Tell me everything you know about marijuana?
Anything – news, facts, whether or not you think it should be used as medication, just anything marijuana !
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57 Answers
The worst thing I can tell you is that most of the people I knew back in the 70s smoking it, are in the same rut now as they were back then. That’s how it snuffs out your life. You have big ideas…after you come down, you’re just waiting to get high again…not being creative.
I wouldn’t even know where to begin…
@boots more like… anything interesting ? cool facts ?
PBS’s Botony of Desire has some pretty cool stuff in the pot section. I’m not sure if it’s in the book as well.
What do you know, and then we can go from there.
Id tell ya but im too fuckin high right now…
Botany of Desire was great. I just watched that a couple days ago
You need to poke your hitter every now and then.
It’s a plant. An AWESOME plant.
It smells bad. Most of my friends smoke it. My boyfriend smokes it. I’ve never tried it, ever, despite the amount of alcohol I drink and the amount of partying I do. I couldn’t care less about it being legal or not. If it were legalized, that would be fine; if it were kept illegal, that would be fine too.
Never used it, but one day in college one of my stoner coworkers walked up to me and told me how to make pot brownies. You have to saute the leaves in oil, then add the oil to the brownies.
It’s a very misunderstood (on both ends) herb that has the power to heal and to hurt.
But for the simple fact of the amount of things you can do with hemp, it should be legal.
My initial answer was the worst thing that I could think of. There ARE a lot of beneficial things…healing being but one huge one. It’d sure be a better pain remedy than oxycontin.
It has been used by people for thousands of years. Thousands of years.
In the 1890s to the 1920s it was prescribed by the AMA for such things as headaches and impotence! (He couldn’t, she got a headache…He smoked and could, she smoked and headache gone and then she enjoyed that he could!)
But it wasn’t until the 70’s that growers began growing ganja with extreme THC levels and incredible potency.
It is true that smoking pot seems to rob people of the ambition to succeed (as it were), but then succeeding in a purely money existence often is little or no real personal success at all.
Also, people on a ganja high tend to be mellow, as opposed to the vioent hostile high often brought about by alcohol.
And of course, the medicinal value of the herb is so fantastic that even local governments are re-thinking their opposition to its use… medicinally.
Use it in paint, rope, canvas but never in the body.
@Hypocrisy_Central I would have to disagree, i think it has many medicinal values if administered correctly.
I’d be happy to tell you anything I know but both my long and short term memory have been seriously compromised by almost daily use of marijuana between the ages of 13 and 25 and whatever I knew, I don’t know anymore, and whatever I’ve learned since then I don’t remember. Sorry. :-)
Someone told me it interferes with testicles. I just read that a large study was done showing its efficacy in chronic pain control. And I strongly feel that it should be just as legal as alcohol. Lots of drinkers I knew in the 70’s are not so productive or are dead and/or killed others as well, or just made them wish they were dead. I can’t imagine a stoned guy beating up his wife and kids- no rage and too much moving.
And to add something, alcohol’s con’s far outweigh marijuana and actually alcohol doesn’t really have any pro’s at least that i know of other than maybe an occasional sleep aid, so why do you think one is legal and the other isn’t ?
Because we could all grow our own marijuana plant- no money in it. Actually it would make more sense to me to legalize it and use the tax for something- like feeding people.
@superjuicebox Moderate alcohol intake (aka like 1–3 drinks a night) will lower blood pressure… There are more benefits to drinking in that style, but I can’t think of any.
The benefits to drinking in excess are pretty obvious when you do it right.
@faye i know its kind of difficult but couldn’t we all also brew our own alcohol ? I know in some places it’s completely illegal but I’m pretty sure there are certain states where you can brew your own alcohol without a license or a permit or anything of that sort.
@superjuicebox It’s legal to brew your own alcohol, at least here in RI. I think it’s selling your homebrew that’s illegal.
I knew we can make beer and wine in Canada. I’m not sure about the good stuff. Don’t I need a still? And will it blow up on me?
@faye lol we’re getting off topic :p
@faye It can lower your amount of seminal fluid and your sperm count, however, you have to be a chronic wake-and-baker for several years in order to get to that point. It’s not like getting high every other weekend your freshman year in college is going to have that effect. It can also lower sex drive over a prolonged period of chronic use, as it feeds into depression and I’m to understand that wanting to kill yourself isn’t the greatest aphrodisiac ever.
