[NSFW] What is a fetish and is me liking plushies a werid thing?
Okay so today I showed my sister this 40’’ wolf Plushy and it came with some other stuff like a frame with a certificate and pictures and what not of wolves, but I guess my mom found out from my sister too and she said “I need to stop this plushy fetish” or something like that. I mean I though a fetish was a sexual urge towards something like I like foot fetish but Sure I guess I have a plushy fetish sometimes, but I’m still not so keen on it’s meaning mind if you guys explain it to me a little bit clearer. Oh and do you guys think I should stop this I mean, yeah I’m 13 and a guy, but I mean I should like would I like and I like having plushies. But what do you guys think?
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10 Answers
i would like a wolf plushy. if you arent being freaky with the things, dont worry. If you had sexual urges with them, think some more.
I dont think she was being literal about fetishes, my friend.
You mom is afraid you will become a homosexual because of this hobby.
Either that, or she just thinks it’s weird..
Your mother was likely using “fetish” as a synonym for “obsession”. Unless you are sexually stimulated by plush toys, it’s not a fetish.
There’s nothing weird about liking / collecting plush toys. Especially since the one you were looking at was a wolf and you are interested in wolves. What’s so strange about that? I think your mother is being a little ridiculous in preventing your interests (sexual connections aside.)
It’s a little awkward to me with the plushy part, but one of my brothers had an obsession with beanie babies till he was about 15, it’s just that you may or may not just eventually just find another interest (like writing, which is what my bro is currently obsessed with) and drop the plushy interest altogether. Otherwise, there’s nothing wrong with a collection or what not.
I’d just make sure too keep it out of sight under lock and key, but that’s just me.
As @muppetish said, the term “fetish” is often used loosely to mean something a person has a great liking for. Your mother might be mistakenly using it in a sexual context. She may have some misguided concern that a liking for plushies is some sign of gay-ness. The notion is ridiculous; as is the idea that depriving a person of his preferences will “force” him to be heterosexual. Sexual orientation is not some disease that can be “caught”.
As the others have said, the word “fetish” is being used here an exaggerated term referring to an obsession or strong interest in something. Truly, a fetish is an object or non-genital part of the body that causes sexual arousal (foot fetish, shoe fetish, hair fetish, etc.)
Personally, I’m 19 and I still have a collection of stuffed animals that I keep in my room. I love my stuffed animals and I always have, ever since I was little. There’s nothing wrong with it; it really bothers me when people criticize other people’s innocuous interests…
Do you have a open relationship with your mom? I guess you should ask her what she meant. She is the only one that really tell you . Just ask What did you mean when you said… It good to have a open relationship with your parents if you can. I hope my daughter would ask me if she misunderstood something I said.
@DominicX gives the exact technical definition of a sexual fetish.
Per Wiki—one definition of Fetish is the attribution of religious or mystical qualities to inanimate object.
If one studies anthropology, there are items like pieces of jewelry or small carvings that are referred to as “fetishes.” It is entirely possible that this is the meaning your Mom is drawing when discussing your penchant for certain items (of whatever description).
In contrast, a sexual fetish is an attraction to objects, body parts or situations not typically thought of as being sexual in nature. For some with a sexual fetish, sexual satisfaction is not possible without the object or body part or situation (think foot fetish or someone saying “I am an ass-man.”)
at 13, boys get excited at everything, Don’t worry about it.
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