Have you ever witnessed or participated in a barroom brawl?
Asked by
Trillian (
September 3rd, 2010
I’m watching a movie with a limited bar fight. I haven’t been to a bar in years, but I can clearly remember a some very unpleasant incidents. One that sticks out was a very large, drunken female who came back in after having been escorted out once and, for some unfathomable reason, had removed her shirt. The bouncer really earned his pay that night in removing her a second time. He kept losing his grip and having to re-grab her sweaty person. It was dreadful, but I couldn’t look away. She had two kind of heavy friends that added to the scene and we applauded the bouncer when he came back in. That was not too bad as far as brawling, but another time I saw a simple fight escalate within what seemed like seconds with what I thought were uninvolved strangers all just jumping in and swinging. My partner and I just kept dancing through it all, and we had a couple close calls as people swung past or slid by us on the floor. I have no idea now what I was thinking then, or why I didn’t run for cover. I remember he had on a cowboy hat, so maybe I thought that he could handle anything that came at us. I don’t know.
How ‘bout you? I’ve always kind of wanted to be the person who hits people over the head with a bottle as they come staggering over to the bar, but somehow my life never worked that out for me.
Have you ever seen or been involved in something that might make a good scene in a movie while in a bar?
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24 Answers
I was participating in bar golf one night, and some sort of brawl broke out. I have not idea what was going on (I’m five feet tall), but I remember this mob rush for the door, following the fight out, and I got swept along, completely unintentionally. Then some (tall) stranger reached around from behind me and his forearm created a barrier across my chest, just below my collarbones, and anchored me in place. As soon as the pressure of the crowd eased up, he released me and disappeared. I always wished I knew who saved me from getting dumped into the middle of that.
I’ve seen several…I worked night shift at a convenience store surrounded by 17+ places to get alcohol…I have never seen someone use a weapon.
We had a bar in my town many years ago called the ‘Windsor’ or ‘fight a night Windsor’. I live in oil country and the ‘rig pigs’ would come in on days off after working 14 or more days 12 hours a day. We had a biker gang, rednecks and we had cowboys. Often they did not mix well- beer bottles or draught glasses broken on the edge of a table and used as a weapon. The tables had terry cloth covers and they were always wet from spilled draught. Management would change them if they got blloody or you just did without. It was so bad for awhile that we didn’t pay attention other than grabbing our beers if it got too close. There were 4–5 bouncers. This was before dancing in bars so maybe there was too much talking! and it was huge= no neighborhood pub.
I have…Thankfully I think that is all behind me….but just in case I still practice these…
@Cruiser How does he bang, bang them in the face after he’s done the groin kick? Still standing?
@Cruiser I may have been imagining it, but when I watched that I’d swear that I could smell corn chips, beer, and testoserone.
@faye You don’t want to know!
@Trillian You left out the stale popcorn and cigarette smoke!
@Cruiser The corn chip smell overpowered almost everything else. He must have had his shoes off at some point.
Bar fights are the only reason I would go to a bar. I’ve never participated in one, but I love watching them. It’s free entertainment (as long as no one is seriously injured, of course.)
Yes I have. I am not sure exactly what happened but a lady came out of the bathroom and I guess her friend was kissing her man. She flew, I swear literally ,over the table knocking drinks down and was smacking her in the face while the boyfriend, who could hardly could stand ,was trying to pull her off. It was Jerry Springer . I was like WHOA! Hair pulling and fists wailing and every other word was BITCH. The cops were called. Pretty exciting.
Yes, I have, You must be extremely careful of the sucker punch.
I’ve been sucker punched, but never in a bar. I guess I should consider myself lucky?
@TheOnlyNeffie No! heh heh..sucker punched is sucker punched regardless of where the action took place.
And it is never fun to be the recipient thereof.
@faye I was sitting on the arm of a friend’s sofa, when the drunk person sitting on the sofa decided it would be funny to pop me in the eye. I was so stunned that I fell off of the couch. Needless to say, I wasn’t very amused. I am now, though. It’s funny in retrospect… but not so much at the time.
Not too long before I met him, my husband, Mark, was in one. His girlfriend at the time was the bartender, and had said “last call” to start closing the place down. Some dude at the other end of the bar started mouthing off at her, calling her a bitch, etc. So, Mark saunters down there to ‘gently suggest’ he knock it off. He’s a big dude, and is used to being able to intimidate just about anyone to see things his way, so he wasn’t really expecting any trouble. He’d never had his ass handed to him, and just wasn’t at all concerned about it. The drunk guy starts fucking with my husband, and it becomes physical.
Unbeknownst to Mark, drunk guy was not there alone. His two buddies had been playing pool or something, and came from behind. The three of them beat the holy shit out of Mark, including kicking him in the face when he was already down. He left that bar in an ambulance, and spent about a week in the hospital. After that, he took to doing his drinking at home. He likes to say, “Yeah, I’ve had my ass kicked. But I was drunk as a skunk, and it took three of ‘em to do it!”
@augustlan Oh my gosh, poor guy! Those are exactly the kind of bar fights that I hate to see.
@TheOnlyNeffie Yeah, I was pretty horrified when I heard about it. I was so glad I hadn’t known him at the time and didn’t see the damage. Apparently, he looked pretty bad when friends saw him afterward. He has a scar from the top of his nose to his eye socket from being kicked in the face. :(
@augustlan aw, I can only imagine. :( I wish that I could say that the whole thing is barbaric and makes me want to look away, but I would be lying. I’m a boxing/MMA kind of girl, so a street fight to me is like a live show. However, it’s one thing to see a couple of drunken idiots falling over their own feet trying to swing at each other and basically making a fool out of themselves. It’s a completely different story when someone, particularly someone that isn’t acting like a moron, gets hurt in the process. That’s a real shame. At least he has a good story, though? :)
A good story, and the scar makes him look even more intimidating. ;)
I used to bartend and cocktail waitress back in the day so I’ve seen a few. Mostly the parties were too drunk to do anybody damage, but one time I tried to defuse a potential “situation” and got popped in the eye for my troubles. ouch and that stopped the fight. The guy was so horrified that he started to cry. (At the time I was an intimidating 5 ft 1 in tall and 110 lbs…I dropped like a stone!)
Sure. My gal pal and I went out to a club one night to watch her stepson’s band play and met up with her husband, two nieces, the nieces boyfriends and the bandmates’ SO’s. All of us were drinking and having a great time when my gal pal decided to start a mosh pit. Some drunker than us guy trampled onto her and took her down as he fell down. To onlookers from the bar it looked like the drunk guy tackled her so the whole family clan got up, rushed over and started to stomp the guy. My gal pal crawled out from the dogpile reaching for my hand and asking me to go get some more Rum with her. Ahhh, the good ole days!
@TheOnlyNeffie How can you say that. I knew of several local people that lost their lives in them or were seriously injured/disfigured for life. It’s not like the movies. Tell that to the guy who was stting quietly minding his own business when a much bigger guy starts hammering him for no reason. Tell that guy you enjoyed watching that. In most of these fights there is usually an aggresser and a victim, not two willing brawlers.You enjoy going to a bar to watch a fight, wow.
@Jabe73 I say it because it’s true. Why should I lie? I have seen enough bar fights in my life that I don’t have to compare them to the movies, and the majority of them involved a couple of drunken idiots attempting to wail on each other while stumbling around.
If you’ll notice, I mentioned above that if someone innocent is involved, or if someone is seriously injured that I would not find that “entertaining”, I’m not heartless. But if a few morons want to get drunk and rowdy and make a fool of themselves.. then yes, I appreciate the comedy in that.
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