Would you be upset if your bank asked you for updated identification information?
Asked by
tedibear (
August 28th, 2010
Two scenarios:
One: You walk into your bank. You currently have an account and want to open another one. The new accounts representative says, “I see that we have an expired driver’s license in your information. May I see your current license so that I can update your records?” (Doesn’t have to be a driver’s license – just whatever ID information that needs to be updated.)
Would that upset you? If so, why?
Two: You’ve been a customer at your bank for a long time and for whatever reason, there’s no ID information in their computer system. You come in to open another account and the new accounts representative says, “Mr. Smith, for some reason we have no ID information recorded for you. May I please have your driver’s license or state ID card so that I can update your information?”
Again, would that upset you? If so, why?
Assume that in both cases the representative is speaking in a pleasant tone of voice.
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25 Answers
I’d be more upset if they didn’t follow security protocol.
A minor inconveinance to protect your assets.
I was just involved in the Wachovia-Wells Fargo merger and have had to re-submit all of my security info.
A bit tedious, but no, nothing to get upset about.
I wouldn’t be upset in the slightest either way. I have had these happen to me a couple of different times. It’s just protocol, if they didn’t do it, who knows what kind of standing your account would be in.
For scenario #1: It wouldn’t upset me as I use my DL for ID all the time. However, I make sure to have a personal relationship with my bank wherever I live, so I know people there and trust them. I would simply think it’s a standard process of confirmation.
For #2: I’d want to know why they didn’t already have it, it may be as simple as updating records and they figure that for accuracy they have to start from scratch.
I wouldn’t be upset about it. I have no problem showing my ID when necessary and protecting my money is definitely a necessary time in my opinion.
Good point @Coloma. I would feel better that strangers aren’t easily able to create accounts in my name.
I will be back later to explain why I’m asking. I promise it’s not devious! Right now, I want to gather opinions. I feel like Fluther has a good cross-section of people and I will get a variety of answers. Many thanks!
I don’t see any reason not to comply with either of the above scenario’s. Bank employees normally are required to access personal information to make sure it is up to date especially when customers come inside the bank and talk one on one with a representitive. Many people don’t go inside banks as often because they use ATM’s, on-line banking, etc.
It is reassuring to see employees do their jobs when it comes to security, whether it is at the bank or the retail store where they check if the signature matches etc.
A: I will not be upset knowing that that bank is following security protocol.
B: I will sleep better at night knowing that my hard earned money is safe.
C: I would be upset if the bank clerk did not do his or her job.
Bank security is there to protect you, and yes the red tape is sometimes a pain in the ass, but it’s worth it. No one will steal your money or your identity.
Why would this be upsetting? No.
Now that I am thinking about it, the only reason why it would upset you is because you may be a bit arrogant towards the clerk or may have no regard for the bank’s policies.
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Here’s why I ask. I work for a bank as a trainer and float teller/new accounts rep. One of my jobs used to be running our branch operations meetings. (I did this for almost 6 years on a bi-monthly basis.) The compliance department would always ask me to remind our staff that they need to do the things that are mentioned in the two scenarios. Inevitably, one or two people would tell me that they don’t want to “offend” our customers by asking for identification when they already know that person. I tried mightily to explain that we aren’t doing anything offensive, merely updating records to have correct information. Information that might even help us prevent fraud at another time. In a recent conversation with one of our compliance people, she told me that this issue continues at almost the same level that it has in the past.
@JilltheTooth – To answer the “why they wouldn’t have it question,” We had a computer issue for about 3 years. If a current deposit account customer came in to get a loan, the new loan information would override the existing information and wipe out the customer’s ID. Very frustrating, let me just say!
@tedibear : I know I’ve often gotten better service when such things happen because I have a personal relationship with my bank. I know that’s not possible for everyone, but who among us hasn’t dealt with glitches? I’m glad your bank takes such good care in this area, and I think by the answers here that most agree. Good on ya.
@tedibear It is absurd for someone to be upset. Is this in small towns? The people at my local bank know me by name, but they are just about to go though a transition because of a bank merger. If I walked in tomorrow and one of the employees said, “jleslie we no longer have you Drivers license on file, can we record the number?” It would be no big deal. It’s not like they are refusing to do a transaction, they are updating files. If I did not have ID on me, which would be odd, but if I didn’t and they would not process my transaction when they have always done it in the past, that would annoy me.
