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LostInParadise's avatar

Is the Trinity mentioned in the Bible?

Asked by LostInParadise (32248points) September 4th, 2010

I find it hard to imagine Jesus saying that he would be joining his father and the Holy Spirit to form a single operating unit. If it is not in the Bible then where did the idea originate?

I see the Trinity as solving a sticky problem. Jesus had in effect taken over the family business. Nobody prays to God the Father. He has no role to play in Christian holidays. But you can’t have God the Father go into retirement, so what’s to be done with him? Link him to Jesus, throw in the Holy Spirit to keep things from being too obvious, and say that there is some incomprehensible union among them. Problem solved.

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14 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

There are several Biblical references in What does the Bible teach for you to look over. Or maybe this site would be more informative.

This subject is largely a matter of interpretation.

lillycoyote's avatar

No, I don’t think it is, but I think it is an idea that came along early in the history of the Christian church. Here’s a little background, though I can’t absolutely vouch for the source.

zen_'s avatar

When you say the Bible… it can’t be the Bible (Old Testament) because Jesus wasn’t around yet. Jesus was Jewish, no dispute there. Jews do not believe in the New Testament.

I’m gonna go with a resounding “No”.

Pistol's avatar

The bible says in Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” Implying there are three persons under one name. God the Father is our creator, Jesus is the communicator between God and man, and the Holy spirit is there to help and guide us. They are each their own person with their own responsibilities but all have the same authority level. Three persons in one Godhead. In other words existing as three persons but as one mind. The relationship of the trinity is much like marriage in the bible. You and your spouse become one; Not physically but in mind.

At least thats what I believe. =)

lillycoyote's avatar

@zen_ Do Jews actually call it “The Bible?” Do they even refer to “The Old Testament?” Because wouldn’t referring to the “Old Testament” imply that there is a “New Testament?” What are you up to here, dear?

zen_'s avatar

Jews don’t believe Jesus is God either, but it doesn’t mean I can’t write it in reference to something. I also do not represent all Jews.

Pistol's avatar

@zen_ Judaism has nothing to do with this. The OP asked if the Bible says anything about the trinity. Obviously Jews don’t believe in the trinity because they don’t believe in Jesus. In the religion of christianity and in the scope of the Bible, it is mentioned. The Bible doesn’t say “trinity” but it does speak of God the Father, Son and Holy spirit, three in one.

@LostinParidise I’m not sure why you say nobody prays to God the Father. I think thats exactly who most people pray to. You pray to God in Jesus’ name because without Jesus’ sacrifice, we are considered sinful and disconnected from God.

I like to think of it as God is the destination, Jesus is the bridge and the Holy Spirit is the map on how to get there.
Not sure that’s entirely accurate but it helps me.

lillycoyote's avatar

@zen_ Sorry if I in any way encouraged anyone to get his or her knickers in a twist. I was just curious.

SeventhSense's avatar

In the Christian faith, Jesus was/is God the father and he left His Spirit as a comforter, guide and presence. And actually rather than usurp God he offered the Lord’s Prayer which is directed at Jehovah. In fact he only claims that you should pray to the Father but it gets tricky because all three aspects are the same. He says if you have seen me you have seen the father, his love etc.:

1 It happened that while Jesus was praying in a certain place, after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples.”

2 And He said to them, “When you pray, say:

‘1 Father, hallowed be Your name.

Your kingdom come.

3 ‘Give us each day our daily bread.

4 ‘And forgive us our sins,

For we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.

And lead us not into temptation.’ ”

~Luke 11 1–4

lillycoyote's avatar

@SeventhSense With all due respect, how exactly do these passages specifically reference and support the doctrine of the Trinity?

LostInParadise's avatar

@YARNLADY , The supposed references in the Old Testament are quite a bit of a stretch.

@Pistol , Baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit does not make them equal. Someone who believes in Islam can speak of doing things in the name of Allah and Mohammad his prophet without implying equality. You may pray to God the Father, but it is my understanding that most Christians pray to Jesus. And certainly nobody prays to the Holy Spirit.

@zen_ , Let’s not get caught up in semantics. You can substitute New Testament for Bible in the question.

zen_'s avatar

Serious question, as I don’t really know anyone not Jewish: do you call the New Testament “The Bible” and the Old Testament just that? Jews call the “Old Testament” the Bible, and think the “New Testament” is a well-written book of fiction.

LostInParadise's avatar

@zen_ , I am Jewish and an atheist. To me both testaments are wonderful works of fiction. I used the term Bible because the question was mainly addressed to Christians. If I had it to do over again, I would use the term New Testament instead.

SeventhSense's avatar

Well my answer was actually answering your hierarchy when describing “the family” in an all too human way. It sounded like Jesus was Michael Corleone trying to establish pole position.
There are numerous occasions that the plural of God is used as Elohim in Hebrew and in those instances it is a plurality of more than two. This is a good reference of the numerous instances rather than quote endlessly. But again the idea of an omnipresent God presupposes His manifestation in any one form alone. The aspects of God allow for His omniscience within every aspect of His creation.

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