Will you make someone happy today? How?
Asked by
zen_ (
September 4th, 2010
Here’s a list of ideas from this website:
Help them carry something.
Send a thank-you email.
Call just to see how they’re doing.
Pick them flowers.
Cook them a nice meal.
Tell a joke and laugh your butts off.
Write a love letter to a loved one.
Give them a cherished book.
Bake cookies.
Praise them publicly.
Thank them for a job well done.
Be there when they’re in need.
Give a free hug.
Spend time with them, having fun.
Do errands or chores for them.
Say I love you.
Help them get ahead.
Be proud of them.
Babysit if they need it.
House sit if they need it.
Buy them movie tickets.
Create a care package.
Coffee. Mmmm.
List the things you love about them.
Secretly leave them thank you notes.
Give a back rub when appropriate.
Deliver a nice lunch to them when they’re having a rough day.
Love them, completely.
Be happy yourself.
Do you have any ideas on how to make people happy?
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33 Answers
I will play a game with my kids. That will make us all happy.
Yes, @zen_. You! I love you man!
I will Lurve everyone on your question… but I think I’m at your max
No, sadly, I didn’t and it’s kind of too late to make someone happy today (it’s 11:45 p.m here so I get a clean slate, a brand new day, in about 15 minutes), but I will try tomorrow, only because I don’t want to let you down, or let my friends and loved ones down. An inspiring little nudge, dear.
Ooh, I read clean, I have to clean. It would make me happy to not look at my mess. My daughter will be home from a camping trip to the mountains- I’ll make her lunch- A tremendously dumb friend got a 24 hr suspension so I’‘ll drive him to the cops. I promise not to bitch at anyone.
Zen, you are such a sweet spirit. No wonder I really do love you. :):)
v lillycoyote too!!
@talljasperman Well, maybe I will just go ahead and do that. I went on a bit of a “lurve” spree earlier this evening and if I can just keep up my momentum and focus… :-)
Today is my daughters 15th Birthday. We have a very rough year with family and a break up with an abusive father, but today is all hers. I will make her very happy with some of her gifts, her special request for dinner, and all the attention I can shower on her. In turn, her brother and I will be happy to have made her day special.
The peace that the three of us have worked so very hard for make us appreciate each day that we share together. Please, Thank You and I Love You have become daily rituals for us, so yes we are Happy!
To all my fellow Fluther friends…. I wish you smiles for this Sunday, and a warm place to be loved.
I played games with my son early and chatted with my husband online for a few hours! It was so nice to talk to him (we haven’t been able to talk much lately). That made both of us happy!
I bought a newspaper from a homeless person for one dollar. this put a smile on his face and that made me feel just great.
Isn’t it amazing how a smile and a greeting to a lonely person can add so much to their lives, and ours? I try to smile and say “Good-day to everyone I cross paths with” 99% of the time O get a good response back.
It was my grandma’s birthday today and we went and had a little party at her house.
right now the time is 07:30 am and I am in bed with mom lying next to me. I will try to make her happy, by not fighting with her.
Preform oral sex on someone. It’s sure to bring a smile ;-)
Tonight I stayed three hours late to finish up lots of projects at work and prepare everything for the morning. (One of our employees called out of the morning shift tomorrow, and we will probably be really busy.) So hopefully, that will make my boss happy. He works really hard. Then, I’ll make myself and a friend happy by getting drinks at the waterfront after work.
Earlier today some friends and I, on the way back from a ride, stopped at a lemonade stand with the cutest little girl and little brother you can imagine. At $.75 they were STOKED to sell some lemonade.
It was the biggest revelation in the world that they could get 3 whole quarters for something their mom gave them for free. They were beside themselves. They had a little cash box, with like a dollar in it, that they were diligently managing. Just ridiculously cute.
I’ll never forget the glee they had looking up at me as I asked if they would sell me a second cup. They squealed in excitement, in total accomplishment.
It completely made their day, and they made my year.
@ipso I love it! However, who is going to be the one to break it to them that such a business works now, but after, say age . . . :D
On a field trip, we stopped at one of those mobile ice cream./snack trucks – and for a few items paid about 50 bucks. Who knows what’s in store for those little kids.
I baked a cake for my neighbor because they are so considerate.
Play with the kids, always a mutually happy occasion. Take Penny (our doggy) for her walk, well actually let’s call it her run. Who knows what else….the day is yet young.
@Seaminglysew and @py_sue Today is my son’s 7th birthday!
@zen_ That list is kind of funny to me, since as a stay-at-home mom most of that stuff is part of my “job.” :)
Since, like I said, it’s my son’s birthday, a big part of my day will be spent making him smile. We’re having some family over for his birthday dinner, featuring a menu he chose: fried chicken, steamed clams, carrots, peaches, cornbread, and brownies with whipped cream. Getting to open presents and be the center of attention will certainly make him smile! Hopefully all of the good food and time with family will make everyone else smile too!
Also, my kids are going to be grinning from ear to ear because I went grocery shopping last night and picked up a rare treat…Lucky Charms.
I thanked my mother for making me frehly ground homemade espresso and bringing me breakfast at work.
I wished my bf a good day to lift his spirits to work outside for 10+ hrs in over 100 degree heat.
Shit!! I didn’t make anyone happy today either. What is my problem?
@papayalily Thank you sweetheart, just with that, you made someone happy today!
I try every day and pretty much hit the mark. Although, I’d feel like a ham and a bit of a stinker listing things I’ve done or do. That would take the specialness out of it for me.
iamthemob sent me the nicest PM and that made me happy. Kinda knocked me outta my funk. :)
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