Ooh, I’m late to this party! Can I add my tenpennarth-worth?
I play harp, piano, violin and viola… and have been playing since I was eight… and I teach music one to one… (gosh, I love my life!)
Practise every day that you are able, yes… but if at all possible, practise a couple of times a day – once in the morning and once later in the day… both can be short practises, c.20 mins, but you will come forward leaps and bounds if you can do this. Ideally, you want to make practise a habit, part of your daily routine… so if you can fit it in, say prior to your favourite tv show, or with your elevenses cup of coffee, then it will become just another part of what you do each day.
Generally speaking, practise little and often, rather than once a week for several hours – the more frequently you practise the more you’ll build on what you’re learning and the quicker you’ll advance… but the shorter practises will mean that you are able to stay focussed for the whole time of your practise…
And I would very strongly emphasise that getting input from a teacher as to the technique to use if vital – how you hold your body, hands, mouth etc as you play will make all the difference to a) not ending up aching or damaging yourself, b) to getting the best sound possible from the instrument and c) being able to progress…
Lastly, learing curves always include plateaus (is that the correct way to pluralise that?!), so don’t panic when you feel like you’ve reached a point and can’t get any better – stick at it, these are the times when you truly ingrain what you’ve learnt so far, before you go onto progressing further.
Ooh, it’s such fun! What are you going to learn?.... :-)