Social Question

harple's avatar

At what point does silence stop being golden?

Asked by harple (10455points) August 30th, 2010

Or, when is no news in actual fact not good news?

(Still think “actually” would sound better there….)

Go for your life…

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32 Answers

NaturallyMe's avatar

At the exact moment that you no longer wish for complete silence?

ucme's avatar

When it’s a fart in a space suit? Pewwwww :¬D

Neizvestnaya's avatar

When someone asks, “do you want to talk about it?” and the response is silence.

Dog's avatar

When you realize the kids are likely doing something bad.

Austinlad's avatar

When it becomes Fool’s Gold.

Cruiser's avatar

Silence is and always will be golden! Sweetest sound there is next to my Strat turned up to 11!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Silence is not golden when no one speaks out against evil.

marinelife's avatar

In my world, silence is almost never golden. I always speak up about stuff that I see.

ucme's avatar

Okay, mature head on now, (yeah right) Silence is most certainly not golden when on the cusp of sexual climax!!

phoebusg's avatar

When you have something to say, but due to very high value for silence do not. But later discover that no one had a better idea. Of course speaking from experience. I’m generally very quiet in person unless there’s decent reason to blabber. And even then, it gets kept on productive targets. But often, good ideas ought to be spoken – because who knows – they could be the best available.

BoBo1946's avatar

@ucme lmao…you are not right…no, just not right!

mandybookworm's avatar

when you ask a guy out and he has a silent response and then walks away. You also get no news… which is bad news because the answer is obvious. Do you get what I’m saying here?

Arp's avatar

Noise is not bad in itself (it is only vibrations in the air), it is the way humans use it that starts to piss people off.

Winters's avatar

oppressed silence

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

“When my hearing aid batteries die.” – Mom

lonelydragon's avatar

When the tinnitus sets in.

wgallios's avatar

Silence is never not Golden. I love it when people shut up more than anything in the world, especially the wife.

And no news may not be good news say if your friend says, “I’ll call you if I make it home”.


Frenchfry's avatar

Right before a storm like a tornado Not a good feeling then you have to take cover

ratboy's avatar

When you realize that you’ve gone deaf.

YARNLADY's avatar

I hate silence.

wundayatta's avatar

Sometimes things need to be said, or else the pain goes on and on and on. Silence is not golden when it keeps you from solving your problems; when it keeps you in pain.

Coloma's avatar

Silence is not golden when there is a cricket in your bedroom.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

Silence stops being golden when there’s a Western Screech Owl outside your window at 2 am and you have to go on fluther and hope someone knows what the hell you are talking about.
Thanks, Fiddling_Playing_Creole_Bastard

Coloma's avatar

@py sue

I am surrounded by western screech owls too, but the crickets are deafening out here every night!

zzc's avatar

Growing up, my family talked a lot. Silence SCREAMED disapproval! If no one said anything. It came across loud and clear that, “That which shall not be mentioned, is best left without comment.” Really awful, because you’re left out there on your own, knowing full well what the message was and that those who didn’t say anything, felt rather righteous. The halt in conversation, the silence, was glaring. Message received.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

@zzc So, silence is golden, unless it’s the silent treatment. Interesting.

BoBo1946's avatar

@ucme When it’s a fart in a space suit? Pewwwww :¬D funny!

ucme's avatar

@BoBo1946 Ahh see (or should that be arsey) gotcha! Its’ just slightly confusing when…well you know…oh forget it!!! :¬)

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