@KatawaGrey : I think I have found a kindred spirit in you. What you shared is so much of what I believe. It’s incredible.
But let me get back to the OP. In as few words as possible, I’m going to try to relay an experience I had that I believe was spiritual.
On May 3, 1999, I was quite honestly at the end of my rope. I was newly out of the closet. I was married with children. I had abruptly come to the profound realization that I was killing myself with alcohol and that I couldn’t stop drinking. I also simultaneously realized that if my life didn’t change dramatically, I would kill myself quicker than the alcohol was doing. I was suicidal.
That evening I met a man who helped me see that I was an alcoholic. I objected to the 12 steps that I’d heard about for the first time at a meeting, and I explained that I couldn’t do them because God hated me. He said, “Why don’t you make up your own God?” A little light bulb went off in my head.
Driving home that night alone in the car, I said the words out loud wondering what a God would be like, if I made him up. Before I finished asking myself, I was filled with a presence like I’d driven through a fog bank. I felt it in my whole body. Head to toe. I knew instantly that I had a God. I knew what that God’s name was. And I knew that I never had to drink again as long as I lived. That last bit is a complete miracle that I’m happy to report has lasted for over 11 years.
My God’s name is a poem by T.S. Eliot. The whole poem. I shortened it to two lines “Stillness even as a Chinese jar/ Still moves perpetually in its stillness.” I call it Stillness for short.
Since that day, my belief in a spiritual world has come to include many things. I am no longer a Christian. I am not a monotheist. I believe in spiritual guides, I read tarot cards, I study astrology, and I have a firm belief in reincarnation. I do not profess to know how the spiritual world works, nor do I try to bend other’s to my beliefs. It works for me.
I have had many profound spiritual experiences since that day. Things that are unexplainable. Truly. Things that are not simply in my head, but that were witnessed by other people, too.
I have looked at this question all day wondering how to answer it. I hope I have.