Men only question: how the hell do you deal with your woman's schtick?
Asked by
zen_ (
September 2nd, 2010
Can’t live with them, can’t live without them; well yes, we can. I have for a long time now – and I’ve been a pretty good single dad.
But they have so much drama, so many words come pouring out about nothing, constantly nagging and henpecking….
How do you do it guys?
Or all you all just whipped?
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74 Answers
Let me check with my wife and I’ll get back to you.
LOLL….Let me check with my g/f and i’ll get back to you.
maybe you just found the wrong girl.we aren’t all like that.
I ignore it, she knows by now not to bother. It helps to weed out those type of girls when you’re dating them.
@zen_ tolerlance is a wonderful virtue my friend. They do tolerate stuff from us. But, only you can make that call. There is a limit either way. Girl or boy!
Men are pigs. Ladies, how do you deal?
My girlfriend does not act in a way that requires dealing with like that. I enjoy being with her, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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You listen to it, pretend to pay strong attention to it, gather enough details to actually comment when she finally stops talking, and always take her side…. Its just how women can be sometimes.
Just remember she has the vagina and if you would like access to it, she needs to remain happy, lol.
get another dog… may still have a bitch…but she’s wag her tail and lick you and give you unconditional lovin.
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Though this is in Social, it does not welcome female commentary. I specifically said Men Only, and I (usually) respect it when a woman does the same here, with their “Women Only Q’s” of vaginal discharges and Am I pregnant/lesbian/going insane with jealousy stuff.
No disrespect, and obviously there was more than a tinge of humour – what with my ending with “whipped” – the guys got the joke (or cried at the reminder) and the girls, well, you should be respectful of a man’s request; sort of proves my point.
Females of the species: You’ve all been flogged flagged; off-topic and unsolicited.
Men Only, but enter with caution!
P.S. The new relationship is going fine – thanks. But she’s driving me nuts. Thought I’d discuss it here, rather than there.
Frankly, I can’t get excited about living with a guy, so the gay route is out. A friend pointed out a problem with dogs as we walked by one licking his balls. He said “Don’t you wish you could do that? I would but he’d probably bite me.” And I’m not the best company by myself, so I guess I’ll put up with women. And, I kind of liked the ladies input here.
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In past relationships the answer was “by sucking it up until I couldn’t suck it up any longer and then I was done.” Now, however, I found someone who is delightfully easy for the most part and who’s “schtick” is very easy to deal with because so often I know it’s rarely about me, but often about something else entirely. Plus, we’ve been part-time (commuting) through much of our relationship, which obviously creates some space.
But the schtick does suck if you are ill-equipped to deal with it. That is for sure. As they say, for every pretty girl out there, there’s some guy who is sick of putting up with her shit.
^ GA. Commuting makes it like “Taste it again, for the first time.”
@zen_ Maybe the problem is you. After all, you’re the common denominator in your situations. And women aren’t stupid; you don’t have to use the sort of language you’ve used here in front of them in order for most of them to pick up on your attitude.
I don’t often see mature (grown) men bitchin’ like that . I’m thinking that MacBean is right.
OH SNAP! I think you’ve just been called old in 2 different ways, dude.
Ouch. And I was just thinking it seems to be a nice day on fluther. lol
@jjmah, but grown women spout “men are pigs”? Did you take you chill pill today?
@kevbo I forgot to add the ~ sign there.
I just thought that the whole question was silly.
@kevbo Hear hear!
Tell us, @jjmah, what do YOU have against pigs? ~
@bob_ read my quip above.
@jjmah Hey, you edited out the “I’m not a man-hater” part. Changed your mind? ~
Actually, it’s not a silly question at all. If you’ve grown up as a mama’s boy and then end up with some high maintenance/psycho beatch, for example, then you are pretty helpless. And emotional abuse and invalidation isn’t silly, either.
@bob_ I’m gonna stuff a sandwich in your mouth. :D
I love men. :)
She has a valid point. We kind of are pigs. Look around you guys: clutter?, dust? empty bottles? stuff you should dispose of? Shall I go on?
@Adirondackwannabe Speak for yourself!! I am a clean, neat and freshly showered pig thank you!
