How do you approach a cashier to meet them?
Asked by
Syger (
September 7th, 2010
Long story short there’s an attractive cashier I saw last week at the nearby Wal*Mart and since I just went through the most confusing hell of my life and I’m tired of being a lonely dude who doesn’t really ever get to hang out with anyone- I’ve decided I’d like to approach her and make a new friend, or possibly more.
Thing is, I’m not really sure how to go about it. She was incredibly friendly- far more than any other cashier I’ve dealt with, and I was thinking of using that to casually ask if she’d like to hang out some time… but I’ve never done something so ballsy, or blunt. As in I’ve never asked anyone out or really made a friend by approaching them like that. So I’m pretty clueless on how that might play out. I’m 18, and she looks to be around the same general age.
tl;dr: There’s a cute cashier I’d like to meet, how can I do this without being creepy or make a fool of myself.
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39 Answers
Aw! So cute. Okay, just be yourself, like you are explaining this to me now. Just be honest that you want to hang out or otherwise go out on a date. Don’t try to impress her. I personally find a guy who’s a little nervous around me very cute and more attractive. I think it’ll be a lot easier than you think. Just ask her if she wants to hang out. Good luck with it.
Approach the cashier in her line with some items you want to buy. Ask her out.
@Syger You are so in luck here, dude! :-) She’s a cashier, she’s stuck behind her cash register so it’s not like you have to chase her down; whenever you’re ready, you know exactly where to find her. You just take @py_sue ‘s advice and you should be fine.
@lillycoyote I gotta say that you present a very true fact about her. :)
Buy tons of things. As she checks each item, ask to cancel it and return it. See how she deals with it. That is a good indication about how she’ll be after a long, miserable shift as a cashier. Still want to ask her out?
Go again the next day. Buy a few things. Ask her out. Just say – can I get you a cup of coffee or dinner sometime? Preferably when people are around to hear it.
You’ll always have the story if it works out.
If you’re going to buy lots of stuff, buy cheap stuff like gum or candy.
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@py_sue I have to admit that I’ve pursued a guy or two in my life and it can get complicated. You have to decide when or if or whether or not to call him. Or you have to figure out how to just “happen” to run into him. This girl’s a sitting duck. All @Syger has to do is make his move and you gave him some good advice.
I once developed a crush on the kid who loaded the groceries into our car. (We were both teenagers.) I’d see him at least once a week, he always looked at me and smiled, but I was too shy to actually talk to him. I finally got up the nerve to hand him a card with my phone number on it and a note, then hopped in the car and told my mom “Drive, drive!”. I was so embarrassed. But, he did call me, and we dated for a few months. What have you got to lose?
just ask her if you can meet up after her shift Or go for coffee some time, it’ll either be a yes or sorry I’m with someone :-/ just go for it, lifes too short to be self-conscious…........
I would go through the line a few times with small things, and then ask her if you’re going to have to continue buying gum in order to get to talk to her, or would she meet you for coffee at a place of her choosing. Give her your phone number written on a pack of gum or a concert ticket, or something interesting.
Good luck!
Buy tampons, pads and douches at her register. She’ll know you’re the kind of guy who can run to the store for her and not be embarrassed.
This will probably be moderated but my wife was quite happy about me being able to run to the store and buy her feminine products without putting up a fuss
Buy things daily… at the same cashier. Slip her a card with your email that has your facebook account on and your phone number. Then she can add you on facebook, look at your background info and friends you have. Might have something in common. Then you might see her online on Fb or she could SMS you.
It’s OK to be rejected – she has a right to say “no” as much as you have a right to ask. Don’t worry about it – be thick face.
Start buying a few cheap items regularly so that she becomes familiar with you and make up some small talk each time you go through the checkout, then you won’t be such a stranger when you ask her out for a coffee or something low key, the worst that can happen is she’ll say she has a boyfriend, good luck!
I say do it like how my Dad asked my Mom out for the first time. Come up to her drunk, and ask her out on the date. If she then says something along the lines of try asking when you’re sober, come back the next day sober and freshened up and ask her out again.
I would just pretend she’s somebody you like that you might meet anywhere and operate accordingly. You don’t even have to pretend that.
Go through the line and buy a rose with a card attached it,Write your name and phone number that says please call me. I think you beautiful. After you pay for it. Hand it to her.. Smile and walk out the door.
Pick up something and buy it….....from her lane. in advance, prepare a little note and state to her what you have stated to us. be honest, sincere and have your name and phone number on your note. give it to her, while she is totaling your merchandise and ask her to read this later. she will read your note and all you can do is wait. happens all the time.
Be direct, but funny. When she asks “did you find everything you were looking for?”, tell her “well, no, I haven’t found your number—yet.”
I agree absolutely (and was going to make the same suggestion) as @Frenchfry ! Do they sell roses at Wal-Mart? Not sure.
If they don’t, buy it somewhere else, anyway. Then, just take the rose through the line with something so that she HAS to check your items. Put the rose on the counter. And when she looks for the bar code (if Wal-Mart doesn’t have any) just say: “That’s not from here…that’s especially for you.” Smile and walk out.