@JLeslie – That’s pretty much my point, it would be absurd for a customer to be upset by this. I’ve tried to press these employees for examples, but what I get back is mostly, “Well, I don’t ask because I think they’ll be upset,” not “I asked and the customer was offended.” I’ve been in banking for a total of 13 years and have never had a customer get upset in either of these situations. Personally, I think it’s just an excuse for not wanting to be bothered to do their jobs correctly.
@tedibear I don’t think it is an excuse to not do their job, I think they are ignorant unworldly, probably from families who are constantly worried about offending people, and who easily get offended, and so they function in this mindset. If they are young, we can chalk it up to youth, and just being intimidated in general with older adults. That all probably sounds kind of obnoxious, but I am not sure how else to put it but bluntly. The people you are working with, who you are training, how old are they? How educated? Do you find this to be the case in large cities as well as small ones? My advice is to give them the verbiage to help the customer understand why it is important, don’t just tell them to ask for the information. But, maybe you are already doing that.
@JLeslie – Oddly, the issue isn’t with our new employees, it’s with people who have been with the bank far longer than I have. The primary offenders (it’s almost always the same people) are employees who have been there 10 or more years, and who often make comments like, “Oh great, another thing I have to do,” or “Another compliance thing we have to deal with!”
Having just written that, I wonder if that’s what the problem is. The OTS has let us slide for years with these ID violations, but because we’re now under a cease & desist order, they are scrutinizing everything more closely. Branch employees have been told this, but it’s not sinking in. Maybe it’s a mentality of, “It was okay before, it should be now,” even though they’ve been told the “why” of needing to do this. I’ve suggested telling employees what the potential fines could be so that they can understand the financial impact to the company and to themselves, but that hasn’t happened yet.
Oh, to the geography question, all but 3 of these 18 branches are in major suburbs of a metropolitan area. And those three more rural branches don’t seem to have much trouble.
As for verbiage, we’ve done that. Even down to doing a couple of roleplays in a meeting.
@tedibear yeah, so these long time employees who know the customers feel funny, after 10 years, having to ask someone for ID when they never have before. That does not surprise me too much actually. Again, I would give them verbiage for why it is to the customers advantage, instead of it being an annoying request by the bank for the client to have to dig through her purse and pull out her license.
@tedibear I think during the training you should bring up or acknowledge it might make some people, meaning employees, uncomfortable asking for the information. Sympathize with them, so they feel understood, and then say that you have taken surveys and the majority of customers prefer to have their records accurate and their information secure. Since it is a larger metro area there are times when new employees are doing a transaction for long time customers so it is important to have as many ways as possible to protect the client from someone using their account at another branch where the employees may not know them personally. They have to understand they are helping to protect their customers, and not just having to comply with an annoying rule. Many people have the mindset that there has never been a problem before, why do we have to change things. I don’t know what to tell you about those type of people, they drive me crazy.
Yes, which is why we have taught the phrase, “By having correct ID information, we are better able to protect your accounts.” In fact, the rest of the verbiage is almost exactly what you said about transactions at another branch, etc. And while I hate change, I also get that I don’t get a raise if my bank has to pay money in fines instead. Le sigh!
Many thanks for your thoughts, everyone!
@tedibear I guess you have to hope that they are just bitching when they first find out the new requirement, to be heard, to vent, and the will actually execute your requirements. Especially if these are primarily females, they tend to talk out their stress. Inertia is typical when changing policy, but people usually adjust.
I would be irritated if it expired a day or so ago. But if it’s a few months old, I wouldn’t mind.
I have the same problem! I am new to the institution however, from prior experience I was trained to always document ID and all that. I am a teller and going through training. I’ve noticed that customers do get pretty offended when asked for ID. I don’t understand it… I’m giving you cash out of your account.. not a sandwich… anyways. About half of the clients will take offense when I ask… usually they are older like middle aged and up. It shocks me each and every time that they most of them honestly do not understand that I am protecting their account. Not to mention that they do not want to hear it because it further upsets them like they think i’m trying to be augmentative.
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