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Can I downgrade my iPod touch to OS 3.1.2 using the SHSH files for my iPhone 3Gs?
Hey, I was wondering if there is anyway to use my saved SHSH file for my iPhone 3Gs to help downgrade my iPod touch that is currently running 4.0.2? I never jailbroke my iPod touch and accidently upgraded it to 4.0.2 from 3.1.3 before I knew that the 4.0.2 update would prohibit you from jailbreaking the iPod. I did however, jailbreak my iPhone 3Gs, currently running 3.1.2, so I was wondering if it is possible to use the SHSH files, saved on saurick’s server for my iPhone to downgrade my iPod touch? (The model for my iPod touch is an MC model. Don’t know if this matters at all.)
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