The woman I am with (she is not mine) does not have a schtick. I know how to treat her and she reciprocates. From all the stuff I see here I know why women take issue with you. Yuk.
I think “drama,” “words pouring out about nothing” and “constant nagging and henpecking” are human traits rather than gender-specific ones, but they happen to be generally used to describe females rather than males. Substitute words like words “bug,” “irritate, “bully,” etc. and the same qualities can apply to men.
Don’t expect any replies from jjmah. She’s gone.
Pigs?? You mean the dirty socks on the floor and the belching for starters?
”Don’t expect any replies from jjmah. She’s gone.”
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”@jjmah Isn’t a woman in the classic sense; she’s a lesbo.”
Awesome. I don’t even have to say anything about what a charming, respectful, intelligent fellow you clearly are. You make the point all by yourself!
Edited to add: For any guys who are honestly having issues with woman and are willing to accept some responsibility for the condition of their relationships, my first answer was based on a conversation I had with my cousin when he was in his early twenties. I asked him, “Did you ever think maybe all the ‘bitches’ you date are ‘crazy’ because you have that attitude and so the only women who are stupid or desperate enough to be with you are… crazy bitches?” He thought about it, took it to heart, adjusted his shitty attitude, and now he’s with a really great girl who he doesn’t think is certifiably insane.
Edited AGAIN to add: By the way, @jjmah did NOT delete her account because of this thread. She’s been thinking and talking about it for a long time. Months, I think, or at least it seems that long. She’s got a lot on her plate. So it wasn’t actually a dramatic flounce; I just took advantage of her timing to poke fun at the ridiculousness of this question and the attitude behind it.
Haha! Lest we forget there’s no such thing as “men only” when it comes down to the serious business of offering opinions.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I still feel a great wash of love and humor when she gets angry with me. She puts on ‘that face’ and fails. It only comes off as cute. I have to stifle a laugh every time, and it’s been 23 years. How she has put up with my shenanigans all these years is a wonder to me.
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Response moderated (Personal Attack)
[Mod Says:] Keep it civil folks.
@Dog Hey, men only! ~
I kid, I kid! XD
@bob_ ~ don’t make me bring out my mod “schtick” ;)
I only let them over on a weekend, they can take over as much as they like, so long as they’re gone by Monday morning! :-/
i’m leaving, dog reached for a can of whoopa**!
@Scooby Good thing women aren’t allowed in here – I’m sure some would have words for you.
It’s almost the weekend :-/
I can make allowances Lol… ;-)
The wording of the entire question is insulting, sexist and beneath you (I thought). Even if it was asked in jest and I am not sure of that, it was still in poor taste.
I was not aware that Fluther had regs regarding who could answer questions as long as the answers were on topic. When did we become segregated?
Watch out @rooeytoo , you’re displaying sensitivity, a “typical” feminine trait. Bet he’s gonna flag you for that! (And me, for this, I’m sure…;-)
How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?
It’s not how you put up with it but whether the woman is worth the putting up with.
P.S. You men ain’t no walk in the park either…maybe there should be a question about how we deal with you!
@saraaaaaa, yeah I know… We actually say what we mean. Who does that? Ridiculous! ;-)
@kevbo Pah! I sincerely disagree, you may say what you mean, but the problem is you don’t always say it at all.
Women are wonderful and you men are lucky to have us around. Let’s all face facts here, without women to carry and give birth to babies, this world would die out. Like it or not we do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to keeping our species alive.
I’m surprised that your current puts up with you, @zen_. Or is she just a figment of your imagination?
@Mama_Cakes My, wouldn’t that be strange.
* chuckles, holds laughter *
What’s that @bob_ ?
(Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised that it’s true)
Haha, @bob_, someone needs to cut back on those sandwiches.
Open and honest communication, kindness, respect, and compassion work real well and lead to trust, intimacy and a love so passionate others will feel the heat and wish they had the same. And true love knows no gender restriction or prejudice. If you are not feeling the love, maybe it ain’t love.
See ya…....Gary/wtf .
@kevbo doesn’t that prove my point?
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