I’ve been to a lot of psychics, tarot card readers, and astrologers. Honestly, I meet 99 charlatans for every 1 who is genuine. I’ve been lied to and manipulated for money. I’ve been told I had to pay a lot of money to get the reader to say certain prayers for me to avoid bad occurences. That is bunk.
I have, however, found a few psychics, readers, and astrologers who proved accurate. I have found 2 astrologers who correctly pinpointed events in my past (a job change) and personality traits (I’m good at learning foreign languages) without my saying a word to them. They were simply looking at my charts.
I met one psychic who—again without saying a word to her—listed the contents of a memoribilia drawer I hadn’t opened in a very very long time right down to the brand of my grandmother’s watch that I have. (This is an 90-year-old watch and the brand is out of business.) She told me of past events in my life, and she outlined a mundane future event which came true as predicted. She told me I would move back to Hawaii and that I would buy a car found for me by a friend in a barn covered in dust. There were other details about the car that she named that were true. When I moved back to Hawaii, a friend did indeed find a car for me in just such a manner. It wasn’t until after the event that I remembered the prediction.
I read tarot cards for myself and others, and I don’t charge a thing. I can offer only a few bits of evidence that the cards were giving me correct information. A friend asked me about moving off island. We laid out the cards, and I told him the correct month he would leave. It’s very easy to say that he simply chose that time because of the reading, but it was over a year later, and there were many reasons that contributed to his leaving then. In another reading for a person that I didn’t know from Adam, I looked at the cards and told him he’d just come into some money, which he had. I’ve been told by many people that my readings are accurate. I don’t know for sure, because the vast majority of these people, I never see again. I don’t ask questions at all. The person gives me one question, and we lay out the cards. I simply relay the information that’s in the cards.
Is it all magic? I don’t know. Is it tapping into a spiritual resource? I think it’s accessing something that’s bigger than me, but I can’t tell you what that thing is nor how it works. Does it make sense? No. Is it rational? Certainly not.
I do know that I’ve found some psychics, tarot readers, and astrologers that I can trust.