What, specifically, about bumper stickers don't you like?
It would appear that many Jellies can’t stand bumper stickers. Why? What’s going on there?
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38 Answers
I love bumper stickers. I find it hilarious that everyone in North America drives around in their plain silver or black cars with no decoration, no nothing. When I Iook around the highway, I see a bunch of lemmings with cars that all look exactly the same. Bumper stickers are a breath of fresh air – it gives me something to laugh about on the way to work.
if you get hippie stickers, you get pulled over and strip searched.
@ftp901 Do you live somewhere besides NA? I have a black sedan – in my defense, I would have LOVED something with a bit more color, but it was the last 2009 model in the state, and I bought it in February, trying to get that discount. Better than my white sedan, though. Mother f***ing hate silver.
@jazmina88 What are “hippie” stickers?
@papayalily hippie stickers man! tye die swirleys, pot leafs, dancing bears.. you know.
@Dewey420 Dancing bears?
I may live in an overly hippie state, then, because aside from the “my student is an honor student (and I have a small penis)” ones and a good amount of “die, you filthy whore, for having even considered an abortion for a second”, 97% are “hippie” bumper stickers. I’ve never known someone to get pulled over and strip searched that wasn’t on something waaayyy heavier than pot.
@papayalily – no I live amongst you, hence why I can look around on my way to work and see all the black & silver sedans.
@ftp901 Well, in a week, I’ll get the bumper stickers I ordered, and though it will still be black, you will be able to see Shakespeare saying “Prose before hos” on your way to work ;)
I got two stickers in the mail.. “Obama is a pain in my gas” and ” War is not the answer” but I just tacked em to my wall. :|
Dancing Bears – Grateful Dead
I don’t mind bumper stickers. They give me something to look at during long car trips.
The used car my dad bought had a lovely rainbow sticker on the bumper. He got a good deal on the car, but the sticker irritated him. Removed it a few days later. Which kind of hurt my feelings, but it’s not my car.
@Dewey420 OOhhh. My friends are of the second generation of hippies – the ones that pay through the nose for the hemp clothes and organic food and tickets to Coachella, have never protested beyond joining a Facebook group, and would never tried drugs that are illegal, just the prescription ones like Ambien and Xanax.
They’re distracting. Say you take three seconds to read a bumper sticker; if you’re traveling on the highway at 60 mph, you’ve just gone 180 feet.
Most of them are really trite.
Why advertise you are smoking pot with a bumper sticker? You just begging to get pulled over?
@chyna I can see that, except in CO and CA because of their medical marijuana laws and the strength of each states legalize pot movement.
I’m not anti-bumper sticker. I agree with @Haleth, though, that most of them are trite or not my sense of humor at all. I don’t generally feel any pressing need to express myself via bumper stickers, so it doesn’t bother me if I don’t have one, but if I found an awesome one, I would put it on. Currently, all I have is an HRC sticker, as if my car wasn’t a giant “lesbian” sign anyway.
“Prose before hos” is awesome. I want.
@papayalily – Thanks for the links! :) My car is kind of a gay stereotype. My best friend calls it my ‘Lesbo-ru’.
(p.s. that is not my car, just one that looks like it.)
@MissAnthrope I had a navy blue Volvo wagon as my first car. My best friend said that I was at my most hippie-lesbian in that car. I think of the big-ass trucks that have been painted purple and have rainbow and HRC stickers on them as the biggest lesbo-cars.
Yeah, the truck/SUV is another one. :P
I have two bumper stickers, both of which are innocuous and not humorous.
That sounded really dry. But trust me, they’re great. :)
Okay, I have never been strip searched, but our law enforcement does like to target hippies.
Deadhead stickers on a cadillac (Don Henley) does draw attention, not just show your spirit.
who needs attention in a world where you need to be discreet. learned at age 20. to some success.
Confederate flag stickers. And I might approach someone about it if we were both in a parking lot, but it’s usually on a truck with a gun rack attached to the back window in the cab.
I agree, generally, that they are disappointing because they so often don’t get beyond talk radio sloganeering. I never had them, but I also live an unadorned life in many respect (no jewelry, etc).
I did come up with a custom though that tickles my subversive fancy. And it was only $10!
This one also makes me chuckle of late. Blessed are the peacemakers, indeed.
It brings down the value of your car.
@kevbo What’s the thing at the bottom?
@Frenchfry Can’t you peal them off when you sell it?
I guess you could . I just never put one on there because my dad was a own a car dealership and said not to. I think they are bitch to get off once you do and the paint might come with the sticker.
@Frenchfry I’ve taken off scores of stickers with no problem. Once I took it to the wash, you couldn’t tell that anything had ever been there.
@papayalily Like I said that is what my dad said. I guess I listened. I have not done it. That’s cool if you can. I might do it then. I have found lots of bumper sticks I liked. That made me hesitate because he said that.
@papayalily, exactly. No idea and my closest guess is Modern Whig party, which is an owl, but the logo is totally different. So I appropriated it to signify freemasonry or secret society stuff. Google “owl dollar bill D.C.” and you’ll see what I mean.
I am an anomaly, drive a conservative luxury car with liberal bumper stickers. lol
They are small, but, have a peace sign above my trunk lock and two more small stickers, one say’s ’ live in the present’, the other ‘shed light not blood.’
I always have to laugh when the guy behind me has NRA stickers and scopes and rifles. The contrast is really rather funny.
Hey, what can I say, definetly the 70’s earth child, peace loving, hippie throwback in the country.
For me, they’re usually far too cheesy to even own, nevermind sticking on your car. (there are very few i find amuzing) I’m also just not the type to stick stickers on my car.
@Frenchfry Maybe car paint has changed since he said that. Or, maybe, that wasn’t your dad who said that too you – it was a shape-shifting alien who’s race will be exterminated if every car has a bumper sticker!
@papayalily hahaha well you sure got imagination! Maybe that was awhile back. Now I want to go buy a bumper sticker. Just to see.
I plan on keeping my car til it blows up, sooo, no issue there, if I did sell it I’d remove my modest adornments.
I don’t like multiple stickers plastered all over a vehicle, but I do like getting a small glimpse into what others believe in or support. I find it interesting.
My stickers were put on during a spiritual retreat in Santa Fe & Taos in 2006, they fit my outlook perfectly.
@jazmina88 – I am so with you there. I see these people with 420 stickers, marijuana leaves, and lots of other things that I find really stupid to advertise to police. But I guess I should thank them for being just stupid enough to take the heat off the rest of us. ;)
@Frenchfry – Maybe car paint has improved since your dad’s day? I haven’t really had much issue at removing unwanted bumper stickers. Just do it carefully and slowly (and perhaps not on a really old-ass car that might have flaking paint), and then go over the area with Goo-Gone if there’s any adhesive left. Voila, you can’t even tell there was a sticker there.
I don’t like them because they distract from a car’s beauty, unless you’re driving a piece of shit. Then go for it. And then they either have trashy or sexual slogans on them, or they’re shoving their political beliefs down my throat. And then there’s always the idiot that overdoes the bumper stickers.
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