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john65pennington's avatar

Which food on your plate would you eat first?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) August 29th, 2010

You are enjoying a nice time at a Cracker Barrel restaurant and your food order finally arrives. On your plate are mac and cheese, two grilled pork chops, spiced apples and baby carrots. you pick up your fork and dig into which food first?

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27 Answers

chyna's avatar

Meat first, all of it. Then mac and cheese, all of it or as much as I can eat, then the spiced apples. No cooked carrots for me, thank you.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Seeing how I’m a vegan and not into carrots, it’d have to be a sad dinner of sliced apples. Long ago, when Alex and I were on a road trip, we went to many Cracker Barrels (and bought cool toys too) but back then we ate meat.

Seaofclouds's avatar

The mac and cheese first, then some pork chops, then some of the carrots and then back to the mac and cheese and repeat. I’d give the apples to my son.

Berserker's avatar

That’s way too much for me to eat. It’s in between the chops and the mac though, for sure. I certainly loves me some meat.
Either way, both are getting the cannibal treatment, fo sho.

Austinlad's avatar

None of it ‘cause I wouldn’t go to Cracker Barrel. I’d go to the nearest Japanese restaurant and start with a tuna roll and warm saki.

muppetish's avatar

Don’t eat pork, so that’s off the menu. Mac and cheese would go first, then the spiced apples. I’ll snack on the carrots if I’m still hungry.

TexasDude's avatar

Mac and Cheese

Sarcasm's avatar

Cut up the pork, then mix it with the mac and cheese and the carrots. Eat them collectively, followed by the apples.
I don’t like to segregate my food much.

chyna's avatar

@Sarcasm That’s funny. My food isn’t allowed to touch.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Carrots—> Apples—> Mac and Cheese

I go from least favorite to favorite. I’ll pass on the pork chops. No me gusta.

bob_'s avatar

I, like @Sarcasm, am a Food Jockey. Mixing FTW.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Mac and cheese. I really, really, really like carbs. Then the apples, then the chops and lastly the carrots.

kenmc's avatar

I build up to the main event when I eat, so I’d start with the apples. After they were gone, I’d move to the carrots, eating maybe half of them. Then I’d eat maybe a 1/5th of the pork chops. That would be followed by about a ⅓rd of the mac and cheese. Finish the carrots and then another ⅓rd of the pork chops. Eat up the mac & cheese and the rest of the chops.

I tend to be anal about the order in which I eat my meal.

zen_'s avatar

Veggies first.

flyguy's avatar

depens on the situation..

Frenchfry's avatar

I go for the pork chop. I just love the Cracker Barrel

jazmina88's avatar

mac and cheese, apples for dessert, but where is the OKRA??

I ususally get a veggie plate or those fab chicken dumplins

downtide's avatar

Tha mac n cheese, then the carrots and apples. I wouldn’t eat the pork chops at all.

jazmina88's avatar

I forgot…the cornbread is first!!!!

NaturallyMe's avatar

(if i ate meat still) i’d probably eat the meat first, because it’s nice when it’s still warm and “fresh”. As for the rest, it’ll all depend on which tastes the best – the best i may leave for last, since i always like leaving the best till last if i can. Maybe the mac and cheese will be next, because i wouldn’t want the cheese to get all hard before i eat it.

john65pennington's avatar

So far, surveys says mac and cheese come first. i suspected this. thanks all.

chyna's avatar

@NaturallyMe Good point. I had no real reason in my mind for eating the meat first, but I think your reason is very true. And the mac and cheese might be too hot to eat first.

NaturallyMe's avatar

@chyna – i always used to like the juicy fat on the chops (mostly lamb chops though), so it has to still be really warm for that. :)

BoBo1946's avatar

dang John….i’m hungry! Any, would be fine with me. Love Cracker Barrel. Mac and cheese…does CB’s serve that?

Nicole8's avatar

MAC AND CHEESE is my favorite food!

SundayKittens's avatar

Mac and cheese first, then alternate the rest….though the pork chops and apples would be eaten sparingly. Then I’d buy a quilt, rocking chair, and a sassy granny greeting card.

free_fallin's avatar

I hate Cracker Barrel.

I would cut one of the pork chops (one would suffice) and begin eating it along with the carrots and then the mac n cheese. I do not mix my food together but I like to pair things together for a bite which means I would have a piece of the pork and carrots on my fork at the same time. I would also pair the pork with the spiced apples and eat them on the fork together as well. I usually eat equal amounts of everything so that the last bite is generally a little from each group.

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