C Pap machines Do you have any advice on how to get started on one?
I have ignored sleep apnea studies for years. We all snore. I think the world has advanced sometimes for the detriment of our society and for the pocketbooks of technology. So I got a darth vader mask today. A smaller one but had to go over mouth, because I tend to keep that hole wide open.
Do you feel like you cant breathe getting used to this crap?
Help…..Luke, I am your Father.
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13 Answers
I have no clue . I have never had one but when I have a medical question I go mayoclinic.com. They give you lots of advice, home remedies , when to go to a doctor, a symptom checker. I just love the site. I wish you well
I hate taking medicine, but I am grateful for my CPAP. Before I got started on it, I would wake up some days unable to move. My sleep study showed 120 events an hour and my oxygen saturation dropped as low as 60%.
I just today got around to replacing the headgear strap and silicon face cushion for my mask and found great prices and service with cpap.com (FYI). You might take a look at the site and see all the different mask options in case there’s one that might suit you better. All the masks fit all the machines.
I understand a lot of people have a terrible time adapting to the mask, but the fact in my case is that I literally cannot breathe without one. In fact, I can’t even exhale now that I’ve gained some since getting mine initially. So, I personally for my own sake could give a shit about whatever torture I’d have to endure.
I did have a friend (who was skinny as a rail) who had sleep apnea and couldn’t adapt to the mask. Finally, they took another look at her sleep data and realized she did better on her side. So her solution was to sew a giant styrofoam ball onto the back of a super snug t-shirt and that kept her off her back.
I hope you find something that works. Good luck.
What?? i cant sleep on my side???!!!!!
In English, it means she ditched the CPAP and mask altogether and sleeps on her side now instead.
But I can sleep on my side in the mask, right????
be gentle….it’s my first time.
Depends on the mask, but in general it tends to shift the mask and create leaks around the seal. Some masks are made for “active” sleepers, and you can also buy special pillows. Check out the stuff on the site. They literally have everything.
What bout a hiss under my left nose?? How do i fix that??
and why does it make my eyes water???
oh, man… you are testing me tonight. Do you mean nostril by chance?
If it’s a full face mask that’s covering your nose and mouth, then “under your left nostril” would tell me that it’s not flush with your cheek. You may have to tighten the headgear some more. Either that, or the mask doesn’t fit properly and you need a different size and/or shape.
If it’s just covering your nose, then then it’s not flush with your upper lip, I guess (never used a nose-only mask). Again either tighten or get a different mask.
I can’t say why it makes your eyes water unless there’s air blowing on them or something. Perhaps the pressure on your face is causing your eyelids to bunch. I don’t know.
Imagine sticking your head out of the window of a fast moving car and trying to breath out. Thats what CPAP is like. It takes a bit of getting used to and you’ll end up swallowing a lot of air that can make you feel sick.
@kevbo :):) left nose, nostril, potato, potatoe….nose hole. Thanks for your patience. pal.!!
I dont know if it’s the mask which is nose and mouth only but not bridge of nose…things going into nose….
My eyes water because cold air is blowin in em….That website is good. I need a pillow.
and says to start watching TV or fluthering to get used to wearin it. then maybe i will be comfortable sleepin in it. There are some fit issues. Tighten it?, i dont even like shoes!!
This is craziness. more questions later.
You’ve never seen me, maybe I have 4 noses and 1 eye. cyclops like. No wonder i’m having trouble….
@Lightlyseared well done. :)
Ohhhhh. You have the kind that shoves up your nose? I have no experience there. Sorry.
I’ve been using a mask for about a year and have not yet found a kind that I don’t wind up tearing off halfway through the night. But it does help me sleep while it’s on, and I I’ve found the in-nose piece works better for me that the over-the-nose kind. Stick with it—just takes getting used to.
@Austinlad where did your teeth go??? Is it mask related???
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