Is there any reason why a question that ask about how to get certain award get modded?
Yesterday I ask a question about how to get the Circumnavigator award but it was modded. The mod says that I don’t meet the quality standard and they just can’t tell the “state secret”.
I don’t think that my question is below the standard of fluther here,I mean,if it was,at least they’ll tell me what aspect of my question that is below the standard. And what they mean by “state secret” anyway? Plus,today when I visit fluther I found that my account suddenly log off on its own,I didn’t do this,and I suspect that this has something to do with my recent question. Shall I say that this is one of moderator’s mischievousness?
I feel that I’ve been abused here. This is certainly a discrimination!
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41 Answers
My my my what do we have here? We are going to have a problem in sector 4.
I would tell you but I’d have to kill you.
Awards are meant to be earned, not obtained cheaply. If we allowed every one if these questions—and this is by no means the first one—then everyone would have every award. As for logging out, that happens to everyone sometimes. Mods don’t have the power to do that anyway.
Out of curiosity—why do you even care? I’ve never understood why the awards generated any interest at all.
and then you don’t say you don’t care about lurve points or other fluther things when you clearly do – the ‘state secret’ thing is a joke, tongue – in- cheek…nobody knows or is supposed to know how to get these awards…my husband spent 3 days for shits and giggles figuring out how to get most of ‘em…it’s for fun.
You know you dance a jig every time you get a Herman Melville.
The process to get some of the awards is kept secret. We aren’t suppose to discuss them, people are just suppose to figure them out on their own.
As far as being logged out, I think I remember Andrew or Ben saying something awhile ago about our accounts being logged out from time to time due to an update, but I could be mistaken.
I figured out one award… and asked about the second….in a “PM”... look at someones profile and privately ask them how they got it
@SeventhSense You can kill me first.
@shilolo But I’m trying to earn it. I’m following the rule here,is that mean the rule is just a phony? “90 days in a row”
@wundayatta I clearly know that award is just ‘award’ and it’s nothing more than pointless virtual object. But… For the my personal reason why I want this particular award is that… (This is quite embarrassing,so maybe I’ll just PM you).
@Simone_De_Beauvoir But if you check the award list it will tell you how to obtain each one of them (Except the group of award that in white colorings).
@Seaofclouds Thank you for clarifying about my logging issue.
@talljasperman I would love to,but that is just too embarrassing. I want to get the award on my own.
I apologize for my statement about my logging issue,as this is my first experience about it,and I’m quite suspicious about it.
The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club. As @Seaofclouds said, awards aren’t supposed to be discussed. You’re supposed to figure them out by yourself.
As for being logged out, you’re being paranoid. If you pay attention, every once in a while you get logged out, even if you have it set to keep you logged in all the time. Mine does it monthly.
I just remembered something… a few weeks ago (maybe) I think someone asked if the Circumnavigator award was working properly (I’m not sure if it was in a question or in chat though) because they had been on 90 days in a row and did not receive the award. I never saw an answer to that. If you are really wondering about it, you could use the contact button up top and ask them about it specifically for your situation.
@MacBean I’ve told you that this is my first experience and this has never happened to me before. The only time my account log off on its own is when fluther made its major changes.
Code red people. Scramble, scramble.
I think I have the stupid award, but I don’t remember how I got it. Nor do I care.
Abused? Discrimination? Are you serious? Do you feel that you are a member of an opressed minority too?
You are aware that this is a web site, right? There are really important things out there to worry about. Wasn’t there an earthquake in Indonesia recently?
If the mods tell you something, actually answer your question, what do you think you will accomplish by telling the collective? Will we mount an assault on the tower carrying torches and pitch forks? LIghten up already. Nothing on this site is important enough for you to make this big of a fuss over. We all get the awards by accidentally doing the right thing at some point.
@bob_ Yes,yes…Tell me. I’m not going to bite you anyway.
@Trillian I made this question since I have my own specific issue here,and I believe this is the right section for it. Yes,if you really want to know that is an issue in Indonesia but our government can handle it and it’s an common issue in this country with lots of active/semi-active volcanic islands,many people (especially those who live far away from the possibly-about-to-happen places) seem don’t really care about it.
