Social Question

harple's avatar

Where would you like your remains to remain?

Asked by harple (10455points) September 7th, 2010

If you wish to be buried after you die, where would you like to be buried? Why?

If you wish to be cremated, where would you like your ashes scattered? or would you like them kept somewhere? Why?

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40 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’d like to be cremated and scattered in the lava flow from Kilauea Volcano and in the sea.

kenmc's avatar

I don’t know. Part of me doesn’t care and the other part of me doesn’t want to think about it.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I suppose I’d like a green burial next to my love…as to where, perhaps in Charlotte, North Carolina (where we met face to face for the first time).

Seaofclouds's avatar

I want to be cremated and have my ashes scattered at the hunting camp where my husband’s ashes will be scattered as well. We’ve already discussed this and it’s written up in his will. I still need to write up my will.

AmWiser's avatar

I have instructed my family to have my remains made into a diamond diamonds are forever

muppetish's avatar

After whatever viable organs have been removed from my corpse, I will be cremated. I’m not 100% sure where I want my ashes to go after that (I’m still young; give me time.) At the moment, I’d like them planted beneath a beautiful sapling. Maybe an oak tree.

harple's avatar

Beautiful answers folks, thank you…

@AmWiser wow, I’ve never heard of such a thing before, quite amazing.

@muppetish good for you for the organ donation. :-)

mowens's avatar

creamated. Just in case you are trapped in your body and not able to move…

harple's avatar

@mowens where would you then have your ashes scattered or kept?

CMaz's avatar

Cremated. Ashes put in a meatloaf.

Then fed to family and friends. My final word… EAT ME!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Cremated and mixed with my SO’s, then scattered in the woods somewhere.

downtide's avatar

Cremated, as is traditional in my family. As for what to do with my ashes – as I’ll be dead I doubt I would care. I’d like my family to decide what they want to do with them.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I want my ashes to be encased in a loaf of meat.

BratLady's avatar

I wish to be cremated and my ashes scattered at my favorite place. Cherokee,NC~

harple's avatar

Only one burial?...

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

For those of you who want to be cremated and have no specific plans on what you want done with the ashes, you always have this option.

crazyivan's avatar

I will be donating my body. I figure it’s the only productive thing one can do with their body once their done with it (superstition notwithstanding).

MissAnthrope's avatar

I don’t have any specific burial wishes. I think it’d be nice to be buried underneath a big, beautiful tree, but that’s probably impractical, or have my ashes scattered in a beautiful place. Honestly, I’m not really tied to anything in specific. I mean, I will be dead and I won’t know one way or the other… so I would like my family or people who love me to decide what they would like to do. Once I’m gone, it won’t matter to me, but they will have the rest of their lives dealing with my loss and I want them to choose the method that will make it easiest on them to cope.

marinelife's avatar

Cremated. Ashes scattered in the ocean.

I feel I would be going home.

Ben_Dover's avatar

Once dead I will cease to care. So I don’t bother with such silliness while I still live.

majorrich's avatar

I have a cast of my right hand made in wax as a younger man. I made it my wish to be cremated,mixed with water and plaster and cast into that mold. My hand is posed in the position of a one finger salute and will serve as my last great act of defiance. The wife unit is not likely to carry out my wishes.

harple's avatar

@Ben_Dover and yet you bothered to answer, thank you :-)

Austinlad's avatar

These lines from Pete Seeger’s song “Where Have All the Flowers Gone” say it for me…

Where have all the soldiers gone?
Gone to graveyards every one

Where have all the graveyards gone?
Covered with flowers every one

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

If you have specific wishes, they really need to be planned, discussed, and documented in advance. When my sister was diagnosed with cancer, she not only had a will, but put together a list of personal wishes she made up for just us, such as a memorial service vs. a funeral and certain music played. All of us, including her three daughters, were well aware of what they were and planned to carry them out.

What we didn’t know was about all the details involved in ensuring that they got carried out. While her body did go to research at her preferred medical school, despite being slightly under their conditions weight-wise, and while the remains were cremated, we did not get the ashes back as assured by the parties involved. Her daughters were upset, but have learned to move on.

Some of you might also be interested in this Fluther thread There are some interesting and creative ideas on what some Jellies would like to happen.

The bottom line is, make some type of arrangement while you are alive. Too many loved ones have been saddled with hefty expenses of a coffin and funeral service because there were no instructions and dealt with it based upon their own preferences.

Frenchfry's avatar

Cremate me and scatter me in the Wisconsin river. That is my favorite fishing spot in the whole world. It reminds me of the childhood.

Cruiser's avatar

I just want my ass cremated and the ashes made into a an epoxy garage floor coating and applied free of charge to my next door neighbors garage floor!!

WestRiverrat's avatar

I don’t care. Hopefully, as an organ donor, most of me will be useful to someone else.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I want them to be in a lab somewhere, so young medical students can carve me up and learn from me.

josie's avatar

Off the Kona coast of Hawaii

Seek's avatar

I want to find out how to legally (or at least, without any jail time for my beloved family – I can set aside money for fines.) have a Viking funeral.

Put me in a boat with my favourite sword and a bunch of kindling, set me into the water, and hit me with the flaming arrows.

Then, pass around the mead and have a good time.

YARNLADY's avatar

I carry a full body donor card in my wallet, so my remains will go to a room full of anatomy students, and from there to the waste disposal most likely. I did read that a Texas hospital requires a $250 deposit before they accept bodies, for the final disposition of the remains.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

I’d like to be cremated and have my ashes shot in to space. After I’m dead of course… :/

zen_'s avatar

^ Top that one, baby. Nice, Russ.

I’d actually like for my remains to remain where they remain. I.e., wherever it happens, a small monument to warn people of the dangers of that particular place; if it’s a car accident, slipping in a fast food restaurant, or battlefield. I’m dead anyway; take my useful parts for transplant and erect a little tomb. Just write: Loving Father – died happy, as his kids made all his dreams come true – and more.

Seek's avatar

@zen_ Like James Doohan and Gene Roddenberry. He’d be in good company.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

So no one here wants to follow in the footsteps of Jeremy Bentham?

harple's avatar

@FireMadeFlesh “Present but not voting” – love it!

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@harple I thought it was pretty clever (but also a bit morbid)!

mowens's avatar

@harple Wherever. :)

Justice13's avatar

I’d like my corpse to be placed within the vicinity of the person I hate the most. Then have someone stab my body, give the person I hate the most the knife, then take pictures when they are still confused, and then run and give those pictures to the police.

I could die happy then.

downtide's avatar

I was at a family “funeral” last weekend – not really a funeral, because that took place some weeks ago. This was just for the burial of the ashes in the family grave. The ashes were interred in a plastic box, and I thought, no matter what happens to me after I die, I do not want a plastic box to be involved in any way.

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