Get one rose (pink is romantic) and attach a note (like @Frenchfry suggested): ” I think you are beautiful. Would you like to go out for a coffee sometime and just chat? Call me at: 123–4567 (plus Facebook info/email). Syger” Keep it light….you don’t want her to think you are stalking her.
Use Facebook only if you don’t have embarrassing stuff on there….and definitely put an email on there because sometimes people are shy to call….but will write you. Give her all the options to find you.
If she doesn’t call you, don’t be discouraged, at least you did try.
Good luck…and please keep us all posted!
P.S. Make sure it is a real rose not a plastic or silk one! Please! :)
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Giving the girl a rose? Seriously? I’d freak the eff out and I wouldn’t be flattered at all. :|
There is something as “coming off too strong”. The flowers and a note seems way too strong, imo. Not trying to bad mouth your suggestions, but what if she has a boyfriend? Then the rose and card thing will just make everything awkward. I was at the mall one time buying some clothes, and there was this cute cashier guy. I was totally scared of asking him for his number, but I knew I didn’t want to leave that store without it. So, when he was ringing up my stuff.. I started to make small talk as best as I could. I even lied a bit about knowing some people that went to his school. I then asked him if he had a facebook or number incase we might ever want to hang out sometime. He said “sure” and I got his number. I was literally shaking with fear and excitment when I left the store. Just make small talk and ask for her number. Don’t be a freakin’ creeper.
Buy something, go up to her and when you’re done with the purchase, ask “Would you like to meet me after your shift for a coffee or something?”
Thanks for the advice and encouragement all. :)
As for the rose ideas… those are way over the top and I can’t see anyone doing it without being incredibly creepy. Next time I see her there (I’ve been going every opportunity I get since I first saw her, haven’t seen her since) I’ll just casually ask as she’s checking me out. lolpun
I used to be a cashier, and then I managed a team of cashiers.
If she’s young ‘n cute, she probably gets hit on a lot. If you want to add your name to that list, just be light and casual about it. If you come off as creepy, she won’t go out with you (she has a lot of creeps to choose from if that’s what she wants) and then you’ll become a story in the cashier office or break room.
Get to know her a little bit first. When you visit, make small talk. If she offers up any information about herself, take that as a clue that she doesn’t hate you. If these conversations go well and you build up a rapport, proceed forward. (A good sign is if she remembers you.) If you find out something you have in common (“Boy, I sure want to see that new movie out soon!”), that would also be a good hint. Be nice and casual about it, and if she says no, take her at her word. Don’t get her into trouble at work by taking up more than your “allotted” time with conversation, and don’t give her anything that she can’t keep at her register – a rose might get her in trouble with the manager, or get funny looks and questions from customers all day.
Remember: she’s a captive audience. She has to help you, whether she’s comfortable with it or not. If you are heavy-handed about it, it will be extremely awkward for her. Just like waitresses, cashiers MUST serve the public with a cheery demeanor, which makes people suspect that they’re available and interested because that’s their job, but it could very well be only her work mask.
Long term, don’t be rude or mean to any other cashier there, ever. Cashiers all talk to each other because they have each others’ backs, and if she mentions you, you don’t want her friend to say, “Oh him? He’s the jerk that made me cancel off half his order and re-shelf it. Grr!”
Mostly, be cheerful to her (at Wal*Mart, I bet she waits on a bunch of jerks), and follow her lead.
@Syger and @ducky_dnl….....One rose and a note is creepy? But “Hey, wanna hang?” is not?
Hey, why not just go up to her and grunt that might work, too. And it’s a lot less effort. Don’t put yourself out for a hard-working girl, okay?
You should have asked, “Can you tell me how to ask a cashier out and act like all the other guys that go through her line every day?”
I was a cashier at a bookshop working my way through school. A guy would come in regularly and buy a book or two. I never noticed him till my boss said, “He comes in every day and when you aren’t working he comes in, looks for you and leaves if you aren’t here.” I thought it was cute. One day, near Christmas, he came in and I wasn’t working that day. He left a CD with a note on it. It was a CD of some music that I had told him I liked (when he was buying something else). I was really flattered that he remembered. And guess what? We did date for awhile till I moved away. That gift meant a lot as I didn’t earn a lot of money and it felt good to be appreciated.
Drop the rose, then….but please don’t drop being a gentleman. Cashiers work like the dickens and at Wal-Mart they work…for really low pay. I just thought a rose would garner you some extra points and really cheer her up. It will only be creepy if you are creepy about it.
Maybe a rose and a note is not called for…but it’s not creepy. Stalking a woman is creepy. If Leonardo di Caprio went through the line at Wal-Mart and gave her a rose…would that be considered creepy? No, it would be romantic. If Rod Blagojevich did it…well…it would probably be a little creepy. Creepy is in the guy who does the presenting not the gesture.
Forget the rose, then, but don’t forget your manners. They do make a difference to the women that really count.
