Social Question

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Have you ever personally experienced being bullied?

Asked by Adirondackwannabe (36713points) August 31st, 2010

Yesterday I threw out a question I knew was going to be controversial, in defense of someone else. The responses started off okay, and then the attacks on me turned pretty personal and what I considered less than nice. I’m glad it went that way, because it was an interesting learning experience. But I will admit it stung. Some of the responders are jellies I’ve tried to help out in the past. I’ve been around long enough to handle it, but it still got to me. I can’t imagine how a child could handle too much of it. Think about it a little. How would you handle it?

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25 Answers

peregrine's avatar

I’ve never been bullied in life or on-line.

I would not tolerate it either.

ucme's avatar

Both have passed me by. Being bullied & the question to which you refer I mean.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@ucme The question went off to the great moderated heaven.

Jude's avatar

I haven’t, no.

ucme's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Ahh, never to be seen again more than likely. Maybe it was as a result of the volatile content within?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@ucme It was an issue I knew was going to be a hot button and I’m glad I did it, but it kind of surprised me at the responses.

ucme's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Now i’m intrigued. Whatever the question, it sounds unnecessary not to mention unfortunate that it descended into the playground.

Cruiser's avatar

The same way I have told my kids and that is to ignore it. Bullies want you to react as it tells them they were effective in getting under your skin and ignoring them really pisses them off and the more you ignore them the angrier they get and the more you win!!

Pretty simple in theory but harder in real life which is why I also instruct them in plan B which is to pop them in the kisser real good right when they least expect it! Little known but well documented fact is bullies hate pain….I mean Really hate pain and cry like the little babies they are when you blast them one and odds are they will leave you alone after that.

jonsblond's avatar

No, I haven’t.

What I can’t stand are the bullies that lie to everyone and pretend to be someone else. I have a dear friend that left Fluther for this reason. :(

JilltheTooth's avatar

I spent a lot of my childhood being bullied by an older sibling. Nothing to be done about it, she enjoyed a privileged status with my mother. Being often the youngest and smallest in many groups I learned early on to be a clown, which seemed to have protected me outside the family. In house, I just had to endure. It left a scar or two.

chyna's avatar

@jonsblond It makes me sick also that a certain person was bullied and left fluther over this. Hopefully she will come back now.
I’ve never been bullied, but I know if I was bullied on the internet, I can walk away, turn my computer off, leave the situation. I do know that I can take up for myself.

ucme's avatar

I have to say had it been me on the receiving end of any such bile, i’d have let the fuckers mouth off. They only make bigger fools out of themselves for all to see. Rise above it & move swiftly on with a glowing feeling of superiority over these clowns :¬)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My sister used to.As I’ve said before,I beat the hell out of her and she stopped ;)

amazonstorm's avatar

I have. It was a long time ago, but it still hurts me as much as it did back then. When I was a little girl, I attended this private school in which I was one of only five black girls in the entire class I was in (this is relevant , I promise.) and I thought the other four were my friends.

Of course, this was the complete opposite of what they thought of me. They hated me and took advantage of my gullibility to make fun of me almost endlessly. In fact, everyone made fun of me in my elementary school class and I hated all of them for it. But those four girls were the worst because they made fun of me because I wasn’t like them: skinny, straight haired and pretty.

There’s a reason I don’t trust a lot of people anymore…

Austinlad's avatar

Oh yes, back in school. I remember going to a HS prom with my g/f, and outside the gym one of the well-known school bullies with whom I had never previously tangled walked up to me and kicked the shit out of my shin. I never understood why he did it. But the incident that stands out most is one I’ve related in another Fluther thread. It was 5th or 6th grade, and I had finally earned my patrolman’s uniform, which consisted of a white belt that crossed the chest with a shiny badge on it. (I don’t think it was cool even in those prehistoric days to be a patrolman, but that’s what I wanted to be, and I was very proud). A bully named Larry Rickets picked a fight with me and I couldn’t back down, even though I knew I would lose my badge. We fought, he won, and I did indeed lose my belt and badge. **sigh**

chyna's avatar

Damn that Larry Rickets.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@chyna and @Austinlad : I’ll hold him down and you guys kick him!

TexasDude's avatar

My entire middle school experience was one big attack on me. I was both the “smart” kid and the “weird” kid and it got so bad that kids were actually threatening to kill me. Adults were oblivious, despite my pleas, and despite the fact that there was an actual, tangible ring of football players, cheerleaders, “wiggers,” and skateboarders who had united just to make my life a living hell because I was a “smart fucker” and a “pussy faggot.”

Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and I slammed the “leader” of the skateboarders head into a locker. He ran away literally crying for his mom and the group of assholes finally left me alone. I wasn’t bullied anymore after that, and I was friends with everyone in highschool. I actually know for a fact (thanks to facebook) that many of the folks who bullied me so viciously in middle school aren’t even in college, some are in jail, and more than a few of them are raising several children outside of wedlock.

Karma’s a cruel mistress.

That said, @Adirondackwannabe, you can’t let people make you into a doormat. Either kill your foes with unquenchable kindness, or beat them until they plead for mercy and make offerings of peace to you with their firstborn and finest crops and linens.

Or just take it up with the mods…

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

GA @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard It was an interesting learning experience and I’m really glad that it happened. One thing that really surprised me is some of the jellies doing it didn’t realize how they came across. One or two comments wouldn’t have bothered me at all, but it got to be a group thing and that got to me. It’ll take me a little longer to process it. I’m not sure of how I’m going to follow up with the response.

Austinlad's avatar

Thanks, @chyna and @JilltheTooth, I love ya both. And can you help me get that damed belt and badge back? (Rickets—perfect name for a bully, eh?)

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Austinlad: No can do on the badge, buddy, I use it to intimidate would be wrongdoers! I’ll see if I can find the belt, though…it may still have some of Rickets’ blood on it… ;-)

DominicX's avatar

I have very limited experience with it. Most of it has just been trolls online and a few scattered isolated incidents when I was in school (usually having something to do with me being “small” or “girly”). Being gay, getting straight A’s, and being tiny seems like a recipe for disaster, but in many ways, it had the opposite effect on me.

Please tell me your question didn’t have to do with homosexuality…

Aster's avatar

Bullied?? Must that encompass more than a single incident?
When I was in 6th grade a boy wearing a leg brace told me he was goint to beat me up after school. I was terrified , my mother wrote a note telling my teacher and, much to my horror, she SMILED AFTER she read it and did nothing. I was so scared that after school while walking home he did something but I blocked it out. I cried all the way homem shaking and summer vacation began.
School resumed in a new school for 7th grade. We crossed in the aisle and now i was strong after a summer of cycling and he still had that leg brace. Fast as I could I drew back my leg and kicked him in the leg with all I had and he yelled. I felt terrific, his mother called mine and I didn.t care. Victory!! Now he;s asking to be friends on facebook.

NaturallyMe's avatar

In “real life”, fortunately not, other than a “friend” once pinching me this one time so that i would give her some of my cookies that i had for lunch at school.

As for online, i’m not sure what would be considered bullying here. I have been called names and insulted (well, they attempted personal assaults, but who are we kidding, they don’t know me), and comments that were nothing short of attacks on me. But….it’s online…all you have to do is not look at that question/post again and the attacking moron disappears. :)

This is also why i try to avoid controversial discussions, mostly those to do with alternative healing, because i’m so bad at defending myself that i get walked over, even though i know i’m right.

Lorna's avatar

I was bullied all the way through secondary school, and at a job i had, I only stayed for 6 months.

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