(NSFW)I experience pain after intercourse?
Asked by
lsdh182 (
September 3rd, 2010
i also struggle to climax, i haven’t done so for months and i experience friction at the beginning of intercourse also can anyone help?
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22 Answers
if anyone could shed some light that would be great.
We need some more information like are you male or female and are you using contraceptives?
To start, try using a lubricant such as KY Jelly. Then begin doing regular Kegel exercises to relax your muscles down there. And make sure your man is doing his part to get you aroused before taking the plunge.
I’m female and i have have the implanon.
Assuming you’re female?
How coarse is your partner’s pubic hair?
Is there more grind to your penetration than stroke or close to the body pump?
Have you spent enough time on foreplay that gets your genitals primed for orgasm?
It sounds crude to say it like this but some partners seem to think a minute of deep kissing and them ramming a finger around in there is going to get a woman closer to orgasm. If you’re struggling too hard for orgasm then you’re going to get rubbed raw, sore and even end up with a urinary or yeast infection. Blech. It’s better to talk about what you want out of sex and see if you can get it without so much frustration.
How old are you? Do you use drugs? Does your partner have other partners. Do you play around with a lot of people?
Have you been to a doctor?
I just looked through a long list of possible side effects of implanon and it just may be some of the side effects. I dunno, I’m a guy. But I guess getting a professional opinion would probably be a good idea.
I would check that with my OB/GYN..
I thought it could be the side affects a while back but i went through like a two week period of having a high sex drive and no pain and it keeps coming back worse and worse, i’ve been to my doctor and i was told to drink more water… which seems to be my doctors answer for everything.
I’m not on drugs, my partner and i are exclusive and i’ve only ever been with him.
@lsdh182 you’ve been to OB/GYN or family doctor?
@Stasi no i haven’t been to ob/gyn where do i find the nearest clinic? assuming it is a clinic?
you have to find one in your area, and check it out, it could be an infection, or else. Don’t wait too long.
As to struggle to climax, that could be, and most probably is a separate issue.
Well, we can rule out allegic reaction to latex condoms. Try using a lubricant. I think talking to an OB/GYN is an excellent suggestion.
Also, I’m sorry you’re having to go through this. Best of luck to you.
Shower before and between sex acts if you can.
Brush your teeth free of foodstuffs if you’re an oral sex enthusiast.
Use a damp towel to wipe down after sex if you’re going to nap or take a break and then do it again.
Take us using babywipes between showers if you’re going to do any oral/anal.
@hawaii_jake thanks for the answer, first thing in the morning i’m tracking down my nearest OB/GYN clinic, thanks to you all for being so helpful and respectful.
@Neizvestnaya i’ll remember all of those things, keeping baby wipes to hand isn’t the hardest thing i can see this getting better thank you.
It sounds like ther may be a mismatch in size between your genitals or that you may be too dry before penetration. Also, if you have begun to experience pain in the past, the anticipation of it may make you close up and cause more pain. If he is big for you, it is very important to use lubricant and also be aroused and wet before intercourse. As for the orgasms, many women take a long time to get aroused and come. It may be that your partner’s technique is not effective. Consider trying oral sex if you have not. It’s tough when sex is not comfortable; I am sorry that you have these problems. You might consider reading some books on sexual technique and/or conseling with a sex therapist if the problems continue.
I’ve experienced exactly what you are describing. And I only experience it when I’m tense or distracted or nervous that it will hurt or not exactly in the mood. I think it just happens because if it’s not wet enough down there, it of course will be uncomfortable. I really think it’s as simple as that. Some women take longer to get wet than others. I think I take a while…sometimes I get upset when I’m really horny but not wet at all but you just have to persevere. And if you arent in the mood but your partner is, you can’t always just say “oh what the hell, why not have sex?” because if you aren’t aroused and he’s trying to get his penis in you, something could tear and believe me that’s even worse! anyhow. i know it sucks. good luck.
I have this problem all the time. It takes me forever to get aroused and wet and I become frustrated because he’s ready and I’m bone dry. Also I feel pain because my husband penis is kinda large and long so sometimes I feel him hitting a nerve and my cervix. I can’t use KY jelly because everytime I use lubricant I get a yeast or bacterial infection. What helps me is “starting without him” so to speak. While he’s in the shower (or while I’m in the shower), I use a vibrator to help ‘jump start’ my libido. Then when him and I are about to have sex he does oral and lots of foreplay. Sometimes watching porn also help me get aroused but I don’t do that often. I also try to communicate what I like in bed to him since I know he can’t read my mind. I hope some of this has helped you even if it’s just knowing that many women in your situation have this problem. Good Luck.
Sounds simple to me . . . use lube. Go to your local sex shop and asked for a water-based one.
I personally recommend System Jo brand lubes. And no, I am not a paid spokes-person.
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