Should I make all my question to satisfy the expectation of fluther community here? I’m here because I have my own issue,one important issue could be less important for others who don’t really care about it.
Now I know that 90 days stuff is just a phony.
And I’m not trying to provoke flutheries here,all I wanted is just a clarification toward this simple issue.
@Doctor_D What is the 90 days stuff that you think is phony?
Now you’ve gone and alerted the CIA.
I hope you like it cold, my friend; the frizzer awaits.
@chyna I’ve already asked a question about such issue yesterday but it was modded so the fact about this issue in not really revealed yet. From the condition of fluther and responses I got in this thread I can assume that no one can actually log in or visit fluther for 90 days since our accounts can automatically log off on their own,periodically. This is,of course,irrelevant with the 90 days statement as the procedure to get it.
@bob_ Maybe you really don’t know.
@Doctor_D – If you’re all riled up, make it a cause.
Go to a competitor’s Q&A site and ask your question about Fluther. AnswerBag will have some disgruntled people willing to help. Or better yet, create a website dedicated to righting that which is wrong here.
The way I see it, if Fluther is going to tag you with…oh say “Perfecto Fish”, you have every right to find out what it is, and communicate it, and Fluther has no rightful claim to stop you. If others think it is lame – fuck them.
You been labeled. Don’t not fight.
Regarding the login thing: you can be logged out all day (for example, your machine is turned off), but you just have to login one time during the day to get your checkmark.
All comments have been duly noted.
@ipso Labeled as what? I don’t think that your alternative idea is a rational and easy option for me. I’m just asking for clarification here,not a provocation for protest activity.
I’m surprised @Augustlan hasn’t commented.
My last post was half tongue-in-cheek, but I see you have acquired (been “labeled”) [Perfecto-fish] and [Feeding Frenzy] in your profile
Do you not care what those are? Maybe they are calling you something… tawdry. What could it be?
Your OP was about being modded. I assume you understand the question. If you want to answer that question, you will have to go outside Fluther, because Mods are charged with protecting the secrets.
If you keep banging your head as to why you are not getting answers here, you are being thick.
[mod says]
A) Fluther does automatically log everyone out every so often. This is a relatively new thing.
B) We generally don’t allow public questions about the awards, because we want everyone to figure them out on their own. “State secret” is an English term for top-secret stuff. Its use in this case was meant to be humorous.
C) Now, if you think there’s some kind of problem with an award (like, you’ve met the requirement, but haven’t received the award) please use the “contact” button at the top of the site to send us an email about it. We’ll be happy to look into it for you.
D) I haven’t answered until now because I wasn’t on site until just now. :)
To all: Please remember that English is not @Doctor_D‘s native language.
@augustlan Hey, English isn’t my native language, either. Does that mean I get some sort of award or something? ~
@bob_ Best Sandwich Eater in Mexico?
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
shhhh…..they are watching and listening and can hear everything I say and if they catch ya telling anyone anything about the awards they pants ya and make you river dance in front of all the newbies. How do you think I got so good at river dancing?
The reason your question was modded is exactly what it said when your question was returned to you – Fluther does not allow questions about how to achieve awards.
When the awards were first incorporated, there were several of these a day.
@SeventhSense Shit! That must be my problem! I’ve been dancing a gavotte instead of a jig!
What the hell is a “Herman Melville” award?
Herman Melville-wrote an answer that got 5 Great Answers.
Maybe someday I’ll get the guacamole…
the staff shudders and locks the doors
@wundayatta Did you have one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself?
One eye in the mirror as I watched myself? Like one of my eyes was plucked out and put in the mirror? So I’m watching myself watch myself ad infinitum? Like brain freeze?
If anyone said it before me you have to excuse me. I never bother reading posts when msot of them are wrote in the small font type. At the moment circumnavigator does not work; a few other are not working either [it will take some time].
And while you ask the secrets most of them are not shared that easy. Some are willing to share some info but most say “figure it out on your own” .. it’s not because it’s just a big secret it’s mostly because the community is not that close. I’m sorry but there’s a bunch of people sticking together and they don’t share with the rest. I’m very thankful to those who helped me figuring out some of them. [I won’t say name because this is illegal too].
@Hibernate It’s actually not against the rules to tell someone how to get a secret award. It’s just not allowed publicly.
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