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flipper's avatar

Is corn being snubbed ?

Asked by flipper (165points) March 26th, 2008

It seems like corn does not get its just recognition. Corn is the back bone of a nation built on freedom. I don’t think corn gets enough credit for contibuting to the greatness of this nation. I think it is being snubbed for more popular foods like steak, peas and berries. What do you think?

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11 Answers

brownlemur's avatar

Whether you know it or not, a ridiculously high percentage of foods that we eat have corn derivatives in them. Have you read The Omnivore’s Dilemma? There’s a question about it on fluther somewhere….

scamp's avatar

It’s not being snubbed by me. I love corn! It’s my favorite veggie.

brownlemur's avatar

Here is the link to the aforementioned discussion about The Omnivore’s Dilemma.

delirium's avatar

Corn is kind of evil.
Its interesting to look at native american remains because you can see when they get corn. Suddenly they get TONS of cavities, periosteal infections, and anemic (Beyond the telling of it. Downright disgusting) individuals.

Corn is sweet, easy to grow, and fills you up… it, however, doesn’t have what you need to survive.

High fructose corn syrup, anyone?

gailcalled's avatar

Au contraire; we eat far too many corn derivatives. Read the labels on all packaged or processed foods (delirium mentioned the omnipresent ingredient). And that steak ate mainly corn…very few beef cows are free-range now.

That doesn’t belie how delicious fresh corn-on-the-cob is.

Randy's avatar

I agree with scamp. Corn is my favorite as well.

Rememberme's avatar

Yes, The Omnivores dilemma is an informative book! I also recommend the movie “King Corn”
Basically, the majority of the corn grown in the US is not sweet yellow corn, it is a genetically modified super corn (not delicious). Also that corn needs a great deal of fertilizers and pesticides. Huge amounts of fossil fuel energy is needed to grow and process the corn (run tractors over the fields multiple times, bring corn to elevator, deliver corn to destination by train, actually process corn, make into some kind of food, deliver to grocery store, bring home, and much much more!) It is the american way, but it aint working…

ketoneus's avatar

One reason corn is so pervasive is because it is incredibly subsidized ($9.4B in 2005).

Corn farmers are cashing in from subsidies, exports, and from increased demand for corn-based ethanol.

How does a corn farmer double his income? Put up a second mailbox.

BirdlegLeft's avatar

Are we talking corn the food source? Or corn the commodity? If the commodity, then there is no lack of love. Seriously, they have one of the largest lobby groups backing them. Corn is bunk. Boo corn.

flipper's avatar

Where is Corn Man????

iSteve's avatar

No, no, corn is good! Corn is my friend!

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