I think @Frenchfry‘s suggestion is excellent. I really don’t understand why @ducky_dnl thinks it’s creepy… probably the difference between teenagers and adults. Adults don’t stand and chat about people they know in each other’s high schools and exchange Facebooks. “Freaking out” because you get a rose and a request for a date, thinking it’s creepy, is just a sign of immaturity. It’s not awkward if you give it to her right as you’re ready to leave the store. @Syger… I totally second the idea. :) Good luck!
@DarlingRhadamanthus I would certainly never drop being a gentleman, but a rose could come off as tacky among many other things to toady’s youth. It is a sweet gesture, but I just feel that today and in such an environment it would go misunderstood, perhaps if I knew her a little bit beforehand it would be more acceptable. If Mr. LdC did it, it would be romantic because he’s attractive and has lots of money, but that’s a whole different subject that I’m not wanting to start a huge fire over.
@laureth I would most certainly take her cues lightly prior to asking, but as I stated, she was exceptionally friendly and nice. I’m not sure if she’s like that with other customers as I’ve only seen her the one time so far, but most people generally follow workplace conduct so strictly. She also seemed genuinely happy or smiley (I don’t know how to describe it) unlike… well, most other cashiers. Perhaps she’s new and it was her first day on the job, I don’t know but I’m not going to read too far into it.
I am thinking a casual just dropping it (“I’d like to hang out with you sometime, here’s my number/facebook” or something) and letting her take it where she wishes would be a nice decision; but I’d also like a somewhat direct response so I don’t wonder myself into a hole thinking about how she took it, if/when she’ll reply or if she’s just plain laughing at me.
Go to her lane and ask her to call for a manager. Then tell the manager, in front of the cashier, that you’d like to commend this fine young cashier for being so friendly, and that she and her glowing personality are one of the main reasons you shop there instead of online…
Then buy some balls while you’re there.
@le_inferno It is creepy. A guy doesn’t have to give a girl a rose to be considered a gentleman or mature. Roses indicate intimacy. He’s met the girl once..that’s not very intimate. Making small talk is much better than “Hey, here’s a rose, now let me stalk you.” That’s how it comes off to some people. She might be flattered, but what if she doesn’t think like you, @Frenchfry, or @DarlingRhadamanthus think? What if a rose comes off creepy? Keep it light. Just a conversation. Also, what if she goes all crazy over the rose and it turns out @Syger doesn’t like her? He only knows her on a physical basis and how he saw her act at work. A rose is just over-doing it.
Great news! You’re a grown adult now so it’s acceptable for you to approach a stranger directly and calmly to ask if she’d like to go out on a date. Most people assume friendship is developed first while dating before anything more serious is implied so do it and have fun getting to know her.
I’ve cashiered before and been asked out for dates several times. I didn’t think it was creepy because how else would a stranger go about getting to know me? One time the man called my business and asked to speak to me directly and then asked me out. The other times the men either asked on the spot or came back a few minutes later to ask and I was okay with that. Offer to meet her or take her to coffee or lunch for the first date.
I agree with @ducky_dnl. Getting a rose from a guy you don’t know in a Wal-mart is a bit smarmy. So is “I’m interested in you because I think you’re beautiful.”
Plus, she would have to worry about what to do with the rose for the rest of her shift.
Lie down on the check out track and when your head rolls up to the register say “I’m free today, so please check me out”.
Is it a superWalMart with the groceries too? If yes then go a few times a week for a few weeks and only go to her station. If another clerk asks you to come over then walk up to then and say you only want to go to the one girl’s lane because you’re working up the confidence to ask her for a date. Word will get around and the next time you go to the girl’s lane then the look on her face when she sees you should tell you if she’s open to the idea or not.
Would asking to meet up at a park with a camera be a bit too much for a first ‘getting to know you’ kind of thing? I find it relaxing to take photographs, and I could see it being a fun activity pointing out possible neat shots to each other.
I’m just paranoid since I don’t know how open people are to others approaching them out of nowhere and being like LET’S BE FRIENDS LOL. probably since it’s never happened to me . _.
also; I think it’s cute how everyone assumes I just want to make her mine. :P I’m mostly just looking for a friend since most everyone I knew here moved away for college. I’m staying for the cheap community one :B
With a WHAT? For WHY? It’s relaxing is it? Ooooooo… save the slide show and the boy toys for a later date.
Look Syger, you’ve got your hook, your line, and your sinker right there with, “most everyone I knew here moved away for college.” That’s all you need pal.
So… step by step…
1. What did you do with your friends while they were in town? Art Museum? Botanical Gardens? Live Theater? What? Please don’t say bongs and Xbox. Find something that you want to do… Something notable… yet casual.
2. During checkout, say, “So I know this sounds silly, but I’ve been stuck without any friends since they moved away. I was hoping you might consider joining me at the Raphael display at the Art Museum. It’s running through the end of this month. Wanna go? I’m looking for some new friends.”
3. There is no 3.
Just make sure you do a little background research on whatever you decide to do. And if you really want to impress her, ask about her and listen listen listen, then validate validate validate. And make sure you turn off your cell phone in front of her so she understands that your attention is all about her.
Oh, and don’t forget to ask her out lying on your back while sliding down the checkout tram.
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