyim get offended by this drink’s name?
I don’t think so. And now I’m wondering if Christians get offended with the non-alcoholic version’s name of “Virgin Mary”.
I’ll be in charge of making the Bloody Marys then. Just tell me how much vodka you want and many drops of Tabasco sauce you can handle. Also, the garnish preference: celery, green olive, and/or shrimp/prawn. (A lime wedge is required.)
@jonsblond Point is my favorite domestic beer and every summer as a then legal teen we would drive to Point WI and get 8–10 cases. My crawl space has at least 20 cases I have kept for packing personal items. I was the happiest camper when they started selling it here in Illinois. Have you ever tried the Nude Beach summer wheat?
Is it too early for an amaretto and cranberry?
I drink coffee in the morning as an excuse to have Kahlua:0)
<He awakens to the smell of brunch and the sound of muffled speaking> Uhhh… coffee. Brain needs coffee now.
After the drinks and fried food last night, I just need something light, maybe some peanut butter toast and some milk.
Ugh. Just coffee for me. Black.
I’ll just take Shirley Temple, on the rocks. Stirred, not shaken.
Damn US drinking laws…
Nothing for me for now, i’m still loaded from last night.
Oh well, one then, make it an ouzo, on the rocks, no water please!
Good morning-afternoon (no matter what time I get up, it’s morning by definition). I never drink alcohol in the morning and seldom in the afternoon, but I do love a good bloody Mary. However, my beverage of choice with bagels, lox, and cream cheese (which I just happen to have right here—and does lox cost a fortune in your neighborhood, @zen_)? is straight Ocean Spray cranberry juice.
Back to the chemistry book now.
Sorry to be so late folks. Glenfiddich neat.
Hey, I’ll have a Sprite Zero with my shakshuka!
You should give advance notice of these parties, I would try to get here on time!!!
Did I miss a real bash???
i do sprite zero and a bagel please…...
I miss all the fun….:(:(
Sorry you have to go to work, Zen…..see ya soon!!!
Something unhealthily caffeinated.
And the Aspy is now officially a Stranger here – and poof – gone.
If the rumours are true, well, damn…
I don’t know about rumours.
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