Social Question

Has religion ever hampered you ability to have a conversation with someone?
I’ve tried to think of a simpler or more delicate way of putting it, and I couldn’t quite get there. I hope no one is offended.
My cousins and I have always been really close. But they live in another state so sometimes we don’t see each other for large amounts of time. Recently they came to visit and apparently have been going through a huge lifestyle makeover and have become very religious. I was talking to my cousin about a problem I was having in my relationship.
The advice she gave me was of the “the bible says” “put your trust in him” “when I pray about it” variety.
I am not religious and she knows this. I could do nothing with the information she gave me. Also for the rest of the time they were here, anytime anyone would ask them a question about themselves it would turn into something about Christianity. It got to the point that I kept my yap shut about anything personal and I wonder if our relationship is ever going to be as close as it was before, since I feel like I can’t have a in depth conversation with them without it turning religious.
(Sorry if I’m rambling, I’ve been thinking about it all morning.)
Has religion ever put a damper on a converstion for you?