Will you stay (forever) on Fluther, or will you go (one day)?
Asked by
rebbel (
September 2nd, 2010
Now that some Jellies decided to leave (or take a time-out) (from) Fluther, my question is this:
Will you, no matter what will happen (changes in how to Fluther operates, personal attacks, (possible) ‘dumbing down’) stay on here if yes, can we write your name down on the will-never-leave list? ?
Or are you not sure, can you not tell whether in the future you may or may not leave?
In the event of you leaving us, would you go without warning or goodbyes, or would you write thank yous and/or explanation as to why you chose to leave?
Me? I cannot tell what i would do when one of the above stated things will happen, but my intention is to ‘just’ stay for now (and tomorrow).
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55 Answers
Gee, I’d like to stay for awhile…will there be anyone left?
Not 100% sure, but I will stay as long as I can. My account will always be active, even if I am not consistently active on the site throughout the next few years. Fluther has changed the way I view the internet and I am always learning something new on here.
I do hope to stay an active user though, at least for a while!
I hope to stay for awhile. Hopefully, I’ll leave my account open, with a message on it.
it depends on Bob….if he leaves, i’m staying…if not, i’m out here! someone be sure to tell him this!
I’ve been considering leaving for a pretty long time. Instead of totally going, so far I’ve just scaled back my activity. I doubt I’ll ever delete my account even if I stop answering/asking questions, because there are a lot of people on the site that I’d still keep in touch with, and Fluther PMs would be an easy and convenient way to do that.
I doubt I will ever leave. I haven’t been here long but I’ve formed a few fantastic friendships and working on building more. As long as those people are here, so shall I be.
Should I stay or should I go now?
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
An’ if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know!
No to leaving, although I do get less involved when things get banal. I hope someday though to become less wrapped around this axle.
One thing I do appreciate about being here is developing a thick skin around discussion of ideas. I think that’s useful in many contexts and obviously precludes a lot of reasons why people leave in general.
Imma be staying.
@BoBo1946 Who said you could leave? Go make me a sandwich!
I will eventually leave. The more active the site gets the less I visit. I don’t care what your favorite color is.
Andrew did number crunching around last year. I had clicked on around 60% of the question. I would be amazed if that number is above 5% now.
I will probably not close my account. I did take a hiatus for a while my first year here. I have taken a shorter one since then.
Right now the jellies are droppin’ like flies, but I’m stickin’—even if the question quality has been a little lame lately.
To all the longer timers here: doesn’t this stuff come and go in waves? I mean the question quality issues, the raised levels of attack and gossip, stuff like that..I’m guessing it’s tidal. I’m hoping it’s tidal!
@bob_ what kind of sandwich would you like Sir?
Dragging myself out of bed every morning at 3:45 a.m. can’t be good for your health. Working everyday until, at least,11 or 12pm here can’t be good for your health. Taking all the abuse from Bob everyday here can’t be good for your health. My fingers are worn down to the bone from typing here everyday, can’t be good for your health. Sitting here hour after hour, day after day, month after month, year after year, can’t be good for your health. Reading tirelessly day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year, cannot be good for your health. Not eating properly because of being here day after day, repeat as above can’t be good for you health.
Because I’m dedicated to the people of Fluther, I’m staying. “I love ya man!”
I’m not sure that I honestly see myself staying forever. I’m not leaving yet, though.
I like fluthering sooo much. Yes, these dropping out and dumb questions imho come and go. I miss some jellies who left but I also enjoy some new ones a lot. I couldn’t leave the atheism/ theism questions.
@BoBo1946 Now it’s too late. I’ve changed my mind.
@kevbo : Thanx, I was hoping so.
@bob_ I didn’t know what kind…geezzz…i’m not mind reader you know!
Honestly don’t know – I have thought of leaving at times and yet, I’m still here.
I don’t really see the point of deleting one’s account. You can always take a break (as I did between January and March) and come back whenever you’re in the mood.
Unless you’re looking for that cathartic feeling you get when you officially end something, there’s really no point.
@cprevite I wondered that myself and it might be so the person won’t be tempted to come back if they don’t have an account open.
@chyna @cprevite Or it’s because some of us wouldn’t have the discipline to stay away if we didn’t delete our accounts. I could see myself falling into that trap.
I don’t see myself leaving any time soon. I’m sure my activity level will decrease over time as life changes, but I don’t think I’ll ever delete my account.
Yes so when I get around 90 years old I can earn the nickname “O wise one”
I do expect to die one day. So I would have to say that I will be leaving this site someday.
Can’t guarantee anything, but I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon…
@AstroChuck : You shake my foundations with that statement.
@janbb- No time soon, I hope.
And don’t call me Shirley.
Who knows? Certainly for the forseeable future I shall :¬) By the way, our beloved manager puts in an appearance @ 2:00mins. At least in my eyes :¬)
I’m happy to stay for now but I won’t make promises to stay no matter what. I tend to be fickle with my internet sites – one day some new shiny thing (not necessarily a Q&A) will get my attention and I’ll forget all about Fluther.
I can’t predict the future, but I see no reason to change anything at this time. I really do hope to get back to my charity craft work someday, but it seems to come in second place whenever I try it.
There are a lot of ups and downs here, but every once in awhile a new influx of new people perks things up.
I plan on hanging around for a good while yet, but I imagine one day I will leave. No plans at this stage though!
@AstroChuck You haven’t aged a bit since I’ve been on here, so maybe you won’t die after all!
Instead of leaving I have cut-back. I can see slowly drifting away to once-in-a-long-while check-ins. I can also see sick days best spent fluthering.
This is how I feel about Fluther.
For once and for all, this is what @bob_ prefers; now go shoyn and make him a sandwich – fluthering burns a lot of calories, you know.
I have no idea. If I feel as I do now, I’ll be here. If things change or I change enough that I can’t feel comfortable any more, I’ll probably leave.
But I won’t leave without letting somebody know. It hurts to be abandoned without a word, and I won’t do that to the people I care about.
I do not think I would ever erase my account. There may be times (even in the near future) where I may take long breaks but I don’t see the point of leaving Fluther. It would have to be a very drastic reason for that to happen. It was so hard and took such a long time to get what lurve I have already.
I have every intention to stick around.
^ Are you related to Bobo1946?
@zen_ Me? Not that I know of, why?
According to my profile I have been here since March of 2008, feels like home by now, why would I want to leave??!!
I was here before you all, and I’ll be here long after y’all are gone..~
@zen_ uh, to whom would you be asking that question?
I think the ”^” in the sentence is a clue as to whom he asked it.
Just teasing.
But Bobo and Brian 1946 are cousins, right?
loll Zen, please tell Bob to keep quiet for just ONCE!
It’s too early to talk about commitment.
@BoBo1946 You keep quiet. That is so immature.
@bob_ uh, see….i rest my case your honor.
I’m starting to think differently now from my first post. Maybe I will go on a more open-minded Q&A forum where I can get a little more balance on some of these topics.
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