General Question

iamthemob's avatar

How is the quality of streaming video using high-speed DSL?

Asked by iamthemob (17226points) August 29th, 2010

I’m probably going over to DSL as I actually think I despise my current provider. Unfortunately, I really only have these two options…the DSL option can only go up to 1.5 – 3.0 Mbps, which is much slower than my current one (unfortunately).

I don’t have cable anymore, as I hook up my TV to my PC in order to stream everything on the internet as they post. Therefore, the streaming speed is pretty important. As long as general, SD videos can be streamed without real interruptions or need to pause for initial buffering, I think we’re all good.

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3 Answers

benhodgson's avatar

I lived with 2Mbps ADSL for years. It’s not incredible but it’s certainly acceptable. I remember that at the time, YouTube videos would easily load faster than they would play (although that was a couple of years ago before YouTube supported HD).

jerv's avatar

Until recently, I had a 1m/384k DSL pipe and it could usually stream 360 SD video nicely if nobody else was doing stuff on our LAN. If my roommate or I were surfing, then my wife would experience pretty bad stutters. We have since upgraded to a 7m/768k DSL pipe and have had no such issues even with 720 HD videos

iamthemob's avatar

Thanks all! This is exactly what I needed – once I have the system in place I’ll try to update with my experience if it’s helpful.

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