Until what age would you like to live and why?
Until what age would you like to live and why?
Would you like to stop ageing?
And if so, at what age would you like to freeze your ageing?
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31 Answers
I will take what I get, no more or less. I don’t really want to think about it otherwise.
I would like to stop aging now.
I’d like to live at least, like, a billion years, and only “die” in the sense of my consciousness melding with a greater collective mind or something. I would like to travel to other galaxies, which I understand takes a long-ass time.
I would happily live to whatever age I can still consider myself to be living and alive. Beyond that, I would be ready to say “thanks and so long”. I have no desire to stop ageing, I love how my body reflects the happenings in my life… lines from smiling, the little crease on my forehead when I worry, scars from stupid accidents, and even my achy hip which I “shouldn’t have at my age”, they all represent that I am alive and that I have experienced life, and am still doing so.
No particular age but I don’t want to live after my brain and body have given out.
I like what you say.
Yep, same here. I am having no issues with my aging, sure, I have funky days like this week with allergies and aches and pains, but, life is a gift and I am grateful that I am not having a meltdown over the loss of my youth like so many of my friends are expereincing. The age of wisdom rocks, let the parts fall where they may! lol
I’m not sure – all I know is that I want to live many many many more years.
I too like what you say @harple. In fact, you took the words right out of my mouth.
I like what you say, too, @Coloma. You took a few more words out of my mouth. Since we can’t go backwards, we might as well keep on moving forward, right?
@Austinlad But who took the teeth out of your mouth?
But just look at those happy, crinkled, smiling eye’s!
Better no teeth and a gleam in the eye than a mouthful of pearly whites concelaed beneath a frown.
@janbb—I didn’t think it showed.
I would like to die as soon as possible since it would be a relief for me, but not through suicide because I fear the unknown. Why? Everything I studied has led me to absurdism and now I’m not sure what move to take.
Reverse the negativity, study the Tao.
You WILL find that life delivers exactly what you expect it to.
Fill your cup with sour grapes you will get rancid wine. lol
Thanks for asking. I decided I was ready at age 45. Anything beyond that is gravy. I have no interest in living to 150… reliving every hurt and betrayal for extra decades? What’s the point?
I studied Tao and Tao is a religion and that is one of the options of absurdism. You either commit suicide, join religion, or you accept the absurd reality. I can’t join religion because that would be sacrificing complex thought. To sacrifice complex thought is not possible unless inflicting trauma. Tao preaches to become one with the universe through self cultivation and self realization. They believe in an ultimate truth. That all originated from Taiji and Tao. There is no such thing though as ultimate truths, or any indications of origination. Only uncertainty. There is only chaos.
I don’t take the Tao to extremism, I honor all wisdom, worship none.
So learn to live with uncertainty, and be happy, it’s easy! ;-)
You get one spin here, as far as we know, you can waste it mouldering away in angst and meanlessness or you can embrace the mystery and breathe in the joy of aliveness. :-)
Well, everyone lives a utilitarianism lifestyle, whether they realize it or not, but when you pursue learning as one of your pleasures, and you come to understand that it’s all chaos, it ends up getting in the way of enjoying yourself on earth. Plenty of fun things to do, but this supersedes all of it and ends up ruining the fun, but yes, as you say, accepting the absurd is the only option I can think of right now. Question is how to deal with it. A natural(non-suicidal) quick death would also be appreciated.
Sorry to hear that.
You don’t HAVE a life, you ARE life!
Why isn’t that enough?
All the rest of nature is content with it’s beingness, why should you not be?
Do the animals and trees and fish and bugs deny their beingness, waste their moments wishing they were otherwise. No.
Embrace the mystery, and yes, you are correct, acceptance is your only choice, and through acceptance you may just find joy in your aliveness.
I am more than content to just sit and watch the leaves fall, I have EYE’S!
How cool is that! :-)
You do create your own reality, create a great one!
Like I said in order to do what you say, you must destroy your complex thought, otherwise it’s impossible to change reality, you would have to trick your intelligence, that does not sit well or work as easy as you say. The only way I see that being possible is taking a hammer and giving a couple of whacks to the skull, or some other method to cause trauma to the mind.
Nah…it’s called meditation, not a hammer.
Thoughts create feelings, think the good ones, drop the rest, don’t be a prisoner of your own mind. ;-)
Meditation creates new thoughts, but it won’t destroy the truth you learned. That truth ruins the meditation. I tried it a few times when I took a trip in to the forest for week. Didn’t work. Granted, I didn’t try it long enough, perhaps I’ll reconsider.
I would like to stay the age I am now. I don’t want to not be able to make the stairs anymore. I told my daughter to shove me in a home if I start needing to be wiped and stuff like that. I hope I go before any of that.
I will live how ever long I live. When i die, i die.
98½ that is when I figure I will have blown through all my money after selling everything I own including the house I will have retired in. I simply wouldn’t want to burden my kids with having take care of me financially after that!
forever as long as I can walk unassisted and am in no pain/ too much to learn to die. Have to keep learning from coloma,
2000 or 3K if it’s possible. Further if further is possible up to an eternity.
Why? Because life is too good. Knowledge and wisdom takes time to develop and it is a shame to perish before you can share it well – and benefit society and yourself twice indirectly. I’d get a PhD in most fields that interest me and keep on thinking/being creative – solving problems.
1000 years is very possible with today’s biotech and so forth. We still need to put the pieces together but we’re not too far from wide-spread applications. Studies in mice, fruit flies etc prove that albeit in elementary levels. I follow a very good diet (vegan), very low in toxins and very high in antioxidants (slowing aging). I try to exercise adequately, and think positive – into the far future. Yes, I definitely think we can freeze aging, and it would be a good thing. The immediate reaction is – what about overpopulation? And my answer, what do you see when societies get rich and more organized? Less children – but not none. There will always be accidental deaths. Controlled/cooperated population would be best – even now. Why bring more to life only to see them suffer?
If the eternity is possible, put together all the little pieces of the whole wide truth. (The only time the article the should be used with the word truth – everything else is a truth – your truth.)
I’m planning on living at least until my 100th birthday, and beyond, I hope. I’ve got a good 33 years left and maybe more. There are several sites online with tips and ideas on how to live to be 100.
what’s living really worth? couple hundred billion?
Which would you rather have, your mind or your body?
I agree with @trailsillustrated. And I want to go before I get demented- Not that that is for sure!! Also, I’d like to freeze my age at about 10 years ago please.
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