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trailsillustrated's avatar

Question about something I have on e-bay?

Asked by trailsillustrated (16804points) August 30th, 2010

I am really trying to make some money right now, I found a pair of crystal goblets hanging around my house and put them on e-bay along with some other stuff. As my auction was ending, I got a message from a crystal store telling me I had them listed incorrectly, and that they are worth about three times what they sold for- and that I should put them up for a buy it now under their correct name and get much, much, more. Can I refund the winner’s money with a nice note and relist? I hate to have someone recognise them and slap them right back on there, just because I didn’t bother to research my item, and make several hundred dollars. What would you do?

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10 Answers

Vortico's avatar

Think about it… The crystal store is simply removing competition. Unless you have some proof that the goblets are worth as much as stated by the store, continue with the sale. Even so, once an eBay auction is final, it is final for both the buyer and seller. You read that as a disclaimer on the seller page when you posted it initially.

lillycoyote's avatar

Well, no, you can’t. eBay considers the auction a binding contract. You could simply refuse to ship it I suppose, and find some other place to sell that goblets but it could be the end of you on eBay. Your reputation is everything there and certain things, like refusing to sell the winner an item can get you kicked bounced off eBay pretty quickly. It’s kind of a lesson learned thing. Research your items more carefully next time.

Edit: Sorry, what I told you isn’t quite right. It’s been a while since I was seller. Here is eBay’s information/policies regarding canceling a transaction. But canceling a transaction for the reasons you posted above, frowned upon, to say the least. Good luck.

Ben_Dover's avatar

Your only hope would be to lie about the reason you need to cancel the sale (e.g. goblets were broken in a fight with your wife).

Had you decided to end the auction while it was still running, it would have been much easier to do. Screwing the winning bidder after the end of auction will probably get you negative feedback and get you reported as a non-performing seller (unless you contact the winner and convince them to let you off the hook).

Next time do your homework before listing the item.

trailsillustrated's avatar

learned my lesson.

lillycoyote's avatar

@trailsillustrated I learned a few when I first started selling stuff on Ebay, though I haven’t done it in a long. I sold some china and I wasn’t thrilled with the final bid but it was o.k. and I quoted the buyer a shipping price without doing my homework and it ended up costing me more to ship than he paid for it but that was kind of that, I didn’t have choice but to honor our deal. I was really pissed at myself, though, no question.

marinelife's avatar

I believe that a sale is a sale.

SeventhSense's avatar

That’s unethical but in the future ask me. I’m an expert on many antiques. And yes this time I’m actually serious. The other seller was just being helpful and helping herself and the community. It doesn’t help sellers when stuff goes too cheap.
PM me beyatch..
How does the crystal store remove the competition by encouraging her to re list them at a higher price? Would that be by helping her make more money or by encouraging her to get enthused? Don’t be so cynical. That’s my job :)

Vortico's avatar

@SeventhSense Assuming there are at most a couple hundred goblets of this type/make for sale on eBay, the crystal company could have saved itself from @trailsillustrated‘s low-priced item leaving a bad first impression on shoppers who see the store’s higher prices. That’s my logic anyway. Not sure if I’m on track or not.

I’m pretty cynical though…

syzygy2600's avatar

A bit off topic, but did anyone here used to sell on ebay in the years 1999–2002? Back before the market became so saturated you could actually make money off it without making it into a full time job in it’s own right? Ah, those were the days..

SeventhSense's avatar

I kind of see what you’re saying but rather than remove the competition I think you might just say sour grapes. It doesn’t help the market though when value is not recognized. Likewise just because there are some high values for items they may sit for a long time unsold. I ran an item that I may have gotten 15–100 dollars for. Quite a range huh? Well it ended kind of tepid at just over 20 bucks but I only spent a couple bucks on it so I could care less and I wasn’t going to make a stink. That’s never good policy and I’ve taken some big losses. If an auction ended and I won it and they backed out I would leave them negative feedback. That’s bad policy.

I just eat crow and move on to the next deal. I’ve also spent 5 bucks and made 800 so it evens out and it’s good karma. Never look back and in this economy no one knows what sells, so any sale in the black is good. Also as a rule any high end name brand is a good bet- Waterford, Tiffany, Louis Vuitton etc. Always research before listing.

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