General Question

gorillapaws's avatar

ITunes 10 UI: do any of you like the visual changes?

Asked by gorillapaws (31058points) September 3rd, 2010

iTunes 10 came out earlier this week and with it are some major visual changes. I really can’t think of any of them I like, and it hasn’t grown on me over the past few days either.

I have heard a lot of complaints by others as well, so I’m curious, does anyone actually LIKE the changes? If so, what do you like and why do you think it’s an improvement?

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8 Answers

blah_blah's avatar

Nope.. I hate most of them. The shitty part is iTunes changes are the test for things that get pushed into OS X. The volume control make me want to hurt pizzas.

DominicX's avatar

I don’t care for the new iTunes logo and I don’t care for the lack of color in the icons on the left hand side. I know it’s considered “sleek” these days for everything to be gray (silver) and colorless, but it gets to be a bit dry and dull after a while…

I definitely prefer the old look. I won’t be surprised if OS XI has absolutely no color whatsoever.. :P

O7m0's avatar

The new desgin oky not the best the only thing I like it’s load faster with my old laptop and just kinda looks boring and dry looking other than that sooner or later they will change it again without asking what we like or not they do the change they wanted to help them not us !!!!

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DeanV's avatar

It needs color. Lots more if it.

Pistol's avatar

The 3 buttons on the left being vertical are just weird to me. The lack of color makes it look more drab than sleek. The volume control looks bigger and clunky.
I’m still not sure I get Ping all together but I do love the way the controls are on the artwork when you pull them up. I also like the main music list. I think it looks more sleek and clean.

I’m hoping the next OSX doesn’t follow suit. I don’t think it will ‘cause I’m sure they’re just testing the waters.

serenityNOW's avatar

My theory about the icon:

Steve Jobs was workin’ on his Photoshop chops when he realized you can make a pretty gradient. He then found some clip-art notation symbols, and voila! The new icon. Then, boom! He wondered why he even has minions doing all the design work. So, goodbye designers, hello a new era of Apple design.

Seriously, it makes me want to vomit.

rawrgrr's avatar

The only things I don’t like are the bland and gray icons at the side and the vertical buttons at the top. I don’t like it because it’s very inconsistent with the rest of the system and is lacking some color.

I don’t mind the new logo though.

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