There are, of course, downsides to serious pot smoking. But it’s pretty comparable to the way we view alcohol – drink in moderation, and you’re fine, it’s when you become an alcoholic that your liver craps out at age 35. Same goes for pot.
@MissA That may be true for some people but I never lost my motivation when I was smoking it. I have actually done alot less since quitting it. I have seen people not doing anything with their lives because they choose to drink and sleep around all the time as well. Dam I became way more creative when I smoked.
@superjuicebox I would be careful with outright legalization of cannabis however. I would support being allowed to grow it privately with very strict stipulations. I would support decriminalising possessing smaller amounts (if you didn’t have a license to grow it). I do not think peoples lives should be ruined by overzealous antimarijuana laws nor should people unfairly have their cars/possessions taken from them just because some cop found a roach in the car ashtray. These laws were originally meant to confiscate drug dealers possessions who were suspected of using drug money to use for their purchases. However, these seizure laws have gotten out of hand (especially in the 90’s) where local, state and federal authorities were seizing people’s properties for the most minor infractions.
@papayalily “It can lower your amount of seminal fluid and your sperm count” Bullshit
“It can also lower sex drive over a prolonged period of chronic use,” Bullshit
“as it feeds into depression and I’m to understand that wanting to kill yourself isn’t the greatest aphrodisiac ever.“Bullshit. How many depressed pot heads do you know? Peace love and happiness mannnn :)
It helps pain better than pain pills.
It smells better than perfume…....
@uberbatman Actually, all the potheads I know are seriously depressed. And I do mean potheads, not people who take a few hits off a joint when they go to a concert. I’ve known several male potheads who had relationship problems because of their lack of libido. And the semen/sperm count was from a study done in 2005 by the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University at Buffalo School of Medicine in New York.
well, i had issues since puberty, losing 3 fathers and a sister does that to you. Long before I inhaled. Weed is better than suicide, no??
There are other issues that marijuana medicates, not just physical pain, emotional pain.
Like alcohol, it can be abused….There is a line between use and ABuse.
Safer than alcohol or cocaine, or meth, or whatever the kids are using these daze.
@papayalily and @uberbatman
Pot was prescribed as an aid for men who couldn’t get it up back in the early 1900s. It also helped raise sperm count.
Then, the powers that be decide pot is not going to become a recreational drug and all the fects get skewed and the lies begin.
welcome to Newpeak, 1984 style.
You been had @papayalily
Terriers have libido, but wouldnt you rather have a laid back goldendoodle?
I would rather not be upset. I’m snarky enough these days. Fibro makes me grumpy.
weed helps me endure.
@Ben_Dover I know that it can help men get it up in the short-term. I’m talking about the long-term. Just like how Vicodin makes me happy as fuck in the short-term, but I believe that it would make me depressed in the long term if I continued to take it.
Um, how exactly did they measure sperm count 100 years ago? I’d want to look at their methods before using that study over the one from 2005.
I’m familiar with pot’s propaganda history. I’m very much for legalization. I just refuse to believe that just because it became a scapegoat that it doesn’t have some downsides, same as everything else on Earth. I believe that the truth about pot lies somewhere in between “it’s worse than meth” and “it’s less harmful than water”.
@papayalily microscopes and nurses aids.
Sure it has downsides. it makes you lose ambition to accumulate great sums of wealth. It makes people want to opt out of the box they are forced to live in. It leads to other drugs, like acid and shrooms.
It is no good for people who aren’t ready to handle freedom and the responsibilities accrued thereby.
It gives you the munchies.
It has medicinal properties, but like any medicine it also has risks and side effects. Although very low in toxicity, that does not make it candy per se. The one with highest evidence being pain control in conjunction with other meds. It makes pain medications much more effective.
And so forth… wrote a very long paper on it for Psychopharmacology.
That it’s illegal to grow it in your yard, and that drinking it in tea helps for pain. And that for some reason it’s supposed to be fun to put it in brownies. That’s all i know. Haha.
@NaturallyMe The brownies is just another way to consume it.
@papayalily O… (what does it do to you when you eat it anyway?)
@Jabe73 i don’t mean outright legalization i mean medical legalization on a prescription basis only.
