Do you have a calling?
Time to time I hear people say that what they do is their calling or that they wish they had one. Do you have a calling? Is there something you feel destined to do even if no one else hardly cared or there was no fame and fortune to be had from doing it? Do you wish you had a calling, safe the whales, cure autism, create nuclear fission, etc?
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16 Answers
I don’t believe in destiny nor do I think I have a calling, per se. However, I have known what I want to do in life for a long time now and it’s quite simple: I want to write. What I want to write is the only factor that has changed. Primarily, I want to write children’s literature. It’s a small dream, but it’s mine. I think I wear it well.
Literacy has always been a big part of my life. I want to bring that to future generations and encourage youth to read and write. Even thinking about seeing a book I’ve written on the shelf of a library, even if it is dusty and not often checked out, makes me smile.
I think my calling is being a mom. I am dam good at it , and cooking that’s next year. I will be in a culinary school. I want to feed people and see them smile and leave with full bellies. I feed people now for free might as well make a career of it.
I think it’s to be a scientist or something like that. The first thing I remember wanting to be was a marine biologist, until I found out you have to disect animals to do it. Then it was to be a tornado chaser or meteorologist. Now I keep getting this urging to be an astrophysicist. I like math and I find space to be very exciting. It’s a bit like an itch I can’t quite scratch.
@muppetish What age of children’s literature are you interested in? It is young adult or younger children? I had a friend at an old job what was into that and I think you’ll be great at it!
@Frenchfry That sounds so exciting! Good luck. Are you doing cooking, pastry, or both?
@py_sue What mystery of space would you like to unlock or what out there you’d hope to discover? And by doing so would it help mankind or just fulfill a void you have?
@Frenchfry Bravo! We could use more moms who fill that being a mom is important. :-)
@py_sue Both… I really would like to learn both. I’ll start out with cooking. You never know I might be the next foodnetwork star!
@Hypocrisy_Central I’m really interested in theoretical physics. There’s this theory about the possible next big bang that I’m absolutely in love with. I’d like to know how things came to be or if life is or can be supported on other planets. I think it’d be filling my void of searching for an understanding about life and figuring out where man could go next. Civilization feels really repetative right now. Be the first to make a Sonic Screwdriver.
@Frenchfry I’d totally watch you on Food Network. You’d make a great host.
Neh….not really…..that i know of anyway. :)
I DO love to be creative though, in the sense of making things (cards, scrapbooking, beading) – i’ve only recently started doing these things and am loving it! And i’m sure i can make money out of it too, so that’s my aim – to make people happy with my (hopefully) beautiful little cards and gifts. Hehe.
My calling is to live a simpler life in a small cabin in the woods.
I really feel like nursing is my calling. I have always wanted to help people and take care of people when I can. I love being a nurse and I am really happy to have made it to the point I have.
My calling is to win the lottery and give it all (most) away.
I feel that nursing is my calling, also. It has always been like second nature and something that I love. I’m pretty sure that I am on this earth to help people.
yes, to get out the bed alive every morning! No one wants to wake up dead!
@py_sue Both, actually. I’d like to collaborate with an artist to create picture books. I’m currently writing a couple chapter books, some for primary level readers and some for younger adolescents. I’m sure I’ll end up writing books for older teens as well. Not to mention all the non-children’s literature I have on file. Nothing is even ready for editing yet, but I’m getting there :)
I have call waiting, does that count?
@muppetish Well, good luck. Maybe it’ll get turned into a movie one day. :)
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