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jlm11f's avatar

I want my wake up alarm to play latest news headlines. Any software recommendations for this?

Asked by jlm11f (12421points) September 3rd, 2010

I googled, but I haven’t heard of any of the freewares/sharewares that offer this feature. I did find one website that does this using a phone call reminder but I’d prefer a desktop app. Plus the website only allows 30 free alarms a month. There aren’t any reviews to rely on. Does anyone on Fluther use any sort of software for this? I have a really hard time waking up, and I think something like this will help me.

I do see a few legit softwares that play your music files to wake you up. But what I want is something that can stream something like BBC radio to wake me up. If you think there’s a relatively simple way that I can create this feature myself, then let me know too.

Thanks! – From the constantly sleep deprived.

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