Where would I get pigeon holed, as a liberal or conservative?
It seems in America people are overly obsessed about which side you are on or how you are defined. I never really cared because I don’t identify with liberals or conservatives. However I do have leanings supported by both groups.
• Gun ownership.
• Low taxes.
• Favorable climate for all business.
• Prolife
• Married straight parent (no cohabitation, Gay or polygamist unions)
• No unions
• No affirmative action
School vouchers
• Free health care for all
• Free education for all
• More social spending; parks, after school programs, the arts, etc.
• Unions
• Legalized prostitution
• Legalized gambling anywhere.
• Green technology.
• No death penalty or if there is, it be televised
Based of those things I support where do you figure the political pundits where on the liberal or conservative scale would they try to pigeon hole me? Would I even be in any group at all, since there is not real conservatives or liberals, we are all in the middle just closer to one side or the other.
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32 Answers
You would pigeonholed as a moderate with leftist leanings towards the right.
Gadzooks! What in Sam Hell is a “Libertarian” now?
@Ben_Dover a moderate with leftist leanings towards the right. If a moderate is in the middle how can one be left of it and right at the same time?
Are the Conservative and Liberal lists in your details comprised of your views, or what you consider to be those of standard conservatives and liberals?
My guess is the latter, but I’d like to have that verified.
Then please resolve the paradox of your supporting both “No Unions” and “Unions”.
You sound more like a Centrist or someone with centrist leaning views (maybe a Whig). You do not seem libertarian, libertarians are usually very conservative with fiscal issues and social programs while being very liberal with many social issues (similar to the original platform of the Republican pary). It all depends where you are at, in a conservative area you would be viewed as liberal. In a liberal area you would be viewed as conservative. Overall I would say a Centrist.
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Free thinker? Not a bad pigeon hole.
An impossible dreamer? How do you intend to have both free health care and low taxes?
Not to mention unions and no unions.
I ‘d call you selfish. You have a lot of things you’d like the government to do, but you want it for free. And you want lots of freedom for yourself (gambling, prostitution,) but not for other people (no gay marriage, no cohabitation for straight couples, no abortion).
Weird. Just plain weird.
I guess, overall, I think you’re blinded conservative—kind of in the Bush mold. You want to tax less and spend more. You think there should be no sin, except if people pay for it.
At least you have a consistent no abortion, no death penalty stance.
Actually, what you sound most like, to me, is a Catholic. Pro life and pro helping people. Except you want to help all people. No singling out some people.
I’d say you are trying to be consistently fair about making everyone’s life—from the unborn to the condemned—as good as possible with no governmental favoritism for anyone. I.e., you do not see it as the government’s responsibility to make up for past injustices.
I guess it’s a kind of pro-business socialism.
Like I said. Weird. Just plain weird.
@wundayatta – at least we Catholics are expected to contribute to the collection basket every week. My father explained Catholic education to me: “you’re expected to contribute an additional amount equal to the tuition every year.”
There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
@zenvelo There’s only so far I can go in trying to reconcile his views.
The Catholic tithes go to run the Church and for Catholic Charities, not government programs.
FYI, the talk was courtesy of @laureth, although I introduced this article some time back.
Wait a minute. You are anit union and pro union. Sounds like schizophrenic more than liberal or conservative. :-)
I’m a hard one to peg as well. Pro 2nd amendment rights. Pro personal responsibility. I’m for deep cuts to or elimination of corporate tazes. I’d raise revenue strictly through income tax, capital gains tax and other means that do not put our businesses at a competitive disadvantage in matching costs with off-shore operations. But I am liberal on just about all social issues. Live and let live.
Low taxes and free everything?
does not compute… overload, overload
How about accepting the fact that you have nuanced political views and refusing to be sucked into the false dichotomy of liberal vs. conservative? What happened to people just having political views as opposed to some catch all label to describe themselves?
@ETpro, you and I are a lot more similar than I initially thought.
Yeah you’re a conservative.
@Hypocrisy_Central With a user name like yours, you more than anyone should have been able to understand, “a moderate with leftist leanings towards the right.”
The whole labeling of left right etc.. etc.. is just an idiotic bad joke. You cannot generalize people and when you do you simply help keep them divided.
I wonder who would want to keep all the people divided, eh?
@Brian1946 et al, I am for unions being a union man but I can also see how unions can get in the way. Unions can make a place or business less efficient, if a worker can’t help stack a pallet because it is the job of another union worker it can be as a dime holding up a dollar. When a person can’t help do something because of union policy or those policies get in the way of doing what is best for the business to do its best for the workers, unions get in the way. Especially if it is a very large union which won’t be flexible.
@Austinlad Free thinker? Not a bad pigeon hole. Ummmm…....I could embrace that, even while I avoid being labled.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I can third that.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Ouch You wound me….....but I still love ya…... :-)
@Simone_De_Beauvoir People can coin me ANYTHING but I am not a conservative nor a liberal in my book. It implies to others Ihave a predisposed train of thinking. Just as if I mistakenly called you, say, a lesbien based on what I thought I seen or knew of you, but not who you are or what you define yourself as. But if I said “That is @Simone_De_Beauvoir she is a lesbian because of this and that”, the other person I am speaking with might blanket you in the moniker I uttered. It is your opinion to see me as a conservative by giving more weight to my conservative leanings and not the so-called liberal ones. To be seen as just that is a blow, but then you don’t truly know me well enough to know how far off the mark you might be. :-)
@Hypocrisy_Central Regarding your explanation of being pro and con on unions, that makes great sense and fits closely with my views. Though I have some conservative positions, no one recently has accused me of being a conservative. It seems to me today you have to be a radical right-winger with fascist leanings or you are a RINO and must be run out of conservaland.
Like you, labels don’t suit me well either.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Political labels are still a major campaigning tool these days however. In my state (PA) Tom Corbett’s (who is Republican) biggest argument against his Democratic opponent is that he is “liberal”. Corbett is well ahead in the polls so far. Same with the Senate race. Pat Toomey has used this same “liberal” line against his democratic opponent. Political labels do still seem to hold some degree of importance, more for the political candidates themselves however. That big dreaded “L” word.
It just makes them easier to peg and thus easier to attack. Sigh.
You sound like me, I’m a liberal conservative republician progressive democratic libertarian.
Don’t mess with who people marry, keep the laws down, keep the infrastructure up, tax me fairly, stay out of my private life, and don’t expect me to pay for wars started for profit or the ego of old white guys.
I don’t like pigieon holes or people that put themselves in them.
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