Social Question

harple's avatar

Do you almost compulsively buy any specific "useful" items, even though you don't need them?

Asked by harple (10455points) September 7th, 2010

I love mugs, cups, espresso cups etc. Despite living alone, I still buy mugs I like the designs on… I have way too many mugs for one person!

What do you find yourself collecting, under the auspices of their being “useful” items?

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12 Answers

AmWiser's avatar

Yes. Shoes. No explanation needed.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I have just recently stopped this, but… bookbags/backpacks/messenger bags.

I just dug on bags, man. But I don’t need 10 messenger bags. I’ve donated all but my two favourites.

Shoes and sweaters are their own category. I don’t get those things because I “need” them.

harple's avatar

Notebooks are another thing I’m a sucker for…

Coloma's avatar

Sheets and towels. I like to change the color scheme of my bedroom and bathroom a lot!

Shoes..meh. I’m a hippie chick, ‘shoes’ are sandles and boots for me. There are only two shoe seasons. lol

muppetish's avatar

Pens. Every time I go to our campus’ bookstore, I walk out with pens. It’s almost a compulsive habit. If I need to pick up a packet of scantrons, I end up in the pen aisle testing which brand has the best ink flow or whether there is a colour I want. It will take me ages to remember why I went in the store to begin with. I’m ridiculous.

At least if someone needs to borrow a pen, I can ask them whether they’ve a preference. I always have quite an array in my messenger bag.

I buy tons of books too, but I need those ;)

Cdog95's avatar

Nope. I’ve never done that and I probably won’t ever do it

Neizvestnaya's avatar


Foam insoles

Knickers- I have pairs I’ve never worn yet in over a year.

Austinlad's avatar

Shirts and electronic gadgets are my biggest weaknesses.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’m with the OP here. Mugs, mugs, mugs and more mugs. If it has a logo or design I like, that’s it, I have to have it.

harple's avatar

@JilltheTooth thank you! They’re like little works of art in your hand aren’t they? :-)

JilltheTooth's avatar

I swear the coffee tastes better with the little personal connection…

wilma's avatar

Curtains, I change them for the seasons, warm and insulating in the winter and light and floaty in the summer.
I have way too many that I have never used.

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