In your opinion, could zombification really exist?
I was curious if someone turning into a zombie could really happen by some disease infestation of some sort. Is there a sickness out there that has symptoms along the lines of zombification? Or is the notion so ‘out there’ that it could never happen and will only be movie material? What’s your opinion?
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28 Answers
“Anythings possible if you just believe” Walt Disney said that. Lol
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Too many factors and systems. In the movies, the little piece of primordial jelly in the brain is the last thing to die, as the brain will slowly run down like a battery. But movies don’t address things like… the eyes,for instance. They are aquaeous tissue and there is no way that they would continue to function. There are no fluids being pumped through the body, so no fluids keeping the eyes lubricated. They would dehydrate and cave in like a water balloon with a slow leak. The movies show zombies “sniffing” and honing in on BRAINNNSSSSS! But again, the olfactory mechanism would not be functioning. Nor would the digestive system. The body is no longer producing enzymes, the salivary glands are certainly not producing saliva, which is the beginning of the digestive process.
You would definitely have to use magic to compensate for these deficiencies,science is just not up to it.
Zombie as in coming back from the dead? doubt it.
But zombies as in like the one’s from zombieland makes some sense to me if there were a prion that killed off a good portion of the brain except the parts that controlled one’s basic instincts, motor functions, and perhaps rage? But that’s technically still a living breathing human. But prions tend to just kill off everything, so I’m gonna go with a no for now
but I sure as hell am keeping my survival gear and a crowbar close at hand, just in case. lol
Technically, zombies are considered the “living dead”. You can look at that in several ways. The literal way, as in corpses becoming reanimated to eat brains, isn’t going to happen. When something dies, it’s dead.
There are other ways of looking at it that could bend the contradiction “living dead”. People who have had near death experiences could be considered zombies, as well as people with terminal illnesses, with just a little phrase bending.
No. Once you’re dead, you’re dead.
If you watch some movie such as_ Resident Evil_ series or I’m legend You know that this is possible through science-fiction way. I don’t know whether or not it exists but I know it’s possible to exist.
@lucillelucillelucille. I rest my case.
Why are you asking whether it could exist? Why not ask where it is already happening? Not Area 51, that’s for sure. Everybody is looking at Area 51. Nor is it happening at HAARP. Nor the Grassy Knoll. Too many eyes.
The zombies are currently being grown in tanks and vats underneath the mountains somewhere in the Sierra. The dead are trucked in from all over the country. The military-industrial complex has made a deal with crematoriums to swap out bodies for dust from burnt mice. Or rats. Some rodent.
The bodies are shipped to this mountain redoubt, where they are put through the zombification process and then stored in frozen vaults. The plan is to release the zombies when it comes time for ethical cleansing. The zombies will eat only the righteous, leaving the world safe for thieves and corruption.
It’s ok because zombies have a short half life.They soon disintegrate into viscous masses of phlegm and smegma. This stuff rolls downhill to places where it can accumulate itself and when enough gets together, you have a Blob. The Blobs are in cahoots with the creatures from the Black Lagoon, which is where all the psy-ops are conducted. They write it “psy” but really it’s Sy. Or maybe Cy. Or maybe some dyslexic person didn’t understand that cyclops is different from psy-ops.
No matter.
The important point is that Homer did not have zombies in mind when he invented the Cyclops, so what we are seeing is really a perversion of history and literature. If only these people had taken Great Works of Literature in high school, we might have been saved this entire dust for bodies swappy thingy.
Sounds like a question for Dr. Zombart.
Dr. Zombart: “Did somebody say, zombies?”
Hmmm, @Trillian seems to be sending crude messages.
The research team in Haiti is working on this. Baron Samedi says “yes, how many do you want?” Pappa Legba says “we’ll give you a good wholesale deal, and stay away from those cheap Chinese knockoffs”. Mambo is busy with Earl right now, but he’ll get back to us on Monday. Bugid Y Aiba is pounding his shoe on the table, shouting “we will bury you!”.Yemalla is pouting, Hilary Clinton hasn’t returned her call. Eleggua says Kim Jong Il has the formula and is threatening to turn 42,000 of them loose on Scranton next Tuesday unless the running dog capitalists lift the embargo on his line of hair-care products.
There is no possibility that zombies could ever exist.
you havent been snooping around have you?
@Umbrella_Corporation How cool, I keep seeing your logo everywhere I go in Raccoon City. Are there any job openings for me?
@Trillian Oh…we have many interesting new job openings….
@Umbrella_Corporation Do you have any openings as test subjects for the use of the T-virus (not that i would know what that is) for the physical and possibly mental enhancement of the human body (not that I would know that the T-virus, if I knew what that was, has the capacity to do that)?
@Trillian It’s funny you should mention that. We were just looking for a new test subject for our latest strain of human enhancement serums, our last subject seems to have had some adverse effects from the testings. I know not of this T-virus you speak of though…
I saw something once on the history channel about an old voodoo ritual that involved zombies. I do not believe the person was already dead, well it wouldnt make sense if they were. Anyways basically they were given some sort of drug/concoction, then they were buried alive, and arose the next day. It was a while ago that I saw this so I am not clear on the details but I will search google to see if I can find it.
I did find this article that talks of the zombies in Haiti by using a “potion” that contains the poison of a puffer fish. You may be able to find other articles on this matter by searching voodoo rituals involving puffer fish poison. Note: these rituals can only be performed “professionally” by a voodoo priestess.
Tetrodotoxin. Yeah… not really the same thing. Induces a death like state and the uneducated believe the person to have died and come back.
More like a thrall, really.
@Trance24 I watched that too. About Zombie on the History Channel.
Supposedly they can maintain the “zombie” in that state by withholding salt from their diet. The intention is to produce slave labor rather than movie extras.
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