@NaturallyMe Eating has a few benefits: 1) You’re eating – YAY! 2) You’re not smoking (your lungs thank you)
3) So there are two types of weed: Shwag and chronic. Chronic is the buds on the marijuana plant, and shwag is the leaves. They’re both street terms, not botany terms. Chronic is the good stuff – a 20 sack, or 20 dollars worth, will get you maybe 3 or 4 bowls. This is a pipe, you can see the bowl in it. It’s not a standardized measure by any means, but more of colloquial measurement. Shwag, on the other hand, is MUCH cheaper and much less awesome. It’s what you get when you want to bring a joint to a concert but don’t want to pay more than a buck or two for total strangers to get high. Because shwag is so nasty if smoked directly – really, it’s a very poor high, I can’t stand it – it becomes perfect for edibles, because you need so much to make “bud butter”. In making bud butter, you melt butter, then add weed, then strain and chill. But for 1 lb of butter, you need ½ oz of weed – if you were using chronic, that’d be $100—$150. But if you use shwag, it’ll be under $50. Then you can use the half cup or whatever to make your brownies and pass them out among your friends without spending half your weekly salary to get other people high.
4) Eating does have to create a different high. It’s different on each person, so there’s no way to describe it, but stoners do like to mix it up, just like the rest of us.
@papayalily lol i like ur terms of schwag and chronic, you do know that there are actually three(technically four) types of completely different types of marijuana : indica , sativa, ruhmulus, and hybrid all of which have different levels of cannabanoids.
@superjuicebox Kind of. There are 3 types of cannabis – indica, sativa, and ruderalis. Ruderalis doesn’t have much in the way of THC, and thus is largely useless as a drug. Indica is short and dense, whereas sativa is tall and loose. Back in the 60s or 70s, when the US government started to crack down on the fields of sativa people were growing, the bred indica with sativa so that they could grow it inside but still get the perks of sativa. That’s how you get hybrid.
There are many different strains of weed, just like how you have many different kinds of roses. One such strain is called “Romulan”.
Google came up with nothing for ruhmulus. Maybe you are confusing Romulan with Romulus – the Romulans (Star Trek species) did come from the planet Romulus.
@papayalily Ruderalis ! I cant ever remember how to spell or say that one. :p No thats what i meant by whatever i spelled i just couldn’t remember it off of the top of my head ! :D
@papayalily thats interesting cause i just read an article in science news talking about how marijuana is used to treat depression as well as a lieu of other ailments.
As per your other claim, stoners dont seem to be havin any problems having children.
@uberbatman It’s a depressant. Depressants make you more depressed over time.
I didn’t say they were sterile, I said they were less fertile. Do you really have access to tons of chronic heavy users who confide in you if they are having trouble conceiving? Or perhaps a different study? If you click on this link , you will see that it said “Obviously many cannabis smokers father children. The researchers believe that if a man has borderline sperm counts cannabis smoking may ‘push them over the edge into infertility.”
@papayalily Marijuana is just as much of a stimulant as it is a depressant.
Also, I was born of former potheads. Hell, they were probably high while I was conceived.
@papayalily marijuana is a hallucinogen.Not a depressant.
@uberbatman It’s not necessarily an hallucinogen either. The personal effects are so different, that it’s practically impossible to categorize.
@uberbatman @boots While many drugs clearly fall into the category of either stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen, cannabis exhibits a mix of all properties.
@boots have a high dose of THC and tell me its not a hallucinogen.
@uberbatman Note my use of the word “necessarily”. It totally can be. Hell, I’ve had my fair share of high doses of THC. I know the effects. I know how it affects me, at least.
@superjuicebox Perhaps you should have rephrased your question then. The way you asked it “anything marijuana” gave me the impression you were willing to accept any statements about marijuana or marijuana related issues and I gave you a different and unique answer. If you are that serious about this then you should have asked the question in a more direct and professional manner and put it in the general section then.
@Jabe73 well, any information is nice. I want people’s opinions, and i like how this has turned into a discussion instead of just a question with an answer !
@uberbatman yes thc may have hallucinogenic qualities to it, but it also has many other qualities. Plus you have to remember that there are hundreds of different cannabanoids in marijuana, the main 2 being thc and cbd of course, but thats why it can be categorized as almost any type of drug (stimulant,depressant,hallucinogen,etc.) @papayalily just like you said :p
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