Meta Question

jazmina88's avatar

Wouldnt you like to raise a glass to syz? 20K? Today?

Asked by jazmina88 (11657points) September 3rd, 2010

An all-round good jelly. witty. fun.
with all this lurve she’s in the CASTLE.
Break out the good stuff.


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65 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Absolutely – anything for a fellow animal lover and what a steady, sound mind. Congratulations!

chyna's avatar

Congratulations SYZ!!! My favorite vet in the world. You are the one member on here that I always take time to read each post. I’ve learned much from you.
a beautiful pic for a beautiful lady

Randy's avatar

20K is quite a milestone. Congrats, syz!

jazmina88's avatar

waggin my tail…...!!!!!


ucme's avatar

Congrats syz, you certainly did the biz :¬)

janbb's avatar

Solid, sound and a wonderful resource on all things animal.

A great mod to boot (and you have been booted, I’m afraid, once or twice.)

Mazel Tov on the great achievement @syz – I’m sure you’d have reached it sooner if not for your other duties.

Trillian's avatar

Congratulations. If my cat, or rather the cat who owned me, were here, she’d say…. well, she’d ignore you, but it would be in a nice way. Then she’d exect you to pet her while she pretended that you were doing no such thing.
Well deserved Congrats!

AmWiser's avatar

\o/\o/\o/ three cheers and CONGRATULATIONS!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Aw, congrats, @syz! You deserve all the lurve you can handle for being such a great Jelly!

Cruiser's avatar

Congrats on the 20 grand! Nice work!

AstroChuck's avatar

Welcome to the 20K club, syz!
Now let’s party!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Congrats on 20K!

le_inferno's avatar

Congrats, little animal expert! Thanks for all the great contributions!

shego's avatar

Congrats @syz a great day for a 20k party enjoy!

Dog's avatar



OreetCocker's avatar

Great job Syz, congratulations :-)

marissa's avatar

Congratulations Syz!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Fabulous! Enjoy the castle!

KatawaGrey's avatar

I tip my hat to an awesome fellow moderator.


syz's avatar

Aww, thanks, guys! Mojitos at my house!

Aster's avatar

Congratulations syz!!!!!

tinyfaery's avatar

Woo hoo. You are one of the first jellies I interacted with and I have appreciated all you do for fluther ever since. Thank you for all of your help over the past 2 years. You really deserve the 20K. Congrats!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Only if it is booze for this man. Woooo hoooo!

rebbel's avatar

Meow now nmow meowwow nnmmmow!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats on the 20K. Nice job.

mangeons's avatar

Congrats @syz, you’re awesome! :D

liminal's avatar

I am surprised this didn’t happen sooner! Congrats!

Your_Majesty's avatar

Wow! Incredible! Congratulation!!

Lightlyseared's avatar

Well DONE!!!!!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Good job! Congratualtions!

syz's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central How about the full fat good stuff?

Actually, with my gall bladder issues, I’m a teetotaler now, too. Involuntarily.

marinelife's avatar

To one of the pillars of Fluther, congratulations on reaching 20K! You are the voice of animal care wisdom! The collective is lucky to have you.

Coloma's avatar


From one animal nut to another, this Frontlines for you! Well, I’m sure you are flea & tick

kevbo's avatar

Conga rats! You haz them.

Nice to see anotha’ OG in tha 20k keep! Good show, m’lady.

cookieman's avatar



Seaofclouds's avatar


wilma's avatar

Congratulations! @syz
Way to go and thanks for all the good advice!

wundayatta's avatar

Say Hey, Syz!

Way to go!

stardust's avatar

Good on you :)

Fred931's avatar

My first party since I’ve been away from Fluther… so… I don’t remember what it is I’m supposed to do. I think it had something to do with @janbb interrupting me or something like that…

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@syz Add some homemade fudge or extra gooey peanut butter cookies and I am there all day hope the moo juice is frosty!

sakura's avatar

CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!! B-)

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Congratulations! I’m sure we can look forward to many more great contributions in the future.

Mama_Cakes2's avatar

Happy 20K! Much respect to a wonderful jelly!

MissAusten's avatar


jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@syz, you are a fantastic jelly! Congrats on this fine achievement!

MissAnthrope's avatar

w00t, w00t! Congrats!! :)

Bluefreedom's avatar

Congratulations! Very nice!

augustlan's avatar

RAWR! Congratulations, girl! You rock, and I’m so glad to work with you. Well deserved, every single point. :D

LuckyGuy's avatar

Bizz! bizz! Syz iz the whiz! Congratsyz!

zen_'s avatar

I like 20k. Maybe I’ll go for 20k this time. It’s a nice number.

So, Happy 20kayday, to a smart and witty jellymod.

CMaz's avatar

Yea! There is a Tiger in the house!

Congrats. :-)

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Congratulations! :)

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

Well done to you! :) Enjoy the castle!

breedmitch's avatar

Congrats to one of my very favorite jellyfish!!

filmfann's avatar

Congrats Syz! You rock this place! WTG!

Fred931's avatar

Congratzisesysyz, here’s your goodie bag!

mattbrowne's avatar

This is an amazing, amplitudinous, astonishing, astronomical, awe-inspiring, beatified, bizarre, boundless, breathtaking, colossal, cosmic, daunting, eerie, elevated, ennobled, enormous, enshrined, exalted, excellent, formidable, galactic, gargantuan, gigantic, glorified, grand, heavenly, honorable, huge, immeasurable, immortal, imposing, incredible, infinite, lofty, mammoth, massive, mighty, monstrous, monumental, mountainous, moving, mysterious, overwhelming, prodigious, stirring, stunning, stupefying, stupendous, sublime, terrific, time-honored, titanic, tremendous, unbelievable, uncanny, unutterable, venerable, voluminous, and wonderful accomplishment !!

janbb's avatar

@mattbrowne So where’s the “z” showoff?

mattbrowne's avatar

@janbb – I love thesauruses ;-)

JilltheTooth's avatar

@mattbrowne: Does that make you the Thesaurus Rex?

mattbrowne's avatar

@JilltheTooth – A docile one, though.

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