Meta Question

Do your trust your fellow flutherites (in what they say)? Do you believe that they are being honest?
With some people (on Fluther), I don’t know if they’re telling the truth or giving me the gears. People could be full of shit and really, how do we know that they’re being honest.
I know for a good number of jellies who are on Facebook, I get to know them more there. I see that they have real lives, with kids and spouses, jobs and whatnot. But, for some people here, who knows. For all that I know, they could really be a 500 lbs man who lives in his parents basement, has social issues and is pretending to be a 22 year old woman online. Or, someone who says that he is married, yet, still flirts with the woman here and is creepy. Maybe, he’s creepy in real life.
Becareful who you trust and open up to, folks. As the girlfriend said, the internet attracts all kinds of freaks, so, watch yourself.