Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How much is peace of mind worth to you?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37748points) August 30th, 2010

Do you avoid certain subjects in real conversations or on the Internet, because they are controversial like religion and politics? Are you afraid of confrontation?

If yes, do you do it to maintain your inner peace and serenity?

Have you found a way to maintain serenity in the face of negativity? If so, please enlighten us.

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23 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I don’t see the point of engaging in religion and politics discussions on the Internet where people are mostly just trumpeting their own point of view rather than see king genuine discussion.

I don’t mind engaging on those topics in face-to-face conversations if people seem genuinely interested.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I avoid them on the Internet because I can’t “read” the people in the discussion; tone, inflection, body language, etc. If I am face to face I can gauge reactions, when to back off, when it’s likely to become a useless effort, and so on. Because I don’t know with whom I’m conversing online I don’t even have a good starting point.

iamthemob's avatar

I agree that’s what we’re mostly here for when talking about religion or politics (I would like to say that I’m exempted from such a small endeavor, but I bet that I’ve pulled some poor trumpeting moves in my life). But by not engaging, isn’t that, in terms of internet presence (and the potential productivity of it) analogous to letting them have the front of the bus?

JilltheTooth's avatar

@iamthemob : Not engaging could also be analogous to leaving them all alone on the bus.

iamthemob's avatar


Too true…but I think if people simply asked for clarification in those “iffy” situations, you clear up the problems real quick. I try throwing in emoticons, but that doesn’t seem to help enough.

But I think that the best bet is simply to assume that no one’s trying to offend you, and no one’s taking offense. People who want to bring drama to the internet can do so…I will try to refrain from participating.

iamthemob's avatar

Re: the bus. I know…you’re right. But I think that’s my bus too, dernitt.

muppetish's avatar

Peace of mind is important to me. I’ll walk away from confrontation sooner than feed it.

Ltryptophan's avatar

roughly $44,000/yr

iamthemob's avatar


When you talk about peace of mind, what exactly do you mean? And what do you have in mind in terms of sacrifice?

Ltryptophan's avatar

@hawaii_jake that is how much I more money I know I could make if I wanted to be stressed out all the time.

iamthemob's avatar

If I’m going to be stressed out all the time, I guarantee you that $44,000 would not be nearly enough.

In fact, I doubt there’s a number.

Ltryptophan's avatar

@iamthemob well that is the most I am worth…to an employer. So I can make $44k more and be stressed out or stay where I am and be happy.

Coloma's avatar

It’s rare that I allow myself to get overly engaged in any sort of discordance.

Inner peace is very important to me and I attempt to set peace as a precedent in my life…...but..I will speak up when it comes to bullies and those that are not nice in general. I have zero tolerence for asshats! lol

Cruiser's avatar

That is what insurance and a closet of ammo is for!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@iamthemob : Peace of mind means an inner state of serenity or ease, to me. I’m not sure what you mean by sacrifice.

iamthemob's avatar


My paraphrasing. You asked what one would be willing to give up in order to have peace of mind – I was wondering if you were thinking about anything in particular.

rooeytoo's avatar

Peace of mind is pretty much worth my life. If I am overly aggitated and allow myself to remain that way, it could take me down the path of numbing my feelings. If my life is so unbearable that I must escape then I am doomed.

So I will discuss most anything, but you know what they say, to tell your side once is good, to repeat it once is okay but to keep hammering it over and over to try to make others see it your way is a control freak in action and that ain’t good for my health either. Therefore I try to say it once while being respectful of others (often unfathomable) opinions, then move on!

Life’s too short to let others drag me down. I am only in charge of me! (and believe me, that in itself is a full time job, heheheh)

Marva's avatar

Peace of mind is everything to me. I would’t trade it for the world!
Has nothing to do with avoiding confrontation though, in my view.
Has more to do with out-growing confrontation, knowing how to accpet everything as good, as itself and not more than that, and as it should be.
I will explain:
In the matter of confrontation, if when someone else has a diffrent opoinion, even the most horrible one, I remember that these are their opinions, that they need them to be this way right now in their life, leave them to it without trying to convince them in what they don’t want to be convinced, and keep my own opinion and course of action, then I am safe from loosing my peace of mind, and my sanity.
If I think they should think or act diffrently than they do, I am a lunatic.

Same towards events:
If I remember that I can overcome any apparent difficulty, that any event that happens can turn out for the good, even over years, and that I don;t know how things “should” be and what course of action every event creates, then I can simply respond to whatever is happening right now. Panicing never makes anything easier or faster.
If I try to controll what is happening in reality, then I am a acting as a lunatic, bound to lose my peace of mind…

YARNLADY's avatar

Peace of Mind is important, but I have that by choice.

Confrontational words mean nothing. I may have to repeat “Words on a screen, nothing more” a couple of times to remind myself – but the best advice to myself is “What can I learn from this?”

Coloma's avatar


Yep, you are right. Funny because until I had a few experiences here, I had not had occasion to be involved with anyone really obnoxious in forever. haha

There are always going to be a few minor blips on the road to peace. lol

Jabe73's avatar

Well with some questions it is just a matter of “yes it is” or “no it isn’t” and to me nothing is gained and can lead to flaming. I answer responses more than I ask questions. I try to pick a unique question when I do ask something. I think I have asked one question I would consider “controversial” and I set myself up for a rather rough ride with the responses I’ve gotten (I was hoping the other side of the issue would have helped me out more) but that didn’t happen. I am willing to ask a controversial question if it is different or unique. I have several lined up that I will ask in the near future. I was dissapointed with some questions I’ve asked because I felt I would of gotten more responses than I did.

To me it is about asking a question that will generate decent detailed responses, not flame bait or repetitious “yes it is” or “no it isn’t” type answers. I’m not on here for “peace of mind” but because it is a good Q & A website with many interesting topics. If I wanted “peace of mind” I just wouldn’t even ask questions or just avoid logging on here to begin with. This isn’t a popularty contest or social networking site for me.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

If I think a fight might break out or I can’t communicate my ideas properly, I won’t say anything. I don’t like confrontation, so I don’t do it. I’ll defend my perspective, if I can, if